Say That Podcast
Say That
SayThat Podcast
545- Rent the (Not so) Perfect Christian Boyfriend - episode of Say That podcast

545- Rent the (Not so) Perfect Christian Boyfriend

1 hour 11 minutes Posted Nov 30, 2022 at 12:33 am.
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This week we take an emergency look at a business seeking to rent out the perfect Christian boyfriend. And, in a rare instance, come up with an improvement!
As a spouse in such a situation, how can you support the partner that has lost interest in sex? I am discouraged, but I don’t want to pressure them either. (
I have different political views than my parents. I know that, they know that. It’s whatever. The part that drives me crazy is not them disagreeing with me or thinking I’m wrong, it’s when they imply or flat out say that I only believe what I do because I was brainwashed or that “I’ll figure it out when I’m older”. I don’t know why, but that really bothers me and I don’t know how to say anything or if I even should. Help? (
I was reading the part of the gospels with John the Baptist recently. I don’t really know what I’m supposed to take from it. I get that he prepared the way for Jesus and was important. But I don’t know what I am supposed to do with any of this? (
Closing Song: Angels We Have Heard On High (The Poohouse Guru)
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