Say That Podcast

Say That

SayThat Podcast
Where your big questions get real answers
552- Passion of The Christ: 2 Raised 2 Risen
Ask A Question: [email protected] (Anonymous) I have been thinking about the idea of “bearing fruit”. It seems like it’s just a Christiany way to say “be busy and accomplish a lot”. Am I missing something? (15:47-30:28) A famous pastor recently said online that the most important thing a Christian can do is read the whole Bible repeatedly. Honestly, I get a little tired of the Bible sometimes. Is that okay? (30:32-48:21) Romans 2:5 says that because of stubborn you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath. That sounds bad. What can I do about that? (48:24-59:09) Closing Song: 2 Corinthians 3:17 (The Poolhouse Guru)
Jan 18, 2023
1 hr 2 min
551- Dr Feelgood, Heal Thyself
Ask A Question: [email protected] Is "being intentional" really an important thing? Or is it another Christian cliche? (18:43-32:54) I know we are not supposed to judge other people’s salvation. But there are also clearly people who claim the title of “Christian” who don’t line up with the teachings of Jesus at all. What are we supposed to do with that? (32:57-46:31) Sometimes in the gospels, when Jesus heals someone, He tells them to tell people- like their village or the temple officials. Other times He tells them to keep it a secret. I can’t see a pattern in why it is one or the other. What is going on here? (46:36-57:38) Closing Song: No One Like You (Lee Younger)
Jan 12, 2023
1 hr 1 min
550- The Bowl Osteen, Brought To You By Crest White Strips
Ask A Question: [email protected] People say the new year is a good time for a fresh start. That sounds good to me, but I don’t really know how to do it. (17:13-31:17) 2022 was a rough year, and it took a lot of me. How do I actually make 2023 better? (31:21-41:21) How can I healthily manage stress? Just reminding myself “God’s got this” has not really lead to much peace. (41:26-56:31) Closing Song: I Am New (Jed Brewer)
Jan 4, 2023
1 hr
549- 2022: The Year in Christian Nonsense
Ask A Question: [email protected] (Anonymous) We take a look at a megachurch Christmas program that brings together the Grinch and Thriller, the most misguided LinkedIn message of the year and all the other wackiness that Christian culture had to offer in 2022.   Closing Song: Always, Always, Always (Jed Brewer)
Dec 28, 2022
54 min
548- How Dank Thou Art
Ask A Question: [email protected] (Anonymous) I did something that would hurt my partner if they found out, And I don’t know how they would react. I feel guilty not telling them. What should I do? (18:58-38:04) People talk a lot about not taking Christmas seriously enough. I get that it isn’t about commercialization, but how “serious” am I supposed to be being here? (38:07-54:56) There was so much talk about the “Proverbs 31 woman” in purity culture stuff. It’s hard to look at that chapter without all that stuff on it. What does it really mean? (54:59-1:06:42) Closing Song: O Holy Night (The Poolhouse Guru)
Dec 22, 2022
1 hr 10 min
547- Simply Having A Conflicted Christmas Time
Ask A Question: [email protected] (Anonymous) This week, Matt read an article about "Secular Calvinists" and, since he has to know that's a thing, now so do you! (00:10-17:45) I don’t know how I feel about Christmas. Growing up it wasn’t my favorite time and it hasn’t gotten better. I see that there could be a lot of positive stuff about the holiday, but I can’t seem to connect to it. Is there a way to reset my Christmas feelings? (18:01-33:06) How do you support and love someone who is going through a hard time but is clearly not ready to make any big changes? I love them and they aren’t like being hostile to me, they just aren’t done with whatever phase they are in yet. (33:10-45:39) In 1 John 3:1- it says “The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.”  Does that still apply when Christianity has been the biggest world religion for 2,000 years? (45:42-55:10) Closing Song: What Child Is This? (Jed Brewer)
Dec 13, 2022
58 min
546- Render Unto Caesars
Ask A Question: [email protected] (Anonymous) When someone reappears after a scandal and there is a backlash, it seems like people talk about how there is “unforgiveness” or “lack of grace because people are mad. If someone behaved in a way that hurt someone else- can I even forgive them. Am I under some requirement to forgive public figures because I am Christian? (21:53-39:08) What responsibility do I have to call out prejudice when I see it. If I see someone I know post something online, can I just block them, or should send a message to point out there error first? It feels like people are getting comfortable throwing stuff out there lately. (39:12-54:43) Special bonus emergency!  A truly bonkers Christmas service: (54:49-1:04:34) Closing Song: I Heard The Bells (Lee Younger)
Dec 6, 2022
1 hr 8 min
545- Rent the (Not so) Perfect Christian Boyfriend
This week we take an emergency look at a business seeking to rent out the perfect Christian boyfriend. And, in a rare instance, come up with an improvement! As a spouse in such a situation, how can you support the partner that has lost interest in sex? I am discouraged, but I don’t want to pressure them either. (21:08-40:08)   I have different political views than my parents. I know that, they know that. It’s whatever. The part that drives me crazy is not them disagreeing with me or thinking I’m wrong, it’s when they imply or flat out say that I only believe what I do because I was brainwashed or that “I’ll figure it out when I’m older”. I don’t know why, but that really bothers me and I don’t know how to say anything or if I even should. Help? (40:42-57:45)   I was reading the part of the gospels with John the Baptist recently. I don’t really know what I’m supposed to take from it. I get that he prepared the way for Jesus and was important. But I don’t know what I am supposed to do with any of this? (57:48-1:08:46) Closing Song: Angels We Have Heard On High (The Poohouse Guru) Ask A Question: [email protected] (anonymous)
Nov 30, 2022
1 hr 11 min
544- Hymnal Hustle
Buy our friend Spike's book of amazing cartoons! Let's all give thanks for an all emergency episode! We come up with a new, groundbreaking technique for dealing with opinionated relatives at Thanksgiving. Then we take a tour of Christian insanity- Pastors challenging comedians to boxing matches and getting served lawsuits in the pulpit, a Christian college is suspicious of evil secular music genre...bluegrass, a video game where you play as Jesus that is even crazier than it sounds. And more! Closing Song: Take My Life and Let It Be (Lee Younger) Ask A Question: [email protected] (Anonymous)
Nov 23, 2022
1 hr 4 min
543-Indiana Bob Jones and the Hobby Lobby Haunting
I recently read a description of elements of a cult. It included things like “a leader who is not to be questioned” and “everything is part of the plan” and “the people in this group are all you need.” I know not every church is cult-like, but that sounds like a lot of churches. How do I know if a church or group can be trusted not to be like this? (19:48-34:24) Is there a difference between judging someone and wanting them to do better? (34:28-44:56)Recent…celebrity craziness had me thinking about whether I can still enjoy someone’s music if I know they believe awful things. Does that apply to Christian stuff even more so? If someone ends up involved in scandal, or leaving the faith, how do we treat their work? (45:00-01:01:48) Closing Song: No He Wasn't (ft Lins Honeyman) Ask A Question: [email protected] (Anonymous)
Nov 9, 2022
1 hr 4 min
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