SAP and Enterprise Trends Podcasts from Jon Reed (@jonerp) of
SAP and Enterprise Trends Podcasts from Jon Reed (@jonerp) of
Jon Reed
SAP Tech Ed 2008 Las Vegas in Review: Jon Reed Interviews Marilyn Pratt
35 minutes Posted Sep 25, 2008 at 3:15 pm.
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In the second podcast in my TechEd in Review 2008 podcast series, I spoke with BPX Community Evangelist Marilyn Pratt and got her honest take on TechEd Las Vegas 2008. This podcast has an interesting interactive twist - at a few points in the podcast, Marilyn turns the tables on me and gets my own reactions to what we saw in Vegas. Themes of this podcast include: the increasing importance of BPX themes at TechEd, an assessment of BPX Community Day, and the "greening of SAP," one "bottom up" idea at a time.
In the first section of this thirty five minute podcast, we get into what a "BPX Community Evangelist" is all about and why authentic conversations are so much more powerful than "marketing messages."