Sanctuary in Downtown Seattle Podcast

Sanctuary in Downtown Seattle

On the morning of June 28, 2018, Jose Robles – a father of three – was supposed to board a flight home to his native Mexico under a deportation order. Instead, a network of faith communities welcomed Jose Robles into sanctuary at Gethsemane Lutheran Church. Week by week, we’re telling this story from the perspective of those involved.
Episode 10: Becoming a Sanctuary Church
This past August, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, which represents nearly 3.5 million Christians, voted to become the country's first "sanctuary church body." On this episode, we discuss the events that lead to the ELCA becoming a "sanctuary church," and what this move means for member congregations.Special Guests: Anna Czarnik-Neimeyer, Bishop Shelley Bryan Wee, Pastor Joanne Engquist, and Rev. Priscilla Austin.
Sep 7, 2019
44 min
Episode 9: Nuanced Conversation
This episode starts with an exciting update on Jose Robles and his upcoming bond hearing. Then, we sit down for a round table discussion with a new guest to the podcast, Michael. Our conversation leads to a discussion on nuanced conversation and powerful stories from Kari and Joanne. To learn more about how you can help Jose, visit Guests: Pastor Joanne Engquist and Pastor Kari Lipke.
Aug 12, 2019
26 min
Episode 8: Jose Has Been Detained
On July 17th, 2019, after more than a year in sanctuary, and With a possible form of relief, a stay and an appeal pending in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Jose decided it was time to leave Gethsemane Lutheran Church and go to the ice office in Tukwila to file a stay of removal. Unfortunately, ICE decided to detain Jose. Learn more about how you can help at Guest: Pastor Joanne Engquist.
Jul 21, 2019
43 min
Episode 7: Immigrant Safety Plan
Chach Duarte White is a Staff Attorney at Legal Counsel for Youth and Children. Esperanza Barboa is the Program Director for Eastside Legal Assistance Program. Esperanza and Chach work alongside eachother helping immigrants develop a plan of action for their children in the event that a parent is detained. Special Guests: Chach Duarte White and Esperanza Borboa.
May 10, 2019
25 min
Episode 6: A Little Bit of Hope
On March 29th, 2019, Jaime Rubio Sulficio was received into sanctuary – this time at St Mark's Cathedral in Seattle. We'll take a quick look behind the scenes at Jaime's press conference. Then, we sit down for a conversation and update with Jose's oldest daughters, Brenda and Yuritzy.
Apr 15, 2019
18 min
Episode 5: A United Voice
On this week's episode we start by discussing our hopes and motivation behind the podcast. Then, we have an enlightening conversation with Aneelah Afzali, the executive director of the American Muslim Empowerment Network.Special Guest: Aneelah Afzali.
Mar 30, 2019
17 min
Episode 4: The Melting Pot
This week, we talk with an immigration attorney and an immigration counselor to try and break down some of the common misunderstandings surrounding immigrants. But first, we look at what it takes to get a haircut in Sanctuary.Special Guests: Johna Gray and Nandini Rao.
Mar 15, 2019
14 min
Episode 3: Today Jose, Tomorrow Juan
On this episode we talk with Briana Brannan from The Church Council of Great Seattle, and volunteers/advocates Chris and Betsy. Topics include what underlying issues contribute to the current immigaration crisis, and Chris and Betsy's experiences hosting asylum seekers. Special Guest: Briana Brannan.
Mar 8, 2019
26 min
Episode 2: Certain Possibilities
Jose Robles shares about his sanctuary experience so far, why he's afraid to return to Mexico, and what possibilities remain for him to gain legal citizenship. Plus, Gethsemane Pastors Joanne and Kari share about what it's been like accompanying a family whos father is under a deportation order.Special Guests: Jose Robles, Michael Ramos, Pastor Joanne Engquist, and Pastor Kari Lipke.
Mar 1, 2019
18 min
Episode 1: Bold Statements
On this introductory episode, we meet some of the critical voices we’ll continue to hear from on this podcast about Jose Robles. Plus, we get a little background on the overall concept of Sanctuary and why a church would be willing to put themselves at risk to help someone they don’t yet know. This Episode Features Joanne Engquist, the Pastor of Jose’s host church (Gethsemane Lutheran). Michael Ramos, the Executive Director of the organization organizing the sanctuary network (The Church Council of Greater Seattle). Brenda, Yuritzy, and Natalie – Jose’s Daughters. Sanctuary in Downtown Seattle is hosted by Jonathan McClung from Seekers. Seekers is a community focused non-profit that hopes to build understanding through storytelling. You can learn more at Guests: Michael Ramos and Pastor Joanne Engquist.
Feb 22, 2019
11 min