So we all love to take pictures and have our pictures taken especially by a professional photographer. But then who has the right to that picture after the click? Find out on this episode of Sally's Plug 😀
Sep 19, 2020
5 min

In recent times, we hear Nigerian courts passing the death sentence and Sally's Plug has given us a detailed analysis of things that happen or can happen after a death penalty is passed.
Aug 28, 2020
4 min

With the increase in the rate of killings and kidnapping and other evil vices in the country, Sally's Plug enlightens us as to who is responsible for our safety and protection and also uses the same opportunity to give a soft reminder to those responsible for doing so to wake up and carry out their responsibility.
Jul 31, 2020
3 min

With all that is going on in the Senate, a lot of us are frustrated as to the behaviours and actions of our leaders especially our senators. This episode teaches Nigerians how to recall their sitting senator when the need arises.
Jul 24, 2020
4 min

Sue to the Uproar HushPuppy's case brought, In this episode, Sally's Plug gives u an overview of 10 important things to note about the cybercrime act and its implications of caught careying out any othe offences.
Jul 11, 2020
5 min

In thia episode, i teach is about the importance of getting Motor Vehicle insurance in Nigeria.
Jul 2, 2020
4 min

Is there anything like MARITAL RAPE? In this Episode, we learn the position of the Law as regards Spousal Rape in Nigeria.
Jun 24, 2020
8 min

In this episode, i give you details as to the legal implication of breaching the promise to marry someone and the legal way out if possible. Enjoy!
Jun 16, 2020
6 min

Not many people know the reason why I'm a lawyer today and all the experiences, challenges and hurdles i had to face and cross to become a lawyer: so i gave the story here so as to encourage many people who are or have been in my shoes and to entertain those who'd like to know for fun or knowledge why and how i chose this career path. Enjoy. 😊😀
May 31, 2020
7 min
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