RPGs & Baby Makes 3 - The Podcast Podcast

RPGs & Baby Makes 3 - The Podcast

RPGs & Baby Makes 3
Gretchen Hilmers and Rob Hessler are a married couple with a kid. They like to play RPGs and Boardgames. They made a podcast.
RPGs & Baby Makes 3 Reimagined Episode 17 - Why bother even rolling?
Gretchen and Rob discuss the idea, "Should we even bother rolling?" Plus: Bad Indian food, indigestion, Pilsbury dough samosa, tomato soup, tortilla naan, saag paneer, Bollywood, Hercules and Xena, Atlanta, Renaissance Faire, leather armor, West End Games, d6, Streetwise, Hope, Pandora’s Box, Perseus, Athens, Lizard Man, Iason, Medusa, Euryale, The Gorgon’s Curse, Jennifer Saint, Hera, Electra, Ariadne, Sly’s Sliders, Costco Pizza, Birthright, AD&D 2nd Edition, Basketweaving, Like and Subscribe
May 31, 2024
29 min
RPGs & Baby Make 3 Reimagined Episode 16 - It's What My Character Would Do
On this episode of RPGs & Baby Makes 3, Rob and Gretchen discuss a sentence that gives DMs major anxiety: It's what my character would do. Plus: What’s your alignment? Junior Braves Survival Guide to the Apocalypse Hercules and Xena West End Games D6 Greek Myths Perseus The Cyclops Mothra Frankenstein DnD 5th Edition Dungeon of the Mad Mage Dragon Heist Wizards of the Coast Hasbro Game Church Sojourner Magazine Methodist Fresh Expressions Episcopalian  Save or Die Level Drain Difficulty Settings Waterdeep Gazette Undermountain Side quest DMPC Tymora, goddess of luck Heist Adventures Lawful good Murder Hobos Chaotic Evil Temple of Elemental Evil Hommlet Respect your DM Fourth Wing Rebecca Yaros The Hunger Games with Dragons Vampire the Masquerade Toreador Tzimisce Camarilla Sabbat Nerf Battle Not Another Teen Movie
May 7, 2024
36 min
RPGs & Baby Makes 3 Reimagined Episode 15 (ep. 32) - Geeks, Nerds, & Dorks
Gretchen and Rob start the show by discussing recent sessions of Old Gods of Appalachia and Old School Essentials, before moving to the main topic: Geeks, Nerds, & Dorks   Plus: Setting Expectations; Old Gods of Appalachia; Monte Cook Games; Roll the Bones; Savannah, Georgia; Party Foul; Renegade Paws; One Love; Chicken Salad Chick; Thank You Brandon; Character Names; Molasses Taffy; Ironsworn; Shawn Tomkin; Tomkin Press; Call of Cthulhu; Old School Essentials; Necrotic Gnome; Exalted Funeral; AD&D 2nd Edition; TSR; Wizards of the Coast; Battle Maps; Miniatures; Peaz N’ Carrots; First Timers; Alfred Hitchcock The Birds; Patchwork; Use Rosenberg; Hero Quest; Brainchild; the scientific method; Oxford language dictionary; Jerry Saltz; 23rd Best Art Critic; chocolate parfait is not a cake; The Necronomicon; Evil Dead; Army of Darkness; Ash; Bruce Campbell; The Silent Patient; Alex Michaelides; Goodreads; Kindle; Joe Abercrombie The Trouble With Peace; The Age of Madness Trilogy; Grimdark; Throne of Glass; A Court of Thorns and Roses; The Era of Ash and Fire; David Fincher; Richard Linklater; Slacker; Cassandra Rose Clark The Assassin’s Curse; Like and Subscribe
Dec 20, 2023
32 min
RPGs & Baby Makes 3 Reimagined Episode 14 (ep. 31) - Roleplaying Takes A Back Seat to LARPing Real Life
Gretchen and Rob have been through the wringer. This: Car Crash; Friday the 13th; Full Moon; Black Cats; Odin; Road Rage; Meth Addict; Oatland Island; Wildlife Rehabilitation; Halloween Hike; Sirenhead; Siren Head; Toddler; Preschooler; Broken Bones; Clumsy; EMT; Urgent Care; Children’s Hospital; Emergency Room; Fentanyl; Memorial Health; Surgery; Washington Commanders Versus Atlanta Falcons; Barbecue; BBQ; Rear Camera; Rats chewing through the electrical wires; Scratching and Clawing; Honda CRV; Computer Fail; Conference Call; Laptops; Sweet Gum Trees; Itchy Balls; The Flu; Burn Marks; Bearded Dragon; Pooler; Road Construction; Animal Husbandry; Parasites; Blood Taken; Blackbeard; Black Beard; Ponko Chicken; Blind Cat; Poop Explosion; Lost Pets; Shiva; Bad Luck; Natural 1; Nat 1; Critical Fail; White Privilege; WTF; You’re Not Alone; Pirates; Spongebob Squarepants; Like and Subscribe.
Nov 8, 2023
27 min
RPGs & Baby Makes 3 Reimagined - Episode 13 (ep.30) - Necrotic Gnome’s Old School Essentials, Immersion, and Kids on Planes and in Restaurants
On this episode, Gretchen and Rob discuss Necrotic Gnome’s Old School Essentials, immersion in roleplaying games, and kids on planes and in restaurants. Plus: Water Key; Forsyth Park; Savannah, Georgia; Adulting; Home Ownership; Junior Braves Survival Guide to the Apocalypse; Kids on Bikes; More Differenter Games; 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons; Grumpy Gretchen; Dice Superstition; B/X D&D; Incandescent Grottos; Temple of Elemental Evil; Gary Gygax; Frank Mentzer; A-Hole Pirate; Water Genasi; Save Versus Death; Disintegration; Gretchen Hates D&D; Historically pirates didn’t know how to swim; Carcass Crawler; The Angry GM; Encumbrance; The Big Lebowski; Fallout; Crunch; Vampire the Masquerade; Mind’s Eye Theatre; LARPing; Kat Valentine; Ghost Table Games; Alice is Missing; Discord; Group Chat; Postpartum Depression; Ten Candles; Holy Pie; Eating Pizza While GMing; Ironsworn; Starforged; Google; Washington Commanders; Final Fantasy; Baldur’s Gate; Shannon Sharpe Skip Bayless; Aerosmith; Honor Among Thieves; Get A Grip; Rock n Roll; Jarnathan; Collider; TikTok; Outdoor Boys; Ryan’s World; Kids on Planes and in Restaurants; Eating Cookies While Your Kids Aren’t Looking; Like and Subscribe
Sep 13, 2023
41 min
RPGs & Baby Makes 3 Reimagined - Episode 12 (ep.29) - Your Friendly Local Game Store with Ben Flood from Roll the Bones
On this episode, Gretchen and Rob air Rob's interview with Friendly Local Game Store owner Ben Flood, whose new shop Roll the Bones is set to open in Savannah, Georgia on August 19th, 2023! Learn more via the article Rob wrote about the space for the Savannah Morning News here: https://www.savannahnow.com/story/entertainment/local/2023/08/02/roll-the-bones-new-midtown-savannah-hobby-shop-and-gaming-community-center/70507442007/ Laundry; Wayne’s World; Splash Pad; City of Savannah; Junior Braves Survival Guide to the Apocalypse; New Players; Wellbutrin; GremlinLegions; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness by Palladium; Rifts; Rocksteady; Beebop; Tafy LaPlanche; Brian MacGregor; Pete Russo; Roll the Bones; Firefly Games Columbia South Carolina; FLGS; Friendly Local Game Store; Ben Flood; Trader Joes; Alice is Missing; Squishible; Squishable; Morningstar Games; Belinda; Ms. B; Legos; Snacks; Aberrant; Xtreme Wrestling; White Wolf; Polyhedral Dice; Labyrinth Game Shop DC; Washington D.C.; Macro Micro Crime City; Where’s Waldo; Jeopardy Theme Song; Pokemon; Magic the Gathering; FLGS; Gayle Kicklighter; Lady Balrog; RtB 101; Dungeons & Dragons; DnD; Warhammer; Alice is Missing; Ten Candles; The Throne of Glass; The Atlas Six; Doom scrolling; Temple of Elemental Evil; RA Salvatore; Homeland; Exile; Drizzt Do’Urden; The Halfling’s Gem; The Wheel of Time; Holy Guacamole; The Angry GM; OSR; Old School Renaissance; Thank you Alexa; Like and Subscribe
Aug 16, 2023
50 min
RPGs & Baby Makes 3 Reimagined - Episode 11 (ep.28) - All Things Junior Braves With GremlinLegions
Michael Wight, aka GremlinLegions, is the creator of Junior Braves Survival Guide to the Apocalypse the Roleplaying Game, based on the similarly-titled Junior Braves of the Apocalypse, by Greg Smith, Michael Tanner, and Zach Lehner. Rob had the chance to speak with Wight for his column for the Savannah Morning News, and on this episode he and Gretchen play a bit of that conversation, and discuss the game in detail. Check out the article here: https://www.savannahnow.com/story/ent... And you can pick up the RPG and graphic novels at https://onipress.com/collections/oni-... Plus: Kids on Bikes; On a Very Special Episode of RPGs and Baby Makes 3; Meredith Baxter Birney; Kathleen Turner; Old Smoker; Pieces of Meat; Kabobs; Charlie Day; It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia; A Beautiful Mind; Liveplay, or is it Actual Play?; Savannah Morning News; Front Page; Free RPG Day; Discord; Character Creation; collapsible shovel; garden hoe; polyhedral dice; trope; rebel; brave tokens; Cortex; Supernatural the RPG Margaret Weis; plot points; Pathfinder; Merit Badges; Boy Scouts; Women don’t have pockets; Allergy Attack; The Boy in the Plastic Bubble; Jake Gyllenhaal; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness; Knights and Dragons; Renegade Games; Oni Press; Rainy Day Games; Ghost Table Games; Kat Valentine; Escaping Cats; Odin; Heavy Duty Super Pet Screen; Like and Subscribe; Roof Rats; the cycle of life; Like and Subscribe
Jul 24, 2023
33 min
RPGs & Baby Makes 3: Reimagined - Episode 10 (ep.27) - Free RPG Day
Gretchen and Rob discuss their haul from this year's FREE RPG DAY! Plus: I’m helping; Golden Child; Hell Child; Allergies; LARPing as a contented mother; Monsoon season; Hot in Georgia; AD&D 2nd Edition; Krakenheim; Ice Barbarians; Greyhawk; Lord Cas; Americanize; 2-Player Campaign; Awkward; White Wolf; Changling; World of Darkness; Storyteller; Balloon shadows; Happy Birthday; Temple of Elemental Evil; Podcast; Character Death; The Spider Queen Lolth; TSR; Gary Gygax; Village of Hommlet; Aarakocra; d6; YouTube; FreeRPGDay.com; Free RPG Day; Loup Garou; Choose Your Own Adventure; Mazes RPG; Level 1 Issue #4: Rainbow Bridge; Indie RPG Anthology; Post Lifers Sylvia Jimenez; Pocket RPG Guide; Heckin’ Good Doggos; Star Trek Font; Heist at the Museum; Ghosts of Saltmarsh; Root RPG Quick Start; GI Joe and Transformers; Renegade Game Studios; Knowing is Half the Battle; Dragonbane; Free League; Mork Borg; Pathfinder 2e For A Few Flowers More; Gnome; Scythe; Fluff Fang; Bowser; Popcorn is Short Tempered; Actung Cthulhu; Is it wrong to kill Nazis? A Taste of the Moon; Vampire the Masquerade; Brigand Bunnies; Monty Python’s Holy Grail; Point Break; Junior Braves Survival Guide to the Apocalypse; Junior Braves of the Apocalypse; Greg Smith; Michael Tanner; Zach Lehner; Roll the Bones; Gaming Community Center; Chicken Salad Chick; Elizabeth on 37th; The Grey; Bull Street Taco; Green Truck; Coke Zero; Gale Kicklighter; Lady Balrog; Chewbacca; Ready Player Two; Ready Player One; E Shaver Bookstore; Foxy Loxy; The Holy Bible; The Oxford Dictionary; Glass Throne Series; A Court of Thorns and Roses on Hulu; Like and Subscribe
Jul 1, 2023
34 min
RPGs & Baby Makes 3 Reimagined Episode 9 (ep.26) - Gretchen is a Fox Named Oatmeal
Gretchen has been spending a lot of time pretending to be a fox named Oatmeal. Find out why in this week's episode! Plus: Someone knows; Wayne’s World dissolve; Roll for Initiative; Yowling Cats; Sickness; Ghosts of Saltmarsh; 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons; Session Zero; Session 1; Losing Players; 4 Players and a DM; Dungeon Master; Sinister Secrets of Saltmarsh; Seagull-based Aarakocra; Merfolk; Triton; Human; Half-elf; Genasi; D&D; DnDBeyond; Bells and whistles; Giant axe-wielding pirate bird; Chocolate chip cookies; Session Zero is roleplaying no matter what Gretchen says, and she doesn’t read this so she’ll never know muahahahaha!!!; We’re Going to Pump Clap You Up; Hanz and Franz; Oatmeal; Reynard the Fox; Sigikid; Fort; NPCs; Non-player Characters; Dolls; Stuffies; Dragon with Human Teeth; Escargot; Little Blue Truck; Truck Tunes; Ambiguous accents; Appalachia; Eastern Shore of Maryland; The Luggage; Charleston, South Carolina; American Accents; Star Trek The Next Generation Picard All Hands to Battle Stations; Court of Thorns and Roses; DragonLance; Fade to Black; Laura K. Hamilton; Forgotten Realms; X-Men; Rogue; PG-13; R-Rated; Goodreads; Vampire The Masquerade; The Angry GM; Encumbrance; Ammunition; Immersion; Rations; Labyrinth; The Trash Lady; David Bowie; Sick Kid; Like and Subscribe
Jun 15, 2023
30 min
RPGs & Baby Makes 3 - Reimagined Episode 8 (ep. 26) - Starting A New Campaign
Gretchen and Rob are just about to start a new Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Ghosts of Saltmarsh Campaign, and they discuss the ways in which they're preparing for the first meetup. Plus: Lap Cat; Broken Tail; Odin; Hell Mother’s Day; Sinister Secrets of Saltmarsh; Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition; Crown Royal Canadian whisky; Polyhedral Dice; Ocean Theme; Field Notes; 5e Character Journals; Gretchen hates D&D; Low Stakes; Nerdberger Games; Green Crown Royal Bag; Ghosts of Saltmarsh; Pirates; Alexa; Jeopardy theme; Preparing for a new campaign; Cleaning up; Group dynamics; DragonLance; Tafy LaPlanche; Gary Gygax; Snacks; Sushi; Pirate’s Booty; From the Leaves of the Inn of the Last Home; Vegan; Veggie Booty; Cheese Dust; Cheetos; Dark Chocolate Coins; Hanukkah; Judaism; Babysitter; Dice; Adventure Scents; Pirates of the Caribbean; Black Sails; Waterworld; Spongebob Squarepants; Post-Apocalyptic Pirates; Landrates; Starz; DnD Beyond; Zoom; Utility Knife; Cub; Packrat; Temple of Elemental Evil; Castle Amber; Spiders; Nautical Theme Pass Me The Afghan; I’m on a Boat; Black Phoenix Alchemical Laboratory; Citrus; Smoky Campfire; Gretchen can’t smell anything; Like and Subscribe
Jun 1, 2023
34 min
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