Risks And Benefits Of The African Bio-mineral Dietary Plan Podcast

Risks And Benefits Of The African Bio-mineral Dietary Plan

Fereyel Richardson
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This podcast is a commentary inspired by a Facebook discussion based on a guide I posted about the 5 stages of Fasting and what to expect at each stage. For context , I am a enthusiast of the Bio-mineral Alkaline Veganism also known as Dr. Sebi's African Bio-mineral lifestyle. However, over the last few months there has been a surge of people flocking to Sebi nutritional guidance sites, groups, and pages wanting to get on board the lifestyle. When they ask how to start , the first thing 95% of the chat board will say "Do the 40 day Water mineral Fast to start it off and cleanse the system" Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/Lifesbreath/support
How do you Start?
Quick discussion about road blocks to beginning your journey and some positive tips and advice on how to go about entering into the Alkaline bio-mineral diet. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/Lifesbreath/support
Oct 28, 2019
26 min
Health Risks and Benefits of African Bio-mineral Transitioning via Extreme Water Fasting (Commentary)
I discuss the positive and negative aspects of transitioning from Meat based processed diets to The African Bio-mineral lifestyle, or Bio-mineral Alkaline Vegan lifestyle. I will discuss a little about my personal experiences while transitioning, along with, conclusions I've form over the past 10 years of my Bio-mineral Alkaline Veganism journey. For more indepth podcasts please check out my other episodes! Be well, Get F.E.D. (Fereyels Epicurean Delights culinary and biomineral Vegan diet specialists) --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/Lifesbreath/support
Jan 13, 2019
9 min