Rising Women Leaders
Rising Women Leaders
Meredith Rom
010 | Creativity & Sisterhood with Becca of The Dabblist
1 hour 2 minutes Posted Jun 8, 2016 at 3:26 pm.
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I'm back with a new podcast episode this week with Becca Piastrelli of The Dabblist.

I was first introduced to Becca at a women's retreat in Sonoma, and soon after attended one of her Sisterhood Soiree events.  I was immediately drawn to her sense of humor and  genuine love, care, and encouragement for the women around her.  

In this episode Becca shares how she listened to her inner calling to rediscover her feminine nature as well as start a successful online business supporting women to reconnect to creativity and sisterhood. 

We also share about the shadow side of sisterhood and leadership, how to handle comparison in a world of growing women’s entrepreneurship and how to create structures of support in your life to rise above your biggest challenges.

"Sisterhood is the field to freedom." ~ Becca Piastrelli

In this episode we discuss:

  • The power of sisterhood and personal stories of how sisterhood supported us to take bigger leaps in our lives
  • How Becca developed the courage to leave a comfortable corporate job in San Francisco to start her business, The Dabblist
  • An easy trick to help cultivate more female friendships in your life 
  • What a "Passion Project" is and how to start one
  • How Becca handles one of the biggest barriers to sisterhood - jealousy and comparison
  • How to pick yourself up after receiving a negative response to your work 
  • How to push through "compare and despair" to stay focused on what you are truly called to do 

Links in this episode:


Becca Piastrelli is an online entrepreneur who is part Artemis, part Athena. Her Artemis comes out in her work on TheDabblist.com where she holds space for women to awaken their creativity, stop chasing perfect, and work with their hands again in a space of creative sisterhood. Her Athena comes out in her work with bloggers and online business owners, helping them authentically market and build their tribes online. A nature devotée and lover of plant wisdom, Becca likes to dabble in deeper understanding of the moon and it works its magic both within the feminine body and out in the world. You can find her extrovert-ing with fellow creative women while drinking entirely too much coffee and likely making overly animated facial expressions.

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