Risen Motherhood
Risen Motherhood
Emily Jensen & Laura Wifler
Motherhood is Ministry: How to See and Serve Your Kids | Ep. 123
17 minutes Posted Mar 6, 2019 at 3:00 am.
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Changing dirty diapers. Providing nourishing meals. Having conversations about patience and self-control. It doesn’t look like an official outreach or job position, but ministering to our kiddos is one way we serve God. In this episode, Emily and Laura share how moms can see and serve their kids. Our individual circumstances are different, but we can all look to Jesus as our perfect example for ministry in everyday life. He worked, traveled, taught, and ate with his disciples to show them what it looks like to obey and love God in all things. Mamas, let’s live a life of ministry too.


Related R|M resources:

Faithful Motherhood Series

Discipleship and Teaching “Gospel Thinking”

Encouragement in the Ministry of Motherhood

Intentional Motherhood

Bible Literacy

Husbands as Ministry Partners

Around the Internet:


Now that we see our work in motherhood as a ministry to our children, let’s talk about how to see and serve them well. You’ll find there are a million ways to do this with a scroll on social media, a simple Google search, or even a look at the R|M website. But ministry isn’t a thing of guilt, it’s a thing of grace. God graciously invites us into his work to spread his gospel and make disciples, even in our homes. Our ministry will look different than the mom next to us, but our goal is the same: to raise children up in the ways of the Lord.

  1. When you hear the word “ministry,” what comes to mind? Who ministers? What does ministry look like? Ministry simply means serving God by serving others in our spheres of influence—which for a mom includes her family. How would you describe your ministry in motherhood?

  2. The first thing we need to do ministry is a relationship with God. This is how we’re equipped to serve our kiddos and how we learn to obey God. How do you grow in your relationship with God? How do you grow in godliness and gospel thinking?

  3. We have hundreds of moments in a day in motherhood to decide to submit in obedience to God or to chase our own selfish desires. Can you think of an example of a moment like this in your home? What would it look to serve God in that moment?

  4. We minister in two main ways: in the physical and in the spiritual. What are some practical needs you meet for your children? How does that work communicate the gospel to them? What are some specific hearts needs in your children right now? How can you communicate the gospel to them for those issues?

  5. Resources are everywhere, which is a wonderful thing. But it can also leave us feeling overwhelmed by the options or guilty for not doing all of them. How does the gospel free us from “mom guilt” and allow us to use resources with joy?

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