Ride On Radio Podcast

Ride On Radio

Tanner Seymour
Talk with members of the riding community from the spotlight to the hustlers. Current events, past achievements, hard earned lessons. Thanks for tuning in.
Pink Dollar Possy Premiere - Speaks for Itself
For Eli, Casey, Devi, J, and Lex, The Saloon Minneapolis seems the perfect place to premiere Out at Sea. The Venue is dark, seductive, and exciting, full of Minneapolis LGTBQ+ community members and allies curious to see what brought in all the thrill seeking, XXL wearing, beard bearing boarders. The Pink Dollar Possy of course.Its one of my personal favorite places I have been for a snowboarding event after the Possy premiered their first street video there in 2021. No need to worry about being on best behavior or offending any ski resort locals. An abundance of well practiced bartenders. An incredible speaker system to really feel each board slap right in your chest. Canoodling, conversing, and colliding with a crowd fully mixed, a large microphone makes it easy for Eli to gain boarders and night lifers attention alike. All stars of the movie share inspirational words and shouts pepper the dish for its full flavor as the video begins. Most of us wearing new merchandise carefully tie-dyed by the members of said gang themselves, we begin the ritualistic shouting, wooping, and yelping that make for the street snowboardings scenes language of approval. And theres a lot to approve of. A roar goes out as the video wraps up and the members are surrounded by excited individuals, congratulation in awe and attempting to understand some of the madness we had all just witnesses... what's this? the stage is removed quickly, Possy Merch table disappears, the lights dim, a smoke machine purrs and the Drag Queens being to march to the sweet sounds of Queen Beyonce. What could be a better way to emphasize the majesty provided by Eli, the rest of the Possy, and the Saloon itself. Thank you-Rennat
Jan 10, 2023
23 min
PanicOrder/Riddles Snow/Trial and Error Premiere
The Heights Theater made for an inspiring venue to pack a large crowd of excited boarders. A bunch of day one youngins dared to make their first street video in the competitive Twin Cities environ, shot by all and edited by young Walker. No worries, the community was overjoyed to receive them. Short speeches led right into Riddles Snow - Chrome Portal. The four stars of that film had no trouble showing us uniques spots rode in practiced style. Again, it seems the camera changed hands often during the season, but Kevin carried the team for the final, well edited, feel good, shocking product. Finally, we see the elusive Erik, joined by MC of the night, Clay to subtly announce Thunderdome by Panicorder. We all knew what we came form, and the aspiring undefeated champs of the South Metro brought home another classic. The team handles cam as well as any other crew, but Erik is the main shooter. He effortlessly created a visual art piece both easy to consume, and complexly built. A strong chronicle of a snowboard season spent with long time friends full of natural and achieved talent. It had been some years since we got together in such a nostalgic, classical, invigorating space such is the Heights Theater. Were luck to have all you beautiful people. I am glad to be apart of this accomplished and passionate collection. Thank you all for sharing such a good time. Voice in order;Tanner SeymourPete HarvieuxTanner BurchClay LobbenBeck LobbenLiam JohnsonBrandon GillWalker NetlandIanErik OlsenEthan FeldmanSaul Gudman, Carlos, and the FedsPete CroasdaleJacob HarmsEnthusiastic Art Collector Jamal Awadallah aka JibMasterFlex
Dec 14, 2022
14 min
Trollhaugen Opening Day
Troll and Wild fought for their dominancy for early opening ski resorts here in the St Croix River Valley as usual. Sudden cold temps allowed for snow blowing, followed by the usual sun and heat burst that thwarts a tru opening. So, on November 14th, during real winter conditions, Troll was able to open with a small park set up, 10 features including a small jump! I was there to communicate with the Eager eagles that made their way from all parts of the country to get a little piece. Logan HerberLenny MazzottiFinn WestburyJack KaiserWaylon HastingsJericho JohnsonNixon JohnsonRyan PaulJoe ShmebakkenSean MooneyMarsha HoneyPete CroasdaleErik OlsenPeter Limberg
Dec 9, 2022
25 min
Impaler Mag Sum Sh*t x Moron Wax The Movie - Speaks For Itself
Buck Hill had not seen the community like this in a while! The deck was packed, the room was buzzing, and friends had flown to celebrate each other from the West Coast to the Midwest. Impaler Mag continues to lead the pack in no-holds-barred boarding, just check the teaser for proof of that. Jack and the crew at Moron brought some street energy to the backcountry, while taking full advantage of the PNW seldom hit spots. What a crowd. I am so luck to share these times with all of you. Enjoy-Rennat
Nov 29, 2022
26 min
Manual FocusXSpotlessXSeeking Oblivion - Speaks For Itself
Ride on RadioThis season's video premieres hosted in the the Twin Cities area recorded with the intent of sharing the experience. The community speaks for itself. Dark and cold in mid October.  Cold enough that all were glancing at the slope of Buck Hill wondering how soon there would be new snow. The second floor is buzzing with anticipation of the three crews who set the tone for the upcoming tide of snowboarding publications. There were some threads up for grabs, appetizers to chew on, and a full service bar to choose bevy from. We entertained ourselves with the company of friends. A thrilling night with luck enough to have some conversations. Tunein for more coverage of the premiere season, opening week at Troll, and word with the best in the midwest.Thank you. Jacob Suave, Cole Linzmeyer, Bill Brant, Ryan Paul, Nick Plante, Joe Shmebakken, Garrett McKenzie, Stephan Jende, Sean Mooney ,Kiefer Ascheman, Ellie Augustine, Nate Bujarski, Ryan Conway, Keegan Tank, Joey PetersonLike @snerberderSubscribe Patreon.com/rideonradioVisit RideOnRadio.com
Nov 21, 2022
20 min