ReWild Yourself
ReWild Yourself
Daniel Vitalis
Ancestral Amnesia & the Village Mind - Stephen Jenkinson #151
1 hour 20 minutes Posted Jul 5, 2017 at 2:50 pm.
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Stephen Jenkinson is back on ReWild Yourself Podcast to stretch our minds and hearts as he shares with us a bit of his elder wisdom on restoring real human culture. Stephen is a teacher, author, storyteller, spiritual activist, farmer and founder of the Orphan Wisdom School, a teaching house and learning house for the skills of deep living and making human culture.

In our last interview (Episode #34) — a humbling conversation for me — Stephen shared insight into dying wise in our death phobic society. In today’s conversation, we focus on living wisely and meaningfully in our modern culture of self-hatred, entitlement, unwillingness to live deeply and lost connection to what makes us human.

He leaves us with an empowering message on living a purposeful life, not just for ourselves, but for our collective culture and future generations. As Stephen so perfectly puts it, "Now is the time for work, not the time for getting paid.”

  • Show Introduction:
    • New SurThrival product coming soon!
    • Hunt + gather updates: Cattail pollen-bearing flowers, Milkweed flowers, Wild strawberries, Shadbush & Self-heal
    • CNN reports on the hunter-gatherer diet
    • Q&A: Milkweed harvesting tips
  • Introducing Stephen Jenkinson
  • The absence of village-mindededness
  • The story of Orphan Wisdom
  • Growth and the issue with "how-to" questions 
  • The measure of a sane society
  • Your generational spiritual project
  • What is real sorrow?
  • Real human culture
  • Stephen’s prognosis for the future of the human species