Where are you going tonight, Film Nerds? Someplace exotic?On this episode, BK & Jack dive deep into a web of deception & fraud the likes of which they've never encountered before. Learn how one of the most beloved Hollywood biopics of all time is not what it seems in so many surprising ways. Learn the true story behind its protagonist, how the film went from development hell to well-oiled machine, and everything else in-between!Get ready for an incredible odyssey of a con artist, cour...
Sep 28, 2024
1 hr 41 min

Open the podcast doors please, HAL...On the 50th episode of Revenge of the Film Nerds, BK & Jack go to Jupiter & beyond with a look at the film that created modern science fiction. Learn how the scientific tradition of astronomy inspired one of the greatest science fiction writers of the 20th Century, how the film achieved its landmark special effects, how it divided audiences in 1968, and how it continues to divide audiences today. All that & more as the Film Nerds seek to extend...
Jul 18, 2024
1 hr 51 min

This is going to be a great episode - we can hear it in our ghost!On this episode, BK & Jack dive headlong into one of the most daring pieces of sci-fi & animation ever put onto the screen. Learn how the central conflict of the film stems from a philosophical tradition millennia in the making, how an unassuming manga artist took Japanese science fiction by storm, and how a reluctant yet offbeat director found the perfect means to bring hard sci-fi to the screen.The net is vast an infi...
Jul 10, 2024
1 hr 24 min

You need more than guts to be a good podcaster; you need ideas.On today's episode, BK and Jack dive headlong into what is possibly the definitive work of Brazilian film and a masterpiece that shocked the world, and in the process, the learn the history of how the favelas came to be, how a special group of people pulled together to make the film happen, how the filmmakers maneuvered filming within Rio's favelas themselves, and so much more!Get ready to see why, in the City of God, if you stay,...
Jul 5, 2024
1 hr 44 min

After a month of horror films, it's time for the Film Nerds to go on a World Tour!On this week's episode, BK & Jack head over to the Republic of Korea to examine one of the most unique and intriguing actions films of the modern day. Learn how the Korean film industry has survived & thrived despite nearly dying twice, how a generation of auteurs propelled the country's cinematic culture into the stratosphere, and how a late-blooming director contributed to this tradition with a revenge...
Jun 25, 2024
1 hr 46 min

...You're gonna need a bigger podcast...On this week's episode, BK & Jack delve deep into the original summer blockbuster that people around the world afraid to get into the water! Learn how mankind's fascination with sharks has influenced cultures throughout history, how that fascination with the creatures became the last-ditch creative effort of a struggle writer, how an iconic film was almost a complete disaster, & so much more!We're not talking about pleasure boatin' or day sailin...
Jun 20, 2024
1 hr 43 min

Repent! The Podcast Is Extremely Nigh! On this week's episode, BK & Jack take an intensive look into the film that sparked a golden age of zombie filmmaking and challenged its audiences perception of what it means to be human... or inhuman. Learn about the genesis of the infected zombie, how a video game saved the monster, how a ragtag production was able to empty the center of London, & so much more! The Film Nerds are back: in your house; in a heartbeat!
Jun 16, 2024
1 hr 50 min

New Podcast... what do you think? On this week's episode, BK & Jack jump into the demented world of Mary Harron's cult classic satire of the late 1980s, tracing the film back to its controversial origins as a novel, charting the troubled course of the film's development, recounting the struggle of how its director and lead actor nearly lost the film & much, much more! Feel the mask of sanity slip as the film nerds dive into the mind of Patrick Bateman!
Jun 8, 2024
1 hr 45 min

Movies don't create Film Nerds... Movies make Film Nerds more creative!On this week's episode, BK & Jack dive headlong into their month of horror with a look at the definitive slasher film on the genre's 50th anniversary. Learn how the slasher genre's roots go all the way back to the origins of Hollywood, how the genre rose to the top of the industry and just as quickly fell into disrepute... and how Scream saved the horror film. All that & so much more on an absolutely packed ep...
May 5, 2024
1 hr 49 min

The Film Nerds are in TERRIBLE danger, girl! On this week's episode, BK & Jack jump headlong back into the world of stop-motion animation with another Henry Selick classic. Learn how Coraline Jones was born from the mind of one of modern writing's most important minds, how it took a Herculean effort to bring the beloved novel to the screen, how the film's production changed the industry forever, and so much more! You probably think this podcast is a dream come true... but you're wrong...
Apr 24, 2024
1 hr 35 min
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