Retiree Rebels: Ditch the Rocking Chair! Podcast

Retiree Rebels: Ditch the Rocking Chair!

Carol Larson and Mary Helen Conroy
RetireeRebels inspires and supports retirees to move beyond the limitations of past ageist stereotypes, to aspire and achieve new goals by reinvention. Carol Larson and Mary Helen Conroy discuss the other side of retirement, the side that considers the lifestyle of retirement.
The Call to Elderhood
Nov 13, 2018
27 min
Ageism: Its Effect on Older Adults’ Health and What We Can All Do About It
Then take a deeper dive into the corrosive effects of ageism with Betsy Abramson, Executive director of the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging. Betsy sees ageism as a full-fledged health crisis, and has the research to back that claim. And she has solutions, ways you can fight back against stereotypical comments and behaviors.
Sep 5, 2018
26 min
The Role of Intimacy for Healthy Aging
Talk by Michael Lee Smith, a featured speaker at the 2018 Healthy Aging Summit presented by the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging.    Michael holds the view that sexually active “olders” are healthier and happier. But adds, that doesn’t necessarily mean sex, that intimacy is the real key. Lee Smith shares stories of his early research days at the Kinsey Institute, his grandmother's “new man,” and ways to reframe and redefine a healthy sexuality as we age.
Aug 7, 2018
42 min
2018 Healthy Aging Summit:  Emerging Interventions in Healthy Aging.
FOR MORE INFORMATION on the programs Carol talked about, listen to this panel discussion from the 2018 Healthy Aging Summit:  Emerging Interventions in Healthy Aging.
Jul 1, 2018
38 min
What the Scary Statistics Don't Tell You
Lions and Tigers and Bears!  The statistics on seniors’ health issues are frightening! In the US, it’s estimated that every second of every day an older adult falls, leading to disability and even death. BUT the numbers aren’t the whole story. In fact, there’s good news to share, new strategies that will help us stay upright and healthier as we age.
Jul 1, 2018
7 min
Chronic Pain
BLurp goes here
Jan 30, 2018
5 min
Life is a Daring Adventure and I'm Not Done Yet!
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” These words from Winnie the Pooh came to me as I considered how I should say goodbye to you. I will be leaving Retiree Rebels and concentrating on my life as a coach and speaker and workshop presenter. My passions of being a life coach, a midwife for midlife and beyond, or speaking on living life as daring adventure and setting up my dream camp retreats will fill my future days. Would love to hear from you at [email protected] Go Rebels!
Nov 21, 2017
3 min
Practicing What We Preach
Practicing What We Preach   Over the last 2 years, Mary Helen and Carol have talked a lot about following your dreams, your curiosity and your ambitions. Time for us to follow our own advice.   So, for the next 6 months will be on hiatus, while Carol collects suggestions and ideas from you for the next reincarnation of the website.
Nov 21, 2017
3 min
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