ReThink Church Podcast

ReThink Church

ReThink Church Podcast
Rethink Church podcast is an unfiltered conversation about Faith, Church, and well-intentioned Christians.
06 - Post-Christianity part 1
On this episode Zach Bauer talks about 4 influences that has shifted America to a post christian culture. Christianity is no longer the dominant religion in many places where it used to be.  Resources:
Jul 31, 2020
25 min
05 - Dinner church expression
On this episode Zach Bauer talks with Mark Cryderman win Detroit Dinner Churches. We discuss the shift from a traditional church expression to a dinner church expression, and the model and method of table gatherings. Resources: Dinner Church Book Verlon Fosner
Jul 13, 2020
35 min
04 - Navigating church during COVID
On this episode Zach Bauer talks with Dave Campbell pastor of Invitation Church in Sioux Falls, SD about how the church has adapted and adjusted to COVID-19. This is new territory for churches dealing with health concerns, fear and doing church virtually. 
Jul 8, 2020
34 min
03 - Racism and Christian culture
On this episode Zach Bauer talks with Pablo Bonilla about race and christian culture. Finding ways to have difficult conversations and seeking unity with one another. 
Jul 3, 2020
37 min
02 - Church as a family
On this episode Zach Bauer discusses the cultural perspective of church being an event or program but what if church is meant to be a family. 
Jun 26, 2020
13 min
01 - Church consumerism, and the shift in America
On this episode Zach Bauer talks with Red Door elders Bryan and Ashley Paulson about church consumerism and the current shift in church culture. 
Jun 19, 2020
37 min