REROOT with Eamon and Bec Podcast
REROOT with Eamon and Bec
Eamon and Bec
PILLOWTALK - Control Issues, Communication & Being Lucky In Love - episode of REROOT with Eamon and Bec podcast

PILLOWTALK - Control Issues, Communication & Being Lucky In Love

1 hour 3 minutes Posted Feb 1, 2021 at 10:00 am.
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Welcome back to REROOT with Eamon and Bec! We are so thrilled to be back. If you are new here - Reroot is about blurring the lines between hustler and hippie. Delving into the tipping point of change that reroutes your life and the story of what happens next. Chronicling tales of entrepreneurs, artists, creators, and anyone else leaving their mark on the world. In this week's episode, in the spur of the moment fashion, we decided to grab our microphones and continue to record our conversation as we were while laying in bed.  Thus, a new series called PILLOWTALK was born. Enjoy!