RENAR Voice Podcast


Rho Eta Nu Alpha Rho
RENAR Voice is a counseling student podcast interview series produced by Liberty University's north area region Rho Eta Nu Alpha Rho (RENAR) online chapter of Chi Sigma Iota, the counseling academic and professional honor society, that features counseling professors, practitioners, and leaders both at Liberty and beyond. Enjoy these extracurricular opportunities for professional identity formation while hearing from both the counselors who make up our online community and some experts from the wider field of mental health. Hosted by our chapter's founding officers Robert Switala and Jeff Mazzone, along with support from founding chapter faculty advisers Dr. Krista Kirk and Dr. John King, and with Dr. Deedre Mitchell. Interviews of Liberty faculty and counselors occur every two weeks, with a Special Feature track produced monthly that spotlights experts outside Liberty or unique topics. Ideas expressed in these episodes are solely those of the hosts and guests, and are not necessarily endorsed by Liberty University or Chi Sigma Iota. Email us at [email protected].
Ep. 18: The Sex Addiction Talk - Dr. John C. Thomas
Counselor, certified sex and certified sex addiction therapist, Liberty University alumnus, and Liberty residential professor of counseling Dr. John C. Thomas joins Robert and Jeff to talk about sex addiction, or what he defines as a pathological relationship with sex similar to a thirsty man craving salt water.  He explains how sex can become one's attempt to satisfy unmet needs, issues, or struggles not only rooted from whatever bad things may have happened to us developmentally, but also from a deficiency of the good things we need for a healthy and whole sexuality.  Dr. Thomas also discusses how sex addiction can be very present in the lives of Christians, and how dealing with it is much more than just questions about sin, Bible verses, and ascetical practices.  Robert and Jeff explore with Dr. Thomas diagnostics, accountability, community, and our sexual anthropology rooted in the garden and culminating with the cross and Christ's second coming. For Dr. Patrick Carnes and The International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals, click here. Check out some of Dr. Thomas' books: Enduring Your Season of Suffering What's Good about Feeling Bad? Finding a Purpose and a Path through Your Pain Recommended APA citation example: Switala, R. P., & Mazzone, J. (Producers). (2021, June 21). Ep. 18: The sex addiction talk - Dr. John C. Thomas [Audio podcast episode]. In RENAR Voice. Rho Eta Nu Alpha Rho of Chi Sigma Iota, Liberty University.
Jun 21, 2021
44 min
Ep. 17: Trauma and God's Design - A Special Feature with Anna Zaccardo
Robert and Jeff invite counselor, educator, trauma specialist, and Robert's site supervisor Anna Zaccardo to discuss her 25+ years of work with trauma.  Anna defines trauma as those intensely distressing life experiences that affect a person holistically and disrupt one's sense of safety, belonging, and meaning.  She discusses trauma in the context of the dark places that impact one's ability to cope and relate healthily with God, others, and self.  Anna outlines how trauma leaves traces upon us that limit out capacity for joy and intimacy, and how the behavior that flows from trauma is distinctly different than any other behavior.  Anna explains how working within the domain of God's original plan for a person can help engage one's brokenness. Recommended APA citation example: Switala, R. P., & Mazzone, J. (Producers). (2021, May 31). Ep. 17: Trauma and God's design - A special feature with Anna Zaccardo [Audio podcast episode]. In RENAR Voice. Rho Eta Nu Alpha Rho of Chi Sigma Iota, Liberty University.
May 31, 2021
37 min
Ep. 16: Bringing Ourselves into the Moral Conflicts - Dr. Krista Kirk
Counselor, Liberty alumna and assistant professor, founder of all the online CSI chapters at Liberty, and originator of this podcast Dr. Krista Kirk joins Robert and Jeff to discuss the most often asked question she hears from students - how do we navigate the moral issues that arise in counseling?  In the spirit of Irvin Yalom's axiom that we bring ourselves wherever we go, Dr. Kirk shares from her own theological perspective on how she navigates her identity in Christ as a child of God while also remaining focused on the child of God in front of her.  Dr. Kirk challenges us to remember that we can learn a lot from those with whom we may disagree theologically, morally, or politically while still maintaining our integrity.  Recommended APA citation example: Switala, R. P., & Mazzone, J. (Producers). (2021, May 18). Ep. 16: Bringing ourselves into the moral conflicts - Dr. Krista Kirk [Audio podcast episode]. In RENAR Voice. Rho Eta Nu Alpha Rho of Chi Sigma Iota, Liberty University.
May 18, 2021
41 min
Ep. 15:  Approaching Race with Curiosity, Openness, and Listening - Dr. Mark Myers
Counselor and Liberty professor Dr. Mark Myers joins Robert and Jeff to discuss the "courageous conversations" that he and Dr. Melvin Pride began in 2016 as a forum for discussing race and asking questions about the hot button issues.  Dr. Myers shares his experiences as a white man from Colorado raised in poverty having these discussions publicly with Dr. Pride - an African American raised in the Jim Crow south.  Dr. Myers shares how we can widen our perspectives, and discover how growing in relationship with persons of differing race leads us to question our prejudgments and assumptions, make us more curious, slower to react, and a little more aware.  Dr. Myers looks to Romans 13:8 as setting the standard for racial reconciliation, challenging us to fulfill the law of God, which is the law of love. For the courageous conversation held at the Virginia Counseling Association 2020 Conference, click here.  For the 1965 Moynihan Report, click here.  For the quote from John Stuart Mill, click here.  Recommended APA citation example: Switala, R. P., & Mazzone, J. (Producers). (2021, May 3). Ep. 15: Approaching race with curiosity, openness, and listening - Dr. Mark Myers [Audio podcast episode]. In RENAR Voice. Rho Eta Nu Alpha Rho of Chi Sigma Iota, Liberty University.
May 3, 2021
44 min
Ep. 14: Owning Our Capacity for Wrongness - Dr. Frederick Volk
Psychologist and Liberty counseling professor Dr. Fred Volk explains his “I am wrong” contribution to a thread on CESNET-L discussing science, research, data, truth, and faith.  Dr. Volk reminds us that science is not about proofs, and he recommends cultivating a sense of our own wrongness when judging others culturally, religiously, politically, and professionally.  Thinking like a researcher requires assessing not how right we are, but how wrong we are.  Humility is recognizing our potential for wrongness in our perceptions and understandings.  He suggests that we attend to the present moment and the person before us, realizing that we make judgments that may be wrong, and that forgiving ourselves for mistakes me make helps us forgive others too.  Dr. Volk examines how to approach colleagues who place “faith” in systems other than the Christian faith like any number of -isms.  Robert and Jeff's time with Dr. Volk reminds them of the passage “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account” (Hebrews 4:13). Recommended APA citation example: Switala, R. P., & Mazzone, J. (Producers). (2021, April 19). Ep. 14: Owning our capacity for wrongness - Dr. Frederick Volk [Audio podcast episode]. In RENAR Voice. Rho Eta Nu Alpha Rho of Chi Sigma Iota, Liberty University.
Apr 19, 2021
51 min
Ep. 13: Keeping it Real, Intentional, and Balanced - Dr. Stacey Lilley
In this casual and fun conversation, wife, mother, counselor, assistant professor, and director of Liberty's Clinical Mental Health Counseling program Dr. Stacey Lilley "brings the party" and offers a glimpse into the humanity behind our online professors that online students may not always see.  She discusses balance, wellness, priorities, vulnerability, and her efforts to navigate each.  Dr. Lilley shares her experience having babies while working full time and studying, learning not to give her spouse her leftover time, and making her needs known.  She reflects on the intentionality of attitude needed to foster self-care, reminding us that you cannot give what you don't have, and that you really need to secure your oxygen mask before assisting others.  She distinguishes the demands of what's pressing and what is not, and shares how to recognize the red flags that things are not balanced. Recommended APA citation example: Switala, R. P., & Mazzone, J. (Producers). (2021, April 5). Ep. 13: Keeping it real, intentional, and balanced - Dr. Stacey Lilley [Audio podcast episode]. In RENAR Voice. Rho Eta Nu Alpha Rho of Chi Sigma Iota, Liberty University.
Apr 5, 2021
53 min
Ep. 12: Virtual Private Practice - Dr. Sonya Heckler Cheyne
Counselor, supervisor, and Liberty associate professor Dr. Sonya Heckler Cheyne joins Robert and Jeff to discuss the virtual private practice she started in January of 2021 as a response to living in a rural area, being the only counselor in town, and the impact of COVID19 on how services are delivered.  She shares insights into her business model, hiring students and licensed interns, legal and ethical concerns, billing, and minimizing overhead costs. Find Dr. Cheyne's virtual private practice LogoVita, PLLC here.  Recommended APA citation example: Switala, R. P., & Mazzone, J. (Producers). (2021, March 29). Ep. 12: Virtual private practice - Dr. Sonya Hecker Cheyne [Audio podcast episode]. In RENAR Voice. Rho Eta Nu Alpha Rho of Chi Sigma Iota, Liberty University.
Mar 29, 2021
39 min
Ep. 11: Traumatic Loss, Suffering, and Meaning - Dr. Alyssa Gavulic
Counselor, marriage and family therapist, Liberty graduate and adjunct professor, military widow, and grieving mother Dr. Alyssa Gavulic tells her story finding meaning and joy through the traumatic losses of her husband from a special operations training accident, her youngest child from a drowning accident, and two of her brothers from suicide and homicide all within less than three years after completing her master's degree and during her doctoral studies.  She shares how she came to live, experience, and apply her research in resilience and grief, her agonizing trial of trusting in the goodness of God, and how we can best be present to others going through their own seasons of suffering. Recommended APA citation example: Switala, R. P., & Mazzone, J. (Producers). (2021, March 22). Ep. 11: Traumatic loss, suffering, and meaning - An interview with Dr. Alyssa Gavulic [Audio podcast episode]. In RENAR Voice. Rho Eta Nu Alpha Rho of Chi Sigma Iota, Liberty University.
Mar 22, 2021
35 min
Ep. 10: Stories from Play Therapy - Dr. Robyn Simmons
Counselor, Liberty professor, CSI chapter adviser, and registered play therapist supervisor Dr. Robyn Simmons discusses how play therapy works in allowing children to express the themes that adult clients may share through words, especially regarding trauma.  She shares a few of her favorite stories from play therapy, how to become trained and registered, and how to engage parents. Recommended APA citation example: Switala, R. P., Mazzone, J., & Prince, T. (Producers). (2021, March 8). Ep. 10: Stories from play therapy - Dr. Robyn Simmons [Audio podcast episode]. In RENAR Voice. Rho Eta Nu Alpha Rho of Chi Sigma Iota, Liberty University.
Mar 8, 2021
37 min
Ep. 9: Society, Turmoil, and Leadership Through the Holy Spirit - Dr. Brandi Chamberlin
As online chair of the Department of Counselor Education and Family Studies at Liberty, Dr. Chamberlin led several thousand students and a few hundred professors through 2020's tensions surrounding race and the Falwell sex scandal.  She shares her experiences of finding a voice, having honest and vulnerable conversations with colleagues, and responding with actions rooted in prayer especially with professors and students at the monthly virtual prayer vigils held from June through December.  Dr. Chamberlin discusses with Robert and Jeff her vision for moving forward, and the role Liberty and its counselors can play. Recommended APA citation example: Switala, R. P., & Mazzone, J. (Producers). (2021, February 23). Ep. 9: Society, turmoil, and leadership through the Holy Spirit - Dr. Brandi Chamberlin [Audio podcast episode]. In RENAR Voice. Rho Eta Nu Alpha Rho of Chi Sigma Iota, Liberty University.
Feb 23, 2021
47 min
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