This is the English version of Relatos de un Atracón, Episode 1. This episode is about a love story that has to do with my Binge Eating Disorder or B. E. D. It's a story with a lesson about communication, and it is meant to help people with eating disorders to know, that they are not alone in this fight. It also helps with ideas and examples as to how to explain an eating disorder to the people you care about. Don't be ashamed, but be honest about it. Each episode will share a story about myself or someone else who has had problems and victories with eating disorders. This is a safe space for us to share our battles and to feel that you are not alone. Sit back, relax and enjoy this first Tale of a Binge Eater. I promise you, you will not regret it.
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Jan 27, 2022
31 min

Este episodio relata la experiencia de un amor frustrado. Es una historia que tiene que ver con mi TCA, o, trastorno por atracón. Es una enseñanza y un testimonio para ayudar a todas las personas, que por nuestros TCAs, hemos perdido amistades, trabajos, amores, y muchas oportunidades. No obstante, en esta historia, hay un final feliz, hay una victoria, hay una lección positiva que ha ayudado a muchas personas a comunicarse mejor, a decir la verdad, a hablar sobre nuestros problemas con la comida y a evitar el tratar de adivinar lo que los otros están pensando.
Cada episodio de este espacio, nos ayuda a fortalecernos para enfrentar las batallas que enfrentamos en la vida, y salir adelante.
Bienvenidos a este espacio seguro.
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/relatosdeunatracon/message
Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/relatosdeunatracon/support
Dec 23, 2021
32 min