On today's episode I talk about starting early on your New Year's Resolutions. We often wait until the last week of December to come up with and plan your resolutions, then we try to magically become a new person on January 1st. We have been living on the Elf diet and for 4 weeks and all of a sudden, on the first of January, we are going hard core Keto. No wonder so many resolutions fail in the first couple of months. I suggest we start at the beginning of December planning our resolutions to give us a better chance of success. On this episode, I talk about strategies to do this. Follow me on Facebook at Kester Health or on Instagram at kester_healthIf you are interested in Transformational Nutrition Coaching, please visit my website, kesterhealth.com, and sign up for a free discovery call
Nov 29, 2023
15 min

Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Whether you are in panic mode to clean your entire house while adding a new guest wing, or you are driving to 5 family dinners clear across North America to be with family, I have a couple of thougths about how to look at this festive holiday in order to make it more enjoyable. On today's episode of the Reinvent Your Health podcast, I dive into two thoughts to make the most of your time off of the grind of work and enjoy time with family and friends. You don't want to miss this episode. Follow me on Facebook at Kester Health or on Instagram at kester_healthIf you are interested in Transformational Nutrition Coaching, please visit my website, kesterhealth.com, and sign up for a free discovery call
Nov 22, 2023
11 min

This is part 2 of the 2-part series on your thyroid. On today's episode, I have a special guest. I am interviewing my niece, Cassidy, and talk about her experience with thyroid cancer. From her fist symptoms to her life after surgery. This is a don't miss episode, so, like, don't miss it!!Follow me on Facebook at Kester Health or on Instagram at kester_healthIf you are interested in Transformational Nutrition Coaching, please visit my website, kesterhealth.com, and sign up for a free discovery call
Nov 15, 2023
15 min

On today's episode, I go into all about your thyroid - what it does and how things can go wrong with it. Your thyroid is an important gland that has many important functions including controlling your energy and metabolism. This will be part 1 of a 2-part episode on your thyroid. Follow me on Facebook at Kester Health or on Instagram at kester_healthIf you are interested in Transformational Nutrition Coaching, please visit my website, kesterhealth.com, and sign up for a free discovery call
Nov 8, 2023
15 min

I decided after I turned 50 I needed a physical challenge, so I joined and completed my first Tough Mudder. On today's episode I talk about the experience. From crawling in the mud to freezing my cajones off in ice cold water - it was a great! I was able to share the experience with family members, which made it that much better. Tune in to hear about what obstacles I had to go through and how much fun we had! Follow me on Facebook at Kester Health or on Instagram at kester_healthIf you are interested in Transformational Nutrition Coaching, please visit my website, kesterhealth.com, and sign up for a free discovery call
Nov 1, 2023
21 min

For this special Halloween episode, I am going over 13 super scary health facts that should give you pause and make you really take a closer look at your health. I go over a couple of topics like cancer, processed foods, lack of sleep and the food and pharmaceutical companies. So, grab your flashlight, wrap up in a blanket and listen with caution. Follow me on Facebook at Kester Health or on Instagram at kester_healthIf you are interested in Transformational Nutrition Coaching, please visit my website, kesterhealth.com, and sign up for a free discovery call
Oct 25, 2023
14 min

Are you in control of your life or are you just letting life happen to you? Are you in the driver's seat, determining where you are going and when you are going to get there? Or are you in the passenger's seat, staring out the window at trees and cows chewing on grass as life takes you where it wants to take you? If you want to get healthy and make a better life for yourself, you need to grab the steering wheel and take control. Follow me on Facebook at Kester Health or on Instagram at kester_healthIf you are interested in Transformational Nutrition Coaching, please visit my website, kesterhealth.com, and sign up for a free discovery call
Oct 11, 2023
12 min

Today is my 50th Birthday episode!!! I decided that for my 50th Birthday episode I decided to do a countdown of 50 things I have learned over the 50 years I have been on this planet. A lot of these things I have learned the hard way, many of these things I have to remind myself of often, and there are far more things I have learned and have forgotten over the years. This is a list of some of my most valuable lessons. I hope you enjoy. Follow me on Facebook at Kester Health or on Instagram at kester_healthIf you are interested in Transformational Nutrition Coaching, please visit my website, kesterhealth.com, and sign up for a free discovery call
Oct 4, 2023
20 min

On today's episode, I am going to be talking about your identity. How you see yourself is extremely important in regards to your health journey. If you are wanting to lose weight and get healthier, your identity is going to play a big part in the decisions you make on a day to day basis. Follow me on Facebook at Kester Health or on Instagram at kester_healthIf you are interested in Transformational Nutrition Coaching, please visit my website, kesterhealth.com, and sign up for a free discovery call
Sep 27, 2023
16 min

A couple of weeks ago, my wife, older son and I went to The Summit of Greatness. We spent 3 days in Columbus, Ohio for the event and had a great time. There were some great workshops, entertainment and wonderful speakers. It was great to share the experience with my wife and son and I'm so glad I was able to spend that time together. We had a lot of inspirational takeaways that we share in today's episode. Follow me on Facebook at Kester Health or on Instagram at kester_healthIf you are interested in Transformational Nutrition Coaching, please visit my website, kesterhealth.com, and sign up for a free discovery call
Sep 20, 2023
1 hr 23 min
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