This week’s sponsor is the @ThePhotoCitizen, she’s out here shooting her shot and making it effortlessly every time! DM her “ JAE SENT ME” to schedule a session to float and shoot. What Jae Gotta Sae?: Here is a safe space for our tribe to explore feelings and thoughts on things that are important us personally. These questions are submitted to see What Jae Gotta Sae. Today’s question is My daughter is beginning to ask questions I’m not ready to answer. You and Nyleaj set to have a really open relationship. What advice can you give me for communicating through the uncomfortable topics? Be honest with her as well as yourself. Give yourself time to gather your thoughts. Be prepared to amend some statements and misinformation. Show Topic: Gratitude before Abundance Maintaining a constant state of gratitude. There is always something to be grateful for. Its in our nature … we’ve all heard the elders giving thanks. Mind your mouth … the universe is listening and returning your energy. Showing Gratitude in moments when you feel like you have nothing is your flashlight out of darkness. Closing Affirmation: Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. I turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion into clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for toady and creates a vision for tomorrow. I am so grateful that Universe is always working for my greater good… because of my gratitude I attract more.
Aug 3, 2020
21 min

Welcome to Regal Real Reckless! … Where poise meets purpose and passion. Each week Jae Every Dae explores everyday topics like relationships, mental health, sex, spirituality and more, but from the perspective of a woman figuring it out along the way. Sponsor message: Me... Jae Every Dae. Head over to jaeeverydae.com to get the latest merchandise available... like headwraps, intention oil and more. What Jae Gotta Sae?: Here is a safe space for our tribe to explore feelings and thoughts on things that are important us personally. These questions are submitted to see What Jae Gotta Sae. Today’s question is I cry often and I hate it. How have you become so comfortable with being vulnerable? No one can use me against me. Show Topic: Pools vs Puddles Everyone’s emotional depth is different . The "shallow" remind me of who I am… and why am I. My spirit and energy has the capacity for all ships of experiences to happen while others exist on shore. I can’t be any less of myself just like we can’t drain the ocean. Some shit I saw/Closing Affirmation: "Her mind swims at depth most would drown." I affirm my depths lead to discovery… I’m allowed to see and feel experiences in ways that benefit all that exist. Thanks for joining us this week on Regal Real Reckless! Please take time to visit our website, RegalRealReckless.com, where you can leave your questions to see What Jae Gotta Sae and to subscribe to the show. so you’ll never miss an episode.
Jul 27, 2020
22 min

Welcome to Regal Real Reckless! … Where poise meets purpose and passion. Each week Jae Every Dae explores everyday topics like relationships, mental health, sex, spirituality and more, but from the perspective of a woman figuring it out along the way. Sponsor message: Cosey Photography... fashion and glamour photography. www.coseyphotography.com What Jae Gotta Sae?: Here is a safe space for our tribe to explore feelings and thoughts on things that are important us personally. These questions are submitted to see What Jae Gotta Sae. Today’s question is I often see your post and you are always so confident… have you always been that way? I’m searching for a space to be that confident. Learn not to give a fuck. Show Topic: Enjoying the Journey I was moved to take a road trip … which is completely against how I like to travel. I just want to get where I’m going. But I felt and spoke it so I knew it was something I “needed” to do. The free flowing nature of a road trip allowed me to take in the sometimes seemingly hidden messages, lessons and truth. The destinations are only rest stops before the next journey. Some shit I saw: I don’t care how long it takes me, Im going somewhere beautiful. I affirm there peace and needed lessons on all my paths.
Jul 20, 2020
20 min

Sponsor message: This episode is sponsored by Divine Essential Body Magic 'Where Scared Beauty Meets Divine Power’ https://www.essentialmagic.shop What Jae Gotta Sae?: Here is a safe space for our tribe to explore feelings and thoughts on things that are important us personally. These questions are submitted to see What Jae Gotta Sae. Today’s question is How will I know I’m on the path to elevating? When I felt a pain so painful and low that the only thing I could do was come up out of it. Show Topic: Looking in the Mirror Having real up close in the mirror conversations with myself was essential to my growth… physical, mental, and spiritual. Looking at myself honestly about my own toxicity allowed me to understand people and situations from the past. I was able to release a lot of anger but I then understood the “why” in those moments. Being able to see yourself in othersI paid attention to the things I was and wasn’t able to say about about myself to myself. Closing Affirmation: Some shit I Saw said: Falling back into habits isn’t problematic - not being able to recognize them and pull yourself out again is. I affirm that I am aware of my reflection… I'm aware of who I am an who I want to be.
Jul 13, 2020
26 min

This week’s sponsor is Krystal B. Armstrong with The Strategy Society. There she gives tips, advice, and strategies on how to launch, grow and scale your business all while keeping you mentally and spiritually aligned. Membership packages are beyond affordable … starting at just $5 a month. Link can be found on regalrealreckless.com as this week’s sponsor or at https://www.patreon.com/krystalbarmstrong What Jae Gotta Sae?: (1:25) These questions are submitted to see What Jae Gotta Sae. Today’s question is: "You appear to have a decent relationship with your son’s father. Has it always been that way because I can’t stand my child’s father. What can I do to have a better relationship as parents?" Remove your relationship and feelings towards him and solely focus on how he engages with his child. Show Topic: Universe Induced Fasting (4:08) The universe is constantly creating experiences that both give and take away elements of how we exist for our greater good. The universe does not conspire against us … I can say a lot of my strife in life has been due to me seeking out bullshit due to familiarity I’m seeing a distinct pattern… once I’ve made a stance on a particular aspect or behavior in my life, I’ m tested. As if the universe is looking me dead in my face asking me “ARE YOU COMMITTED TO YOUR GROWTH?” Closing Affirmation: (21:21) “… our lives have become source of toxicity , rather than one of sustenance and renewal” I affirm that I am in full control of my thoughts, feelings and behaviors and all experiences should lead to my greater self. (22:36)Thanks for joining us this week on Regal Real Reckless! Please take time to visit our website, RegalRealReckless.com, where you can leave your questions to see What Jae Gotta Sae and to subscribe to the show on your preferred platform. Also or if you’d simply tell a friend about the show, that energy would be greatly appreciated as well.
Jun 15, 2020
23 min

Intro: Welcome to Regal Real Reckless! … Where poise meets purpose and passion. Each week Jae Every Dae explores everyday topics like relationships, mental health, sex, spirituality and more, but from the perspective of a woman figuring it out along the way. Sponsor message: This week’s sponsor is Pep Holman with New York Life. It’s time to prepare for life completely. It’s time to consider what type of financial state would we leave our loved ones in if something happened to us today or tomorrow. Head over to regalrealreckless.com or this show’s detail to click this week’s sponsor. [email protected] What Jae Gotta Sae?: Here is a safe space for our tribe to explore feelings and thoughts on things that are important us personally. These questions are submitted to see What Jae Gotta Sae. Today’s question is How am I supposed to raise black children and not be scared? Be aware and prepared Show Topic: I planned to talk about putting down what’s heavy and keeping what’s light … but I just couldn’t at a time I was feeling so heavy. And I soon realized this was the universe making sure I believe and apply the messages I speak. The days have been monotonous and long, with sickness, fear and seclusion filling the air. Then and uproar of anger and frustration from an entire TIRED community (and sub communities). A constant influx of information, feeding all emotions daily. The rollercoaster of emotion was nauseating. Each of us will deal with today’s social climate in different ways, I tend to absorb. Feeling it all… shit I don’t even care about. It was almost as if being present back fired. I felt trapped. Cornered in the reality of it all. Then still having to just be… whatever you are, you’re still expected to be that. And here I am having had collected every heavy thing I had come in contact with over the past days and I buckling under the weight of it all. And I heard myself saying stop, fight it… but I was being drowned out by the noise of the world. Have the right people around helps tremendously. Give love in order to receive love. Closing Affirmation: Some shit I saw Was basically the same words someone close had just said to me “Control your emotions” doesn’t mean “avoid your emotions.” Feel your shit, but don’t lose your shit. This week along with many others in my life have made me realize being so intensely emotional is both a blessing and responsibility… I have to be aware of how my energy is affecting those around me. And because of that I have to control where my emotions take me. I affirm I’m powerful enough to feel and share the emotions I want to experience.
Jun 8, 2020
22 min

This week’s sponsor is Pep Holman with New York Life. It’s time to prepare for life completely... from near future goals to retirement plans. It’s time to consider what type of financial state would we leave our loved ones in if something happened to us today or tomorrow. [email protected] What Jae Gotta Sae?: Here is a safe space for our tribe to explore feelings and thoughts on things that are important us personally. These questions are submitted to see What Jae Gotta Sae. Today’s question is Is polygamy a selfish choice or a collective? How to maintain balance of your life and your partners? If done correctly it has to be a decision made by all with constant consideration of everyone's feelings. Show Topic: What energy would add value to today's shift? I am angry and pissed off with the world but I won't let it distract me from loving Black Men.
Jun 1, 2020
21 min

Welcome to Regal Real Reckless! … Where poise meets purpose and passion. Each week Jae Every Dae explores everyday topics like relationships, mental health, sex, spirituality and more, but from the perspective of a woman figuring it out along the way. Sponsor message: 0:23 This week’s sponsor is Get Up and Ride Nola. Here in New Orleans every Tuesday is a vibe when we get up and ride. Lit color wheels coming through. But Get up and ride is available for more than just Tuesday night fun…whether you just need a bike to rent or want to do a bike tour, #GetUpRideNOLA is the cities biking connect. Visit and follow https://www.instagram.com/getupnride_nola/ What Jae Gotta Sae?: 0:55 Here is a safe space for our tribe to explore feelings and thoughts on things that are important us personally. These questions are submitted to see What Jae Gotta Sae. Today’s question is Hi Jae, I’m 24 years old and I am still a virgin. Growing up I was very intentional in not falling into the cycles that I saw around me as a result of sex so I avoided it. There were times I wanted to just do it because I enjoyed the stories and excitement a lot of my friends had from it or if I found a guy attractive in every way. I wasn’t ever prude I just always saw sex as something very powerful until I realized Im a chooser lol. That power is mine and I don’t have to bend or except what thrown my way. Sex was always a topic in my household (Scorpio mom) . How do I put myself out there to receive what I want, but maintain full control? You’re well on your way to being in control just because you desire to be. Manifest the sexual experiences and interactions you want. Being dickmitized is real… so be sure to only share your body with those who share your frequency. Show Topic: 4:44 Emotional awareness is necessary to establish emotional boundaries Before successfully setting boundaries I had to be honest with myself about how I felt. …I am empathetic. Separate what I feel from what others feel… it’s not my job to make others feel comfortable. I found My boundaries in the shadows and dark moments. You have the right to feel good all the time. Go where it feels good… a yes to others should not feel like a no to yourself. Closing: 19:34 Some shit I saw: “Empathy without boundaries is self destruction.” I affirm that my boundaries are necessary to become and protect the best version of myself Thanks for joining us this week on Regal Real Reckless! Please take time to visit our website, RegalRealReckless.com, where you can leave your questions to see What Jae Gotta Sae and to subscribe to the show so you’ll never miss an episode. Also or if you’d simply tell a friend about the show, that energy would be greatly appreciated as well.
May 25, 2020
20 min

0:20 Sponsor message: Drew’s Garden Natural Essentials serves to provide healthy + organic skin care options for girls, boys, women and men that struggle to see their true beauty behind scars, blemishes, and other skin related ailments. Visit https://ashleyjantoine.com today to get you Butta Love now! 0:48 What Jae Gotta Sae?: "I'm a College grad and I have lost my job recently and now cannot find another in my field. Thinking about stripping or escorting until I can get another job. I fear I may like the fast money too much to go back to corporate america - should I chance it or just keep trying to find a job." 3:00 Show Topic: Should our children see our pain... should mothers allow their sons to see them cry or broken? Why would we hide from our children?… details,no but truth,yes. Leads to unrealistic expectations of women in their futures. I believe its necessary in order to teach real coping skills. Who taught you how to be an adult? … have you always felt prepared and well equipped. 21:06 “Some shit I saw”/Closing Affirmation: "Do I want to be a hero to my son? No. I would like to be a very real Human Being . That’s hard enough." Robert Downey Jr. Affirmation : I am aware and calm in the chaos … and I will teach my son the skills to be as well.
May 18, 2020
22 min

Today's episode of RRR is brought to you by Reine Wraps & Lagniappe... where they believe a Queen is always seen. Visit https://everydae-love-light.myshopify.com to get your favorite prints today. If I wanted to f*ck you, you’d know. My body and energy are mine. Over sexualization of me is your issue ... not mine. Just because I’m sexual doesn’t mean I want to have sex with you. You being attracted to me is not an invitation into my space. This is often the reason why so many attractive women have attitudes. I had to learn my own energy and the power I had.There's a reason the masses are drawn to sensual and seductive ideas and people … sexual energy is the magic that brings forth life … the ultimate creation. If I can use a fraction of that magic I can create the atmosphere I want in a room, the reaction I want from a person… The more I align with my sexual self the more I attract experiences that are in line with my true desires. Your sexual energy is connected to your divine power. Use it wisely and sacredly. My sexual energy is mine, and with it I create the world I desire.
May 11, 2020
24 min
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