Reconnection Podcast Podcast

Reconnection Podcast

Reconnection Youth Ministry
The Reconnection Youth Ministry podcast will broadcast sermons from Steven Pickrell, TL Asbury, and Adam Jividen, the youth directors at Faith Christian Fellowship church in Buffalo, WV.
06/21/2015 - Zeal (Steven Pickrell)
Steven teaches on being consumed by the zeal of the Lord.
Jun 20, 2015
48 min
03/15/2015 - iGrow (Part 2)
03/15/2015 - iGrow (Part 2) by Reconnection Youth Ministry
Mar 15, 2015
39 min
03/07/2015 - Believing Prayers (Bree Simmons & Hunter Jones)
Bree and Hunter share their thoughts on prayer and seeking the presence of the Lord at our 2015 winter retreat.
Mar 7, 2015
3 min
03/07/2015 - Soaking (Adam Jividen)
Adam teaches on soaking in His presence at our 2015 winter retreat.
Mar 7, 2015
25 min
03/07/2015 - Tabernacle Of David (Steven Pickrell)
Steven teaches on the tabernacle of David at our 2015 winter retreat. Disclaimer: I feel the need clarify one small item from this message. I understand there was in fact a tent that housed the ark and that in that tent the singers were charged to lead praise and worship day and night. My comments regarding there not being a tabernacle of David in the physical are rooted in a place that was not made to the specifications that Moses had been given. I pray you'll forgive my lack of explanation in the message.
Mar 6, 2015
43 min