Episode 2. Yikes. This is a tough bridge to cross. How much do you spend on start-up stuff? Website, ads, PlaceIt, yada yada.
This is real-talk entrepreneurialism at its finest. Join us as we build a fashion brand from the ground up! It's uncertain. It's grey. It's up some days, down other days. We're learning. Making mistakes. But pushing forward.
The Rebel Genius Podcast is a catalog of raw, unfiltered founders' phone calls. Founders Ryan McLaughlin and David Brown discuss the scope of the brand, scaleability, advertising, ethics, mission statement, low-cost entry, and more. .
Rebel Genius™ is synergy of custom art and intellectualism. Fashion-feel and punk smarts. A disruptive aesthetic for a distraught era. We juggle optimism and critique. Sustainability and revolution. Creativity and destruction. Our canvas is apparel. We do custom + creative. .
David Brown is the artist.
Ryan McLaughlin is the lawyer.
Questions? Text us at 763.316.8323.
Jul 9, 2020
12 min
Episode 1. What's good? This is real-talk entrepreneurialism at its finest. Join us as we build a fashion brand from the ground up! It's uncertain. It's grey. It's up some days, down other days. We're learning. Making mistakes. But pushing forward.
The Rebel Genius Podcast is a catalog of raw, unfiltered founders' phone calls. Founders Ryan McLaughlin and David Brown discuss the scope of the brand, scaleability, advertising, ethics, mission statement, low-cost entry, and more. .
Rebel Genius™ is synergy of custom art and intellectualism. Fashion-feel and punk smarts. A disruptive aesthetic for a distraught era. We juggle optimism and critique. Sustainability and revolution. Creativity and destruction. Our canvas is apparel. We do custom + creative. .
David Brown is the artist.
Ryan McLaughlin is the lawyer.
Questions? Text us at 763.316.8323.
Jul 9, 2020
18 min