Reasonable Faith Podcast Podcast
Reasonable Faith Podcast
William Lane Craig
via Podcasts
Great from start to finish
Love the music bookends, dialogue and insight. This podcast has it all!
Mark SV
Love the music!
Love the trendy intro music on the program!
I have been a fan of this podcast for many years. Unfortunately, as WLC has gotten older, he has become more arrogant and bitter towards those who believe in differing points of view. The latest example is how he just insulted millions of Christians worldwide who believe in a supernatural creation per Genesis 1. Truly disappointed in his lack of humility and charity in his old age.
Corey Lambrecht
Intro Music is terrible and all over the place
Downgraded to 4 stars. love the Podcast and William Lane Craig; but whoever thinks the intro music which bleeds into the interviews was a good idea was wrong. Its terrible and distracting and I fast forward thru it. WLC, please say something!!
Love it, but kill the intro music!
Love you Dr Craig, but the intro music on the podcasts are a disaster! Hope anyone from your crew is reading this.
5 stars
Dr. Craig is the premier Christian philosopher of our time. His perspicacity is unparalleled and without equal. I know of no other Christian who has been blessed with such deep and profound insight. I have learned a lot from him. Thank you Dr. Craig. I pray God will continue to bless you and your family.
Great content but intro/outro music is too loud & long
I really love this podcast. It’s one of the few podcasts that I actively check to be sure I haven’t missed an episode. My only beef is that the intro music and outro music are too loud and play for too long. I can’t hear what’s being said during the first and last parts of the podcast over the music. It would be a great improvement to select a low-volume and short-length intro/outro music clip that doesn’t prevent the listener from hearing the spoken words. In fact, it could even be the exact same music clip each episode, which I’m sure would save time and resources. Thank you and I hope you keep producing this content. It is excellent work and provides a lot of material for further thinking and reading.
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Fine Dining for Lay Theologians!
Dr. Craig offers a scholarly and well-thought-out response to skeptics and critics of Christianity. Admittedly weighty subject matter, but I find it to be a refreshing mix to my theological diet. I would highly recommend to other Christian thinkers.
Thought provoking
Dr. Craig’s insights are valuable. I appreciate his analysis.
Common Sense
Dr. Craig just makes sense.
Very informative
For someone majoring in theology, this podcast is essential for understanding philosophical thought about God. I highly recommend
This man and his scholarship has revolutionized and revitalized my Christian faith. 30+ years of being a Christian and I’ve never heard most of these arguments. Churches need to be incorporating apologetics into their programs.
Joe Drust
Listen to the Best!
Dr. Craig is one of the greatest contemporary defenders of the Christian faith. This podcast presents an opportunity for the listener to pick his brain on various theological, apologetic & pastoral issues, hear about what he is currently researching, & clarify his arguments in his various writings and debates, which can be highly technical.
Lucas Hondros
I’ve recommended this podcast to everyone I can. To get to hear the arguments for God and Christianity straight from the mouth of one of be best philosophers and theologians of our time is a huge blessing! You’ve helped my faith tremendously and have helped give me a reasonable faith;) in God! God bless you Dr. Craig!
Faith Saver!
Been a fan of WLC for years and I have listened to almost all his podcasts. He helped save and strengthen my faith and I share is material with people of all faiths and strength of faith in Christ. He is kind, articulate and powerful. #1 Christian podcast in my mind
A must
Dr. Craig is the greatest living defender of the Christian faith and this show provides thought provoking insight. Great stuff
Thorin son of Thrain
This is one of my favorite podcasts, Dr Craig is doing great work !
Best Apologetics Podcast!
This is by far THE best Christian apologetics podcast out there! The topics Dr. Craig covers are wide in scope and also have depth! If you are even remotely interested in apologetics you simply have to tune in to this podcast!
J. Chandler Arnett III
Admittedly, Dr. Craig and I have developed some disagreements on certain theological positions, some of which may grow stronger over time; however, disagreements with someone does not mean they have not influenced your life’s journey, and Dr. Craig has certainly done that. I started listening to his work as a young philosophy undergrad searching for truth about God’s existence, then I started accessing his work as a young Christian seeking orthodoxy. His arguments and positions were great launching points for search for God and orthodox Christianity, and I put both my positions and his through the intellectual ringer. Apart from that, the charity he gives to his opponents is something to be mimicked. He is quick to accept correction on a position when he misunderstands his opponent (Sir Roger Penrose comes to mind). And his courage to take an honest intellectual approach to touchy and passionately-argued theological topics is an inspiration (the historical Adam and Eve). I look forward to more from Dr. Craig, and am grateful for the work he’s done for the faith, as it has pushed me forward in my young adulthood.
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Josh Swamidass episode
I really appreciate this episode - I think Josh is onto something - you guys never brought up a potential “hybrid” or replication of an ancient interference into humanity - say I hear about “morphing “ or shape shifters or an alien being “perhaps a Satan being making a “Frankenstein” sort of human but very flesh like - and so interbreeding happened with Neanderthal being possible or other hominid (few variables here speculative ) which is not fully human - but there’s really a true true being made in the image of God - a god like being - Jesus is second Adam so only those pure beings which are fallen and very human can return back to the Father. - the sheep only hear “their” Shepherds voice - also an interesting fold of this can be “an enemy did this” - did what? An answer biblical and Holy Spirit can be an enemy Planted weeds/tares in the wheat harvest ! Next , the Master tells the servants not to pull out the weeds, let the wheat and weeds grow together as to not destroy all that is good as well as the ultimate growth of all that is good , “and then “ separate that at the harvest time and harvesters (Jesus said these are Angels) sort through that - I mean what is Jesus meaning by an enemy planted this weed into history ? Don’t we have to define whether Jesus meant history or was this figurative language about merely the inside our hearts or say just the wrestling with sin / doing what’s right .. ? One key is weakness is the power of God and brings glory more so than perfection , the distinction with Jesus is power is made perfect in weakness - perhaps when people view others and “see the fruits” we can be so flawed especially without the proper knowledge only found in Christ , for greatness is in the lowly , being human in its frailty is not the fraud not the manipulated genetics . 🤔
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Cy Pontuo
Premium Christian Philosophy and Theology for the Intellectual Christian
I cannot possibly recommend the work of William Lane Craig too highly. This man has done so much for the intellectual side of Christian faith, it is staggering. This podcast is a great way for people to get introduced to Craig’s thought and ideas, but it’s also a great way for those familiar with his work to listen to these ideas in a conversational format. Repetition is always good for retention, and retention is necessary if we are to share these quality ideas with our friends of faith and of non-belief. Pros: - Very clear presentation - Conversational Format - Engaging for beginners and seasoned theologians/philosophers alike - Engages deeply with both philosophy and theology (and other disciplines at times as well) - Engages with Criag’s interlocutors and opponents in a charitable and helpful fashion - Can listen to Craig’s ideas starting with the topics that most interest you - Constantly updated - Short, bite-sized episodes with full text available online - Accompanying website, written materials, YouTube videos, and published works by Craig help to make this part of a comprehensive set of tools for doing apologetics and philosophical theology. Cons: - Craig rarely (never?) has guests on this podcast. It is strictly a forum for Craig to share his ideas in a dialogue format with his co-host Kevin Harris. - The show is bite-sized, but this means sometimes Craig will simply defer to his published works instead of explaining himself thoroughly. This will leave some listeners frustrated if they don’t wish/have time to engage with outside resources. - Craig’s co-host will rarely push back on him too much. Although, the podcast does often interact with written/video critiques of Craig’s arguments. That said, videos of Craig’s debates are a better source if one is seeking to see him respond to serious pushback.
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I wish you would stick to Apologetics and not politics. As a Christian, I found you lack of discerning the evil of Trump disturbing. While he may be pro-life, this is for his own political gain. His shallow and narcissistic ways are evident when lives of minorities are involved. You can’t be pro-life and not pro human rights. ““Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter. On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:21-23‬ ‭NLT‬‬
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Great food for thought. Don’t necessarily agreed with everything 100% but Dr. Craig gives me some new ideas to ponder and examine my faith. Don’t refuse to listen just because you disagree!
Ashlyn Albers
Jesus and “Hell”
Love your show but ouch(!!) on this episode! Jesus mentioned Hades only once and “Gehenna” four or five times allowing for parallel accounts. First, you have to establish that by “Gehenna” Jesus meant what is popularly understood as “Hell.” This is not established. E.g., see Gregg’s “All you want to know about hell” and Ehrman’s just-released volume on the subject.
Preterist Paul
A Must
For a superior education on the dynamics and interrelationship between pure faith and pure reason, there is none better than William Lane Craig.
Great for Christians and Non-Christians Alike
William Lane Craig and Kevin Harris do a great job picking interesting topics every week, and offering good insights into each topic. Dr. Craig is an outstanding Christian philosopher and apologist for Christianity, and so is great for both Christians and those interested in learning more about Christianity to listen to. I also recommend downloading the Reasonable Faith app, where you can read his written material, or view his video content.
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On the Shoulders of Giants
We live on the shoulders of giants, and Dr. Craig is one of those colossals. His intellect is scarcely rivaled. A deep, insightful man whose heart is as big as his brain. Very informative material, always challenges and satisfies that unique challenge thirst for the deeper things in life.
When will you atheists stop pretending you’re too “smart” for Christ? 67.5% of Nobel Laureates in the natural sciences follow Jesus —and that’s not an appeal to authority. I’m not saying it’s true because the smartest people alive and in history believe it. What I’m saying is that you have not denied Christ because your (comparatively, to them) feeble intellect saved you. You denied him because you are proud and you’re jealous and you gloat and your disdainful and anxious —just like everyone else, including Christians, are. But we submit our illnesses to Him, and your camp relabels illness as being healthy. “It’s no measure of good health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” That’s a nice quote.
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Dishonesty is not acceptable
When a religious leader says something that is clearly dishonest then I can no longer trust anything they say. This podcast might have some good in it but I can’t trust any of it now. I consider it a great evil for someone in a position of authority in a religion to use that position to lie about others.
Thank you
Just the greatest defense for Christianity that I’ve ever heard. Thank God.
Thank you Dr. Craig.
The best defense of Christian belief in town and clear analysis from one of the greatest Christian minds of our time. His work has inspired me to pursue a minor in theology in college.
New York Times episode
Great two part series! Dr. Craig is a gem for believers who want to be grace filled in their defense of Mere Christianity. Sad the responses from vitriolic skeptics and the fundamentalist christians sounded bizarrely similar in tone! May we be known by our Love, not sarcasm.
Truth and Logic
Mr. Craig offers up to date insight on the latest controversial topics in Christianity and apologetics.
Love it!
Jay Robarge
Christian Philosophy and Modern Events
William Lane Craig is an expert in theology and philosophy with two PhD's. Dr. Craig discusses philosophy of religion and sometimes current pressing events that relate to the fields of theology and philosophy. Dr. Craig's Defenders podcast on Christian doctrine is also a great podcast
The best for a reason
Dr. Craig is the most prominent Christian debater and philosopher, and there’s a reason: he knows what he’s talking about. His arguments are consistent across debates and he doesn’t pull debate lame antics like some of his appoints — think serial sexual harasser Lawrence Krauss who interrupted Craig with a buzzer whenever he disagreed with a point . He argues his views from agreed upon science and valid philosophical logic. He’s a terror on misinformed and popular-informed atheism, and a major confidence booster for Bible-believing Christians. Any 1 star review here boils down to: 1. Craig angered a particular atheist’s fan base, so they went after his podcast reviews. Anyone who mentions Dawkins or Hitchens can be assumed to be a troll. Someone even claimed Craig won’t debate Dawkins! The exact opposite is true! Dawkins refuses to debate Craig to this day. He even backed out of one and forced the host university and organization to grab a handful of random unprepared atheist professors to do the impromptu debate! 2. People claim his arguments are bad without any reasoning given. 3. They’ll point to a nonissue controversy and build a straw man. Like the genocide argument Craig gives in defense of Old Testament verses describing God ordering the destruction of whole peoples. They’ll never go after the argument. They’ll just call him an apologist of genocide. What it really comes down to is people being scared of Dr. Craig. They are scared of an intelligent Christian who put to shame firebrands like Hitchens. He breaks the stereotype of ignorant Christians and uses science and philosophy against those who SHOULD know better.
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CR Cantrell
Apologetics training each week
Dr. William-Lane Craig is one of the most accessible philosophers alive today. He has a real gift for clarity when speaking about the Christian faith. If you’re a budding apologist (as every Christian should be!), you should listen to this podcast!
Restless Pilgrim
Great logical arguments
Very good critical thinking about a variety of topics. I would like to hear more actual debates though.
This guy gets put in his place in more than a few debates and continues using the same arguments despite knowing better. Using his purposefully misunderstood facts- he goes on to show how despite science stating that such isn’t exactly known yet, that somehow a carpenter who gets strung up on a cross is still the answer at the end of the day. Would be laughable if he wasn’t serious. WLC is likely a better help to non belief arguments than fundamentalists like Ken Ham.
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Dr. Craig is a great apologist who bravely and faithfully represents all Christians in the culture war that they face against secularism, scientism, and post-modernism. He is so awfully close to the true faith of Orthodoxy (either Catholic, Eastern Orthodoxy or Oriental Orthodoxy)! It would be a true sight to see if he dropped the baggage of Protestantism and embraced one of the more traditional and sound beliefs I put forth. He would be able to leave nonsensical beliefs such as sola fide or sola scriptura.
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Podcasts Are No Longer Downloading
I love the RF podcasts, a blessing indeed! However, since November 9th, the podcasts are not downloading. I'm sure not everyone is experiencing this problem, but it seems to be the case that many of us are. Hopefully, this will soon be fixed!
Frustrated Frank!
Downloading not working lately
I enjoy listening to this podcast. However, the past week or so, the download is not working for the recent episodes. Can y'all please address this problem? I would like to continue to listen to this podcast. Thank you.
Podcasts aren’t working
Something wrong with the podcasts. Haven’t been able to listen for almost a week. Driving me nuts, come on guys!
Blake Reas
Thoughful and provacative
One of the best apologetics podcasts out there. An essential for those who want to better defend the faith and those atheists who want to know the truth about Christianity.
Great leader and scholar
He has been the cornerstone of my faith in Christ. Amazing leader, amazing mind, amazing disciple!
Thank you
Keep going! ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Excellent - simply the best teaching class out there. Thorough and in depth. Tackles the tough issues with scholarly insight. Q&A time is very helpful.
High end philosophy/aplogetics
This is an arena in faith that is neglected by so many of those that follow Christ. Having degrees in a few things, including philosophy, Craig is as top notch as it gets. Combine this with Ravi Zacharias if you don't have much history in philosophical inquiry. The reviews against this podcast claiming it's illogical or doesn't coincide with pre-existing notions the reviewer has are questionable at best. The bad reviews I've read either make no sense or leave you feeling numb at having read so many words that never said anything. Christianity needs philosophical questioning. The colleagues that your kids are sent to will shoot very fallacious but very convincing arguments against Christ(even some Christian schools). They are so easily derailed with some very simple logic. Craig will give you the tools you need.
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Unfortunate losses of life.
Religious Apologetics and ardent theological discussions in the 21st century perform for us in a the fruitless attempt of men and women to make sense of mythology as though it personally and directly should affect and influence their lives and as though it has some sort of moral basis which isn't arbitrary -- as though it has some sort of edge against the position which requires fewer assumptions about the function of reality. Even a flagrantly assertive discussion between a couple of deists would be less embarrassing than listening to William Lane Craig spin his wheels in the philosophical mud for hours on end. Skeptical philosophy is a better road to travel for any human to travel upon. Science being the child of philosophy is much the more fruitful use of our time -- being demonstrably capable of affecting change within the world, whether good or bad depending on which humans engage in the pursuit and how it is applied.
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