Read-Aloud Revival ®
Read-Aloud Revival ®
Sarah Mackenzie
RAR #238: How Books Make Us Better, Happier Moms
41 minutes Posted Feb 8, 2024 at 12:00 am.
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This year at Read Aloud Revival, we’re focusing on reading for joy.

It’s so easy for reading to become another thing on your to-do list, but when we make reading a source of joy, of respite from our busy lives, it’s like running into a clear creek on a hot, dusty hike. Nurturing your reading life nurtures you, which in turn helps us be better moms, better homeschoolers, better parents, better women.

Today I’m joined by Jennifer Pepito, creator of The Peaceful Press, which offers fabulous curriculum for homeschoolers, and she is the author of our spring RAR Premium Mama Book Club pick, Mothering by the Book: The Power of Reading Aloud to Overcome Fear and Recapture Joy.

In this episode, you’ll hear: 

  • How fiction can teach us as much about parenting our kids as a bevy of parenting manuals
  • Why connecting with your kids is the heart of homeschooling
  • Finding the balance between giving your all to mothering and letting go of the outcomes

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