RAGESTART: https://www.ragestart.com TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/ragestartnet
Nov 5, 2018
1 min

The 3 Top Stories For The World Of Gaming, Week Of October 26th! Fallout 76 B.E.T.A. Details: October 27th: 5PM-7PM ET October 28th: 12PM-2PM ET October 30th: 7PM-11PM ET November 1st: 2PM-7PM ET November 3rd: 5PM-9PM ET November 4th: 2PM-9PM ET RAGESTART: https://www.ragestart.com TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/ragestartnet
Oct 27, 2018
2 min

Ragestart Update for the week of October 19th Nintendo will be releasing a Diablo III Bundle of the Switch. The self titled Eternal Collection will include a custom Diablo themed Controller, Diablo carrying case, and a customized dock featuring characters from the game. All of this will be available on November 2nd alongside the release of the game for a total of $360. There are 3 new backward compatible games for the Xbox One. All 3 Crysis games are available to play on the system. Joining the 400plus other games. A huge update for One X Valve fans is here as well! The orange box, featuring Half-life 2, Team Fortress 2 and Portal, as well as Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 are now available to play in glorious 4K. On the PlayStation side of things, we have some details on the PSOne classic. The Classic, launching December 3rd, features twenty original PlayStation games available to play in their original format on modern TVs. So far, we only know about 5 of the games coming with the mini console. Final Fantasy 7, jumping Flash, R4: Ridge Racer Type 4, Tekken 3, and Wild arms. We also have details on future plans for the console, we won’t be getting any future updates of content. PlayStation will be following Nintendo in their mindset towards the mini console.
Oct 20, 2018
1 min

What is the show? A weekly highlight of the biggest news in gaming. Every Friday, I’ll highlight the gaming news you need to know from the worlds of Nintendo, Playstation and Xbox. You’re a busy person, and the world of gaming is always getting bigger, so I’ll make each episode short. Keeping you up to date on the things you care about, so you can keep on gaming.
Oct 13, 2018
34 sec