RADIO REDPILL - A strong dose of HONESTY in Politics and Life Podcast

RADIO REDPILL - A strong dose of HONESTY in Politics and Life

Radio Redpill is a platform created and dedicated to providing honest commentary that gets to the root of today's political landscape which is threatening the very core of the great American experiment. We explore the issues of our Republic with a slight Latino flare - while having a ton of laughs along the way. Let's face it, nothing is funnier than the truth! But it's not all Politics! Growing up as a Cuban American in the United States has given me quite the unique perspective on life in this great country, and I lay it all bare here for the world to see and hear! Powerful insights on life, liberties, and most importantly, the pursuit of happiness. Because we do hold these truths to be self-evident and the truth will set you free...(but first, it may piss you off!)...God Bless America
Episode 15 - Special Guest - Congressman Dennis Ross
In this episode we discuss current events and then quickly jump right in to a fantastic interview with our guest and the first Congressman to ever be on Radio Redpill, Florida Congressman Dennis Ross.  We get his insights regarding the media, the possible toll of religion in our country moving forward, and what may be next for the Republican Party.  We also get some inside information on what it's like to be a Congressman in Washington DC.  You really do not want to miss this episode!  Huge thanks once again to Mr. Ross for taking the time to be with us today!
Feb 17, 2021
48 min
EPISODE 14 - Impeachment Sham? Congressman guest teaser!
This was supposed to be a quick video which turned into a me recapping all the reasons why this impeachment - along with all the others - is a completely political sham... the evidence is clear - but like everything else these days - we are asked to believe what they see and not what we SEE.I also let everyone know that next week we will have a fantastic guest on the show in the form of Dennis Ross - United States Congressman!  It's a short show... please have a listen and thank you for your support!
Feb 12, 2021
33 min
In this episode we talk a little history of Black History Month, and then we shoot right into a great interview with CryptoCraig @cryptocraig247 - where I ask him as many pertinent questions as I can muster regarding bitcoin and crypto currencies in general and he breaks it down as best as he can for all of us to hear and understand.  If you’ve ever been interested in Crypto currencies or you just want to know what all the hype is about, this is the episode for you for sure!    As always we try to keep things current with our episodes and I hope that you enjoy this one as much as all the others.  Please remember to like and subscribe and thank you for your support!   #Politics, #patriots, #patriotism, # american, #americanflag, #redpill, #radio, #news, #conservative, #political, #Donaldtrump, #trump, #election, #republican, #honest, #opinions, #radioredpill, #rrp, #rrpnation, #trumptrain #rrp, #radioredpill, #rrpnation, #crypto, #bitcoin, #ethereum, #cryptocurrency, #cryptocurrencies, #financial, #welath, #money, #wealthmanagement
Feb 1, 2021
41 min
EPISODE 12- "Q" is for Question Mark
RRP Nation - In this episode we are joined by James Dunn III, host of the DUNN RIGHT PODCAST (@dunnrightpodcast) in an honest look at the reality that is the fantasy of QAnon.  We try to explain our theories on why it happened, why it spread as it did, and how to bring it all back into the reality that we need the Conservative party and movement to get stronger - not weaker - and why believing in anonymous saviors hasn't turned out well in human history.   Our goal is for our content to stand the test of time. To do  sometimes we have to point out tough things and make hard observations.  Yes, we can be wrong - but the idea is always to be a voice of reason so the you know that you can trust what we are saying is coming from a solid foundation of rational thought - rather than raw emotion - which sometimes gets the best of us as well.  It's hard work, but that's the benchmark that we must meet if we are to rise above all the noise on the web these days.  Thank you for listening and we welcome honest talk and discussion on this and any other subject - always.  Enjoy the show.. #qanon #Politics, #patriots, #patriotism, #redpill, #radio, #news, #conservative, #political, #Donaldtrump, #trump, #election, #republican, #honest, #opinions, #radioredpill, #rrp, #rrpnation, #trumptrain
Jan 27, 2021
1 hr 26 min
OK Everyone,  Day 5... and we are on have quickly jumped from the Trump Train to the apparent Highway to Hell... in this episode we explore the first of Biden' executive orders - or at least the ones that are the rockiest, and we discuss how they are already affecting our world.  It's going to be a bumpy ride... but RRP will be here to ride along with you.I hope you enjoy the POD and it's a bit of a teaser for an upcoming podcast.Enjoy and God Bless.Redpill Roly
Jan 25, 2021
13 min
In our first broadcast of 2021, we discuss the events of January the 6th and we condemn the violence and the acts of that day. However, we also explore the reasons why they may have happened and try to be honest and objective about the current situation in our country.Recent actions by Patriots leave a sour taste in everyone's mouths.  VIOLENCE is NOT CONDONED.  It has set the conservative cause back much more than moved it forward.  All the actions taken on January 6th by protesters entering the whitehouse will be used to further restrict law abiding citizens, and my greatest prayer is that the spark of Civil War has not truly been lit.  The trap was set...and a few idiots made a bad move, and now left has us very close to checkmate - and being a threat to their cause, people like Pelosi and Schumer will stop at nothing to satisfy their lust for revenge.  They don't want to unify the Country... they want to PURIFY it in their image.  This is the truth - and it is a sad day for America, the bill of rights, and our way of life.  In this POD, we vent, we speak truths, and we pray for the future.   More to come.  God protect us all.
Jan 11, 2021
51 min
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Well,  THE PLOT THICKENS is an understatement.  This episode is slam packed with goodies for the Holidays, including a video confession at the end that is frankly the most incredible thing I've heard since all of this began - and it's from a first hand eye witness and someone who was directly involved.  This could be the straw that breaks the camel's back... we will see... check it out and make up your own minds.  I don't make the news RRP Nation, I just being it to you guys.  Thank you for watching/listening - please slam that like and subscribe button, leave a comment, because this episode is our biggest production yet - and it is straight CANDELAAAAAAAA!
Dec 21, 2020
1 hr 5 min
In this episode we bring in our first guest call in, Mr. Kevin Cortina, to explain the Electoral College and what today means should they vote despite the contested results of the election - making Joe Biden the official President Elect.  This Episode is meant as a "teaser" for what promises to be a politically charged week in the United States.  We explore some of the possibilities and tell you what to expect.  I hope you enjoy it!
Dec 14, 2020
23 min
Episode 7 is our first VIDEO podcast!  You can check that out on YouTube!In this episode we talk a little bit about my weekend at the National Finals Rodeo in Texas.  We also laugh the first segment of MORON OF THE WEEK - which features the ridiculous bill that was proposed by *** (you'll have to listen!)It also explores the double standard displayed by a certain smug congressman.Finally, we close out with a reaction to what appears to be a call to arms by a certain deranged representative in Michigan.I hope you enjoy the podcast!
Dec 12, 2020
36 min
Episode 6 - Still in Limbo...
With Thanksgiving behind us, and lawsuits in multiple states, many people still feel like they are in a state of political limbo.  We explore that, as well as difficult questions about the problems we are facing with unconstitutional requirements and referendoms.  Join us on this journey, and God Bless you all.
Dec 1, 2020
29 min
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