Quit Happens | How (and why!) to strategically quit your job, leave your relationship, or part ways with toxic mindsets. Podcast
Quit Happens | How (and why!) to strategically quit your job, leave your relationship, or part ways with toxic mindsets.
Lynn Marie Morski, MD, Esq., Doctor / Lawyer / Quitting Evangelist on a mis
My Favorite Holiday Quits (a not-exactly fireside chat w/ Lynn Marie) - episode of Quit Happens | How (and why!) to strategically quit your job, leave your relationship, or part ways with toxic mindsets. podcast

My Favorite Holiday Quits (a not-exactly fireside chat w/ Lynn Marie)

15 minutes Posted Dec 23, 2019 at 10:25 pm.
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This holiday season, are you stressed about presents? Dreading family gatherings? Feeling lonely? Refusing to let yourself stop working? Well then you're in luck, because I have just the holiday quits for you! Take a listen to my favorite quits to make the holiday season brighter for everyone!