Queer Sex Ed Podcast
Queer Sex Ed Podcast
Queer Sex Ed Podcast
Biological Sex and Expanding the Trans Medical Model - Queer Sex Ed Podcast: Episode 53
1 hour 37 minutes Posted Apr 21, 2019 at 2:14 pm.
Word of the Show, Biological Sex, Real Sex, or Sex 42:02 - Patreon Message 45:01 - Quick Medical Model Review 48:34 - How Research Focuses on Binary Sex AKA "We Start With Gender to Prove Gender" 1:04:26 - Animals Don't Have Binary Sex or Gender 1:11:40 - How The Medical Model Has Been Helpful Show Links: https://medium.com/@QSE/the-xx-xy-lie-our-social-construction-of-a-sex-and-gender-binary-4eed1e60e615 https://www.queersexed.org/archive/2018/3/3/audio-article-the-xx-and-xy-lie-our-social-construction-of-a-sex-and-gender-binary-queer-sex-ed-podcast-episode-15 https://www.nature.com/news/sex-redefined-1.16943#/spectrum https://www.newstatesman.com/future-proof/2015/02/sex-isn-t-chromosomes-story-century-misconceptions-about-x-y https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/article/qvyq8p/transgender-non-binary-stock-photos-gender-spectrum-collection Queer Sex Ed is going on tour in 2019 and you can bring  us to your school, community center, workplace, or local dungeon! Learn more at www.queersexed.org/tour2019 or email queersexed@gmail.com to book your event with us or inquire about our sliding scale pricing. You can send your questions to queersexed@gmail.com for us to answer them on future shows. More information about our mission available at www.queersexed.org. This show is made possible by our generous Patreon supporters! If you find the show helpful and you are financially able to support us, consider joining our Patreon community at www.patreon.com/QueerSexEd. Any amount you can give makes a huge difference for us.
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Show notes
This week Jay and Sara dig down into "biological sex" and break down why it's a problem, how it's more complicated than you probably know, and new ways to discuss bodies without binary sex. Also discussed: research impacts of using biological sex, expanding the trans medical model, and how we project gender and sexuality onto animals. Segments: 5:46 - Word of the Show, Biological Sex, Real Sex, or Sex 42:02 - Patreon Message 45:01 - Quick Medical Model Review 48:34 - How Research Focuses on Binary Sex AKA "We Start With Gender to Prove Gender" 1:04:26 - Animals Don't Have Binary Sex or Gender 1:11:40 - How The Medical Model Has Been Helpful Show Links: https://medium.com/@QSE/the-xx-xy-lie-our-social-construction-of-a-sex-and-gender-binary-4eed1e60e615 https://www.queersexed.org/archive/2018/3/3/audio-article-the-xx-and-xy-lie-our-social-construction-of-a-sex-and-gender-binary-queer-sex-ed-podcast-episode-15 https://www.nature.com/news/sex-redefined-1.16943#/spectrum https://www.newstatesman.com/future-proof/2015/02/sex-isn-t-chromosomes-story-century-misconceptions-about-x-y https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/article/qvyq8p/transgender-non-binary-stock-photos-gender-spectrum-collection Queer Sex Ed is going on tour in 2019 and you can bring  us to your school, community center, workplace, or local dungeon! Learn more at www.queersexed.org/tour2019 or email queersexed@gmail.com to book your event with us or inquire about our sliding scale pricing. You can send your questions to queersexed@gmail.com for us to answer them on future shows. More information about our mission available at www.queersexed.org. This show is made possible by our generous Patreon supporters! If you find the show helpful and you are financially able to support us, consider joining our Patreon community at www.patreon.com/QueerSexEd. Any amount you can give makes a huge difference for us.