Queer MEDucation
Queer MEDucation
Kerin "KB" Berger: medical professional and educator for LGBTQI + nonbinary
Let's Talk About PrEP, Baby ft. Let's PrEP Wisconsin
1 hour Posted Aug 20, 2019 at 12:00 am.
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Pre-exposure prophylaxis, also known as PrEP, is a medical approach to preventing HIV transmission. Truvada (tenofovir TDF and emtricitabine) was FDA approved in 2012 for PrEP and is extremely effective in preventing HIV transmission. So who is a candidate for PrEP? How can someone access PrEP? Does my insurance cover PrEP? Today, we chat with Ruthie Weatherly founder of Let’s PrEP Wisconsin and Alex Corona PrEP Advocate, about their mission to end new HIV infections in the Midwest.