Purpose Highway® Podcast

Purpose Highway®

Scott Mason
The future has arrived. As the world and humanity itself move faster and faster into unimaginable possibilities, old institutions that built connection, and shaped our sense of meaning, are falling by the wayside. In their wake, fundamental questions about ethics, our purpose, and spirituality demand bold answers. On Scott Mason's Purpose Highway™ podcast, we will explore how these social changes will revolutionize our society. We will learn how they impact our own search for connection and meaning. And we will hear stories of influencers whose lives have had radical change from the inside and found profound connection to others and themselves through unexpected definitions of "meaning." The future has arrived. A new movement for those seeking meaning is taking shape. Join our community today and subscribe to get notified when new episodes go live.
S2 Episode 44 - DREAM ON! A Journey To Understanding Your Dreams With Katherine Bell (Part 2)
It’s round 2 of this season finale of Purpose Highway, let us journey together into our dreams and bask in its meaning with our finale guest, Katherine Bell! Scott Mason welcomes Katherine in this 2-part season finale special to discuss what is a dream, its symbolism, and many more! HIGHLIGHTS Katherine's views on alienation Dreams help to feel to belong The experiential part of the dream Dreams, anxiety, and terror Katherine's tips QUOTES Katherine: “We're not ever taught to trust ourselves. And the dreams kind of erodes away at that. And so that's why even the unpleasant dreams can be really, really helpful.” Katherine: “If we deepen the dream and like going into the dream and trusting the dream, saying that there's something valuable here for me, and that bringing into my whole body, that that is the way I can take the part of the dream and deepen its work on me.” Katherine: “A lot of people have a lot of fear. Running. I know I did running every day and not acknowledge it.” Katherine: “Write your dreams down. Dreams are ephemeral, they disappear, you know, five minutes after you're awake, it's gone. So if you wake up in the morning, get yourself a journal and write it down. That act of writing the dream down is honoring the dream.” Get in touch with Katherine with the link below: Email: [email protected] Website: https://experientialdreamwork.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/experientialdreamwork To hear more of Scott Mason and the Purpose HighwayⓇ podcast, join our community at https://purposehighway.com/ and subscribe to get notified when new episodes go live.
May 12, 2022
52 min
S2 Episode 43 - DREAM ON! A Journey To Understanding Your Dreams With Katherine Bell (Part 1)
In this season finale of Purpose Highway, let us journey together into our dreams and bask in its meaning with our finale guest, Katherine Bell! Scott Mason welcomes Katherine in this 2-part season finale special to discuss what is a dream, its symbolism, and many more! HIGHLIGHTS Katherine symbolized by Persephone Dream Basking instead of Dream Interpretation What is a dream The spiritual component of dreams Guides in dreams The theory of the brain as a filter QUOTES Katherine: “Dreams are personal myths, and myths are cultural dreams. So there's a way if I get that right, you got to check me on that. But basically, the myth is like the dream of the culture. And so we use the myths to define our culture, the way we use our dreams, to define our personal experience of life.” Katherine: “I don't even like the word interpretation, dream interpretation. Although people kind of use that word because they don't know What else to say, I think of it as dream basking.” Katherine: “Everybody dreams, you say people say, Oh, I don't dream. It's like, no, no, no, you don't remember your dreams, that's very different. You actually, dreaming is something very vital to the structure of our brain.” Katherine: “Self-awareness is a huge part of the path of spirituality as I see it, self-awareness and becoming aware of our, of what's important to us the meaning and the purpose of our lives, and that the dreams are very powerful in helping us reframe our stories about ourselves.” Katherine: “Dreams are so beautiful because they're, they powerfully encapsulate these feelings in an image context, which we can really soak in.” Katherine: “If we get to one track in any direction, then we won't, we won't, we will all have the same blind spot. And then we're all uniquely blind to that one thing. Get in touch with Katherine with the link below: Email: [email protected] Website: https://experientialdreamwork.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/experientialdreamwork To hear more of Scott Mason and the Purpose HighwayⓇ podcast, join our community at https://purposehighway.com/ and subscribe to get notified when new episodes go live.
May 12, 2022
50 min
S2 Episode 42 - Find Your Story, Find Your Purpose, Find Your Voice with Joshua Stewart (Part 2)
Scott Mason and US Air Force Master Sergeant Joshua Stewart are revving up for another stellar episode of Purpose Highway. Also known as Stu, Josh works as a teacher of teachers, providing communications courses from the ground up, and helping others realize their impact on the world around them. Join Scott and Josh for round 2 here on Purpose Highway! HIGHLIGHTS Developing a discipline of silence Going out of the dark to face the truth Shared meaning with yourself QUOTES Josh: “Get that creative stuff out of you, whether you think it's in you or not, and you'll start to see just some mental health upticks.” Josh: “The purpose of communication is to get a shared meaning. So when it comes to what you're talking about, though communication is to get a shared meaning, inter interpersonal communication, shared meaning with others, but what about a shared meaning with yourself? Do you talk to yourself?” Josh: “Shared meaning with yourself is your life journey, and it's something that when it stops, then maybe you've lost what your purpose is, or maybe your purpose has changed.” Josh: “If you live in the cave, and all you know, are the shadows, then you don't, you don't really know reality.” Get in touch with Joshua with the link below: Email: [email protected] To hear more of Scott Mason and the Purpose HighwayⓇ podcast, join our community at https://purposehighway.com/ and subscribe to get notified when new episodes go live.
May 3, 2022
27 min
S2 Episode 41 - Find Your Story, Find Your Purpose, Find Your Voice with Joshua Stewart (Part 1)
Scott Mason is revving up the Purpose Highway to the skyway as he welcomes Joshua Stewart from the United States Air Force. Also known as Stu, Josh works as a teacher of teachers, providing communications courses from the ground up, and helping others realize their impact on the world around them. Join Scott and Josh here on Purpose Highway! HIGHLIGHTS Selene, the Greek moon goddess Masculinity, then and now Finding meaning in life Impact of communication on culture QUOTES Josh: “When it comes to masculine and feminine, and I've said this to folks before any kind of generalization or stereotype is just an average. If you know anything about math, the average doesn't get you anywhere near the top or the bottom.” Josh: “I think we need to start writing our individual stories because when we start putting so much into the social media section of it, we start to lose the basic thing that we're after, the purpose.” Josh: “I think that if you aren't true to yourself, whether you succeed or not, you're going to end up in that bad mental state. Because at the end of the day, that's what it's really all about is what is your purpose.” Josh: “You can find meaning in the little things in life, and these stories from these ancient times. These are the things people were coming up with before social media. It's how they were crafting their purpose.” Josh: “I think that we have to look at facts differently. I think the objective reality isn't something that we can craft with words, obviously. But it is something that is up for interpretation.” Get in touch with Joshua with the link below: Email: [email protected] To hear more of Scott Mason and the Purpose HighwayⓇ podcast, join our community at https://purposehighway.com/ and subscribe to get notified when new episodes go live.
Apr 27, 2022
52 min
S2 Episode 40 - LET’S START WITH YOU: The Journey to True Optimism with Anne Therese Gennari
This week is another exciting trip down The Purpose Highway as the one and only Climate Optimist, Anne Therese Gennari, joins Scott Mason in the front seat. Anne is the co-founder and Head of Marketing of Rolemodels, an agency that puts ethics, sustainability, environmental, and social justice at the core of its business. She also founded The Climate Optimist and is the host of her very own show, Hey Change. Scott and Anne Therese will be dealing with topics about climate change, hope, and what journey it takes to be truly optimistic. HIGHLIGHTS Anne Therese Gennari as Freya Arising as The Climate Optimist Hope and Optimism, interlinked Optimism starts with you QUOTES Anne: “I don't cry gold, but I will say that I have learned to understand that tears are gold in so many ways, and and allowing ourselves to cry can be one of the most empowering empowering things that we do” Anne: “We are the system, and the fastest way to change the system is by empowering ourselves and becoming that change.” Anne: “It's not about being the awesome person who saved the polar bears. It's actually taking it back home like, do you want to be breathing polluted air?” Anne: “If we don't have hope, what do we have? And I think the same applies to optimism, where you can't just choose optimism.” Anne: “We need to stop acting from fear and start embracing curiosity, excitement, joy and optimism. We are here to do something fantastic.” Anne: “Awareness hurts, and that's okay.” To find out more about Anne Therese, please see the links below. LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/anne-therese-gennari Websites: theclimateoptimist.com Twitter: annetherese_g To hear more of Scott Mason and the Purpose HighwayⓇ podcast, join our community at https://purposehighway.com/ and subscribe to get notified when new episodes go live.
Apr 12, 2022
1 hr 2 min
S2 Episode 39 - BREAK DOWN AND BREAK FREE! Dislodging From Toxic Myths and Dismantling Yourself to Embrace True Change with Sophie Edwards Part 2
Purpose Highway’s guest today brings us twice the revving power as Sophie Edwards, a Digital Marketer and co-owner of Cloud Surfing Media, a provider of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and other online marketing solutions for a wide variety of businesses joins Scott Mason in this two-part special episode. In this episode, Scott and Sophie continue their discussion with the toxic myths of life, and how you can dislodge from these myths and break free. Sophie also shares the process of change, where the cost of breaking free is having to “dismantle” yourself in order to accept true change.
Apr 5, 2022
50 min
S2 Episode 38 - FIND YOUR TRUTH! The Myths and Truths of Life, Reality, Nostalgia, and Change with Sophie Edwards Part 1
Purpose Highway’s next guest brings us twice the revving power as Sophie Edwards, a Digital Marketer and co-owner of Cloud Surfing Media, a provider of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and other online marketing solutions for a wide variety of businesses joins Scott Mason in this two-part special episode. Apart from her successful business ventures, Sophie is a career blogger or writer and is an outstanding creator of non-fiction, fiction, and satirical pieces.
Mar 30, 2022
51 min
S2 Episode 37 - Light the Fire, STEAM the Future with Stephen Gilman
Purpose Highway welcomes Stephen Gilman, a steam and social emotional learning educator. A father and a former New York City Public School Teacher, Stephen also fathered over 100 makerspaces in schools nationwide where students learn coding, robotics, 3d design, and engineering through hands-on creative projects. Stephen is the Founder and Executive Director of MakerState, which brings science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) learning for kids ages 5-18 through fun.
Mar 22, 2022
54 min
S2 Episode 36 - Live with Less Stress and More Joy with Jessica Dugas
Scott Mason revs up another week on Purpose Highway together with Jessica Dugas, an intuitive mentor and inspirational entertainer who is passionate about empowering humanity to live with less stress and more joy. Jessica is known for being a passionate entrepreneur who brings all of her coaching skills, healing modalities, authentic intuition, sense of humor, and love of entertainment to all her clients. She is also very passionate about her internationally best-selling books and successful talk show, The Breakthrough Show.
Mar 15, 2022
46 min
S2 Episode 35 - Move Out and Move Forward with Kim Brady
This week on Purpose Highway, Scott is Revving up as he talks to Kim Brady, an entrepreneur, speaker, business coach, author, LGBTQ+ advocate, and soccer coach. Kim has spent the past 30 years speaking in high schools, colleges, law enforcement agencies, and business development groups on topics as diverse as life after Sports Leadership, team building, DEI, LGBTQ+ issues, mental health, transition, and entrepreneurship. Kim has been helping her clients plan, organize and identify gameplans to achieve their goals based on customized coaching.
Mar 8, 2022
49 min
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