Trigger warning for this episode! We cover all things Domestic Violence and Survival so if you need support please call 1800RESPECT. This episode is also brought to you by WHITE RIBBON AUSTRALIA. White Ribbon Australia is a part of a global social movement working to eliminate gendered violence. They strive for an Australian society where all women and children are safe. White Ribbon is the world’s largest movement engaging men and boys to end men’s violence against women and girls, promote gender equality and create new opportunities for men to build positive, healthy and respectful relationships. If you would like to donate to their Tax appeal which finished on June 30th please click HERE- Every cent counts.My mum is one of those people who you don’t forget when you meet her- she is beautiful, has a positivity that is extremely infectious, a love for life that is astounding, can do anything. What a lot of people don’t know about my mum who don’t know her closely is that she was in an abusive relationship for over 13 years as she raised my sister and I. She survived being married to my dad, who at several times has told me that if mum didn’t leave, he would have killed her. Mum, Emily and I lived in hiding multiple times and like many women/mothers dealing with DV, it took her several times to leave dad. But, ultimately, she raised Emily and I with passion, love, adventure and tried her best in her given circumstances- I am SO PUMPED to have mum on the Podcast. She talks us through:* Navigating Motherhood and Pumping whilst living in a DV situation* What were the warning signs for DV?* Who was her support and did that dwindle as dads behavior became more dangerous?* What was the state of mums mental health during this time?* The final incidents that forced mum to leave and also going back several times before this* Advice for any women who are living in a DV situation and or afraid to leave?* Leaving as the most dangerous time and support* How mum managed to work as a professional photographer for years to support yourself and regain financial independenceIn terms of resources there is an extensive list HERE for anyone looking for support and further information.Love you all xxx
Jun 27, 2022
50 min

Today we welcome the ever so lovely Anna Robards and Christie Whitehill founders of INTU WELLNESS. Anna stepped into the media spotlight in 2013 when she met her bachelor and now husband Tim Robards. Since then, Anna has worked with some of Australia’s biggest beauty and fashion brands and appeared on several TV shows. Anna’s journey into wellness began after experiencing a lack of sleep during her first pregnancy. Christie made a name for herself in the technology industry after founding an award-winning education company, Tech Ready Women. Christie’s journey into wellness began after experiencing major stress and burnout from having a “busy” and “always on” life before she fell pregnant with her second child. So after the birth of their children and many restless nights, also while building a career, both resented the lack of sleep and their dull-looking skin. The problem was they could not find a trusted supplement that would conveniently target both issues. So, they decided to create their own brand - INTU WELLNESS. Their supplements are formulated by award-winning naturopaths, chemists, and scientists who specialise in creating complementary medicines that are backed by traditional and scientific research. Bonus that all products are Aust made! We are so excited to chat to them about all things Motherhood, wellness and work life balance. We chat:* Motherhood and poo and forgetting to pick up your kids * Pumping and formula* 4th Trimester Advice* INTU WELLNESS and the supplements that change your skin and sleep* Running a business together, friendship and work life balance* The importance of being present with your kids and putting down the phone* Postnatal Depression and burn out as a new mum* The Challenges and the beautiful aspects of Motherhood and SO much moreThis episode is brought to you by Tiny Hearts Education - helping parents and caregivers, just like you, to feel educated and empowered to tackle parenthood without fear. Offering essential baby + child first aid courses and first aid products, Tiny Hearts Education can help you navigate your parenthood journey with confidence . You can get $10 off our products or courses using the code PUMPED10 at the checkout.XXX
Jun 23, 2022
41 min

Today we welcome the incredible female entrepreneur Jen Dugard, who is making exercise safe for women experiencing all stages of Motherhood. Over 1, 000 personal trainers across Aus, NZ and Singapore have completed Jen’s Safe Return to Exercise certification which upskills trainers and educates them on how to safely train mums. She has also recently launched MumSafe™, a platform that connects women with a suitable Personal Trainer that can assist with their individual needs. MumSafe™ requires PTs to meet certain criteria, including being certified and partnering with a women’s health physio.Jen Dugard is leading the way in training mums and provides profound insights that are changing the ways that hundreds of women are viewing their life as a mother. We cover:*A Safe Return to exercise and what that looks like & her new company Mumsafe* Motherhood and the strain it can have on relationships*Pelvic floor and also Pelvic floor after a C-section* The Challenges and the beautiful parts of Motherhood* What to look for in a PT in the Postpartum phase of Motherhood and how to find a good one in your local area* A day in the life of Jen and what that looks like and SO much more!Go to our website: www.pumpedpoddy.com for more information about us and don't forget to throw us a like on Facebook , leave us a review on Apple Podcasts, a STAR rating on Spotify, and a follow on our Instagram @pumpedpoddyByeeeeeee X
Jun 16, 2022
42 min

Our bonus episode is here with the amazing Chelsea Pottenger who is a leading international motivational speaker and an authority on mindfulness and productivity. This episode comes with a trigger warning as the conversation covers suicidal ideation and postnatal depression. If you need support follow the links in our 'We Cover' section. Chels has just launched her first book ‘The Mindful High Performer’- which you must all check out!. Chels was a busy and burnt-out entrepreneur who then suffered severe postnatal depression once she became a mum and ended up in a psych ward! That is when she put on the hand break and started researching the science behind meditation and mindfulness, while also coming up with tools to still be productive, but keeping mental health practices as a priority. Chelsea is a proud ambassador for mental health charities R U OK? and Gidget Foundation Australia. As a result of her research, study and personal learnings, Chelsea created her company EQ Minds in 2016 with the goal of introducing high-performance mental fitness to the public and corporates. She is frequently hired by the likes of Uber, eBay, Google, Estee Lauder, The Australian Defence Force and more to inspire their teams with her science-based productivity and mindfulness methods. We cover:* The challenges of breastfeeding and pumping as a new mumma and the 4th trimester *Mental Health and being an ambassador for - The Gidget Foundation/ R U OK?* Her funny Motherhood story in the Psych Ward* Suicidal Ideation & Panic Attacks*Asking someone “Are you okay” and holding space for them* Having an extremely in tune and supportive husband*Her new book, The Mindful High Performer and her book launch with Jessica Rowe hosting and her ghost writer* EQ Minds and the science-based tools behind it* A big business secret- zero tolerance for dickheads when running EQ Minds and working with BIG businesses no matter who you are* Nerves and being vulnerable when presenting to BIG companies * What Chels loves about Motherhood and how she now thrivesGo to our website: www.pumpedpoddy.com for more information about us and don't forget to throw us a like on Facebook , leave us a review on Apple Podcasts, a STAR rating on Spotify, and a follow on our Instagram @pumpedpoddyByeeeeeee X
Jun 9, 2022
58 min

We have been holding onto this episode oh so dearly. Today- meet Elisha Rose. Elisha is a litigation lawyer based in Perth, splitting her time between construction litigation, being a change maker for a national charity organisation in the out of home care sector and mum of four. Elisha has two boys who grew in her heart, coming into her world via foster care and nearly two babes who grew in her belly. Elisha is the author of The Other Mother Blog, serves on the board of Tiny Sparks WA and is a strong advocate for children in foster care, especially those with disabilities. We cover:Foster care and the battle for legal guardianship and also the current statisticsFoster Care for Children with a disabilityLegal Guardianship battlesHomebirth versus a hospital birth with some traumaBlended families and what a day in the life of Elisha looks like The reality of Motherhood and the 4th Trimester as a Foster Parent versus being a biological parentAnd SO much more!Click HERE if you want more information regarding the statistics we have mentioned. This episode as been brought to you with the help of our Sponsor, Glow Dreaming - the 5-in-1 sleep aid that is scientifically engineered for sleep. 100% safe for your child and it actually works! Glow Dreaming are proud supporters of the Pumped Podcast. Remember to use "PUMPED10" at the checkout for a special discount of all Glow bundles! Go to our website: www.pumpedpoddy.com for more information about us and don't forget to throw us a like on Facebook , leave us a review on Apple Podcasts, a STAR rating on Spotify, and a follow on our Instagram @pumpedpoddyByeeeeeee X
May 30, 2022
44 min

Well, we are back for SEASON 3. This one is for all of the to be mummas and current parents who may have underestimated the good old ‘4th trimester’...Hays, Soph and Rach cover:What to pack and NOT pack at the hospital and is a spreadsheet really necessary. We want to know how many times you all packed your hospital bags?The admin that comes with a new baby- needles and registering names & more!Feeding- We cover what we wish we knew with breastfeeding and pumping. Breastfeeding struggles- having low expectations and doing all of the prep work instead of thinking it will happen 'naturally'.Hormones - The sweats and the tears.Control- how to try (we know its hard AF) to relinquish it and accept help.Sleep- how to better prepare for those longgggggggggg sleepless nights.Partner dynamic - The silent rage when your partner gets a full night's sleep, delegating roles and empowering your partner.Pre - birth tips/strategies with partner and how to openly communicate before the bub arrives.Rach offers some Insta sights for mummas who are looking for tips and tricks with sleep in particular:Book Rec- Save our Sleep, Tizzy Hall Breastfeeding Mums Support Group on Facebook Recommendations from Rach- @littleonesbabysleep@thesleepteacher@littledreamersbabysleepco@themidwifemumma@wonderweeksDownload the Wonder Weeks App for $8.00This episode as been brought to you with the help of our Sponsor, Glow Dreaming - the 5-in-1 sleep aid that is scientifically engineered for sleep. 100% safe for your child and it actually works! Glow Dreaming are proud supporters of the Pumped Podcast. Remember to use "PUMPED10" at the checkout for a special discount of all Glow bundles! Go to our website: www.pumpedpoddy.com for more information about us and don't forget to throw us a like on Facebook , leave us a review on Apple Podcasts, a STAR rating on Spotify, and a follow on our Instagram @pumpedpoddyByeeeeeee X
May 16, 2022
57 min

This is it! The BIG Finale of Season 2. We are so proud and pumped with this season, our beautiful and inspiring guests, our new Co-Host who has absolutely smashed Season 2 and our wonderful Guest Host Rach Calvert who really spills the sauce for our wrap up episode. Stay tuned for a Rach update for Season 3 as we have some exciting news around that! Rach, Soph and Hays cover:* Farts & embarrassing stories * Friendships, falling outs and friendship breakups* Getting fired* Boobs , intimacy and embarrassing body parts* Miscarriage and a chemical pregnancy* The future, Marvell Lane, more kids and gardening* Mum guilt* Solids and mixing flavorsThis Season has been brought to you with the help of our Sponsor, Enbacci who are proud supporters of the Pumped Podcast. Remember to use PP10 at the checkout for a special discount that runs until June 30, 2022.Go to our website: www.pumpedpoddy.com for more information about us and don't forget to throw us a like on Facebook and a follow on our Instagram: @pumpedpoddyByeeeeeee X
Apr 13, 2022
1 hr 8 min

Today we are so excited to have chatted with Nikki Jurcutz - CEO of ‘Tiny Hearts Education’ which we all know that our listeners avidly follow. As a paramedic, when Nikki would often be called to jobs where, had parents been confident with simple first aid, the outcome could have been very different. So, Rach and Nikki created their baby first aid course to help parents and caregivers, just like you, feel confident, educated and empowered to act in a first-aid emergency with their little one. Eight years later, their dream has grown beyond comprehension. They have developed more courses and products with one vital mission in mind: help parents and caregivers navigate their journey with confidence. Nikki is also a mumma to her girl Nahla and boy Wolf– she has had wild birth stories of both babies but we want to look at her 4th trimester/ her Motherhood experiences and unpack all of the burning questions that you have for her as parents. We talk Motherhood, birthing Tiny Hearts Education, the danger of forums, sleeping rollercoasters, constant feedback from others & having strong boundaries in the fourth trimester, the cold sore virus and SO much more!This episode is brought to you with the help of our Sponsor, Enbacci who are proud supporters of the Pumped Podcast. Remember to use PP10 at the checkout for a special discount that runs for the ENTIRE season. Our personal fav products will also be mentioned in upcoming episodes and reels!Go to our website: www.pumpedpoddy.com for more information about us and don't forget to throw us a like on Facebook and a follow on our Instagram: @pumpedpoddyByeeeeeee X
Apr 7, 2022
1 hr 11 min

In this episode we meet Rachel Tomlinson, mother, wife, dog mum, psychologist and internationally author of the books “Teaching Kids to be Kind” & “A Blue Kind of Day”...She is one of those lucky people who knew what they wanted to do from the time they left school. She has steadily worked towards her goal and has spent her entire adult life gaining experience in child development and mental health fields. Now, as an experienced psychologist and parenting expert Rachel has worked with children and families in general counselling, women's refuge, education settings, domestic violence and trauma counselling. Rachel is also a mumma herself to her five year old daughter.Rach is extremely passionate about ensuring that all children have the opportunity to thrive, she shares her insights, skills and knowledge on her website www.towardwellbeing.comWe chat all things mental health, 4th trimester and asking for help, trauma and attachment and what attachment types are (secure attachment and what that looks like in particular), toddlers and saying no, the TV show parental guidance and so much more!This episode is brought to you with the help of our Sponsor, Enbacci who are proud supporters of the Pumped Podcast. Remember to use PP10 at the checkout for a special discount that runs for the ENTIRE season. Our personal fav products will also be mentioned in upcoming episodes and reels!Go to our website: www.pumpedpoddy.com for more information about us and don't forget to throw us a like on Facebook and a follow on our Instagram: @pumpedpoddyByeeeeeee X
Mar 31, 2022
55 min

This weeks episode we are treated with the delight that is @lauren_dovey_ Lauren, is the founder of Heat Healer/@heathealer, a direct-to-consumer health & wellness brand focused on developing the world’s best heat therapy products. Lauren shares her fourth trimester journey, raising three young kids (3 kids in two years as her second pregnancy was a surprise TWINS) while also designing and project managing her new family home. There are some gems of wisdom in this episode and Soph for the first time gets emotional in this one.This episode is brought to you with the help of our Sponsor, Enbacci who are proud supporters of the Pumped Podcast. Remember to use PP10 at the checkout for a special discount that runs for the ENTIRE season. Our personal fav products will also be mentioned in upcoming episodes and reels!Go to our website: www.pumpedpoddy.com for more information about us and don't forget to throw us a like on Facebook and a follow on our Instagram: @pumpedpoddyByeeeeeee X
Mar 24, 2022
48 min
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