In this episode, I talk with Shelley Clarke, who was the first person to certify as a Marion Method Mentor.
Shelley is also an Aware Parenting Instructor, Hand in Hand Instructor and Craniosacral therapist.
You can find out more about her sessions, courses and workshops at: https://www.shelleyclarke.com/
Apr 21, 2022
50 min

Aware Parenting and Natural Learning Conversation with Joss Goulden
In this conversation, Joss Goulden and I talk about the philosophy and practice of Aware Parenting and Natural Learning.
We talk about our own deconditioning and unlearning process in relation to school and how that changed our whole perceptions of learning over the years.
We share about the hurts we experienced at school and how our own children had very different experiences.
We spoke of the really tangible ways that we see our children have been deeply helped by not going to school.
You can find out more about the Aware Parenting and Natural Learning Community here:
Joss is an Aware Parenting Instructor. You can find out more about her work at: https://awareparenting.com.au/
Jan 27, 2022
53 min

In this episode, I talk with Shelley Clarke about the psychospiritual paradigm.
Shelley is a physiotherapist, CranioSacral Therapist, Hand in Hand Parenting Instructor, Aware Parenting Instructor and is training to be a Marion Method Mentor.
In this conversation, we discuss Psychosynthesis, the inclusion of all elements of the human being, Conversations with Life, the Inner Loving Presences, The Willingness Practice, and how Shelley maps the body with feelings, mind, Soul and Spirit.
You can find out more about Shelley's 1-1 online consultations, courses and in-person workshops at https://www.shelleyclarke.com/ and https://www.facebook.com/shelleyclarkemindbodyparenting and https://www.instagram.com/_shelleyclarke_/
Shelley talked about Dr. Sarah McKay's work, which you can find here: www.drsarahmckay.com
Aug 1, 2021
1 hr 1 min

You can find out about Mary's work here:
You can sign up for the free intro to Conversations with Life here:
You can register for the Conversations with Life course here:
Jul 27, 2021
1 hr 8 min

In this episode, Joss Goulden, Aware Parenting Instructor, is asking me the questions!
Apr 28, 2021
59 min

I so enjoyed the conversation with Devon Harris, who is an Aware Parenting Instructor and mother of a 7-year-old son.
This is the fifth in the Aware Parenting and Homeschooling series.
We started the conversation with Devon sharing about how she first learnt about Aware Parenting (in an extinct volcano!) and travelled through discussions about whether or not to choose terminology to describe homeschooling, to giftedness and how gifted children often fall through the schooling system.
She shared about how Aware Parenting and natural learning fit together, and offered a suggestion that I loved both about if you feel called to home educate and if you feel called to work with her.
You can connect with Devon here:
You can find the Gifted Homeschoolers Forum that Devon talked about here: https://ghflearners.org/
Apr 9, 2021
43 min

In this podcast, I talk with with Steph Fleeton, in this fourth in the Aware Parenting and Homeschooling series.
Steph is the mother of a 4-year-old and an 8-year-old and is an Aware Parenting Instructor. She also runs a family daycare with her husband, based on Aware Parenting principles.
Steph talked about her journey of Aware Parenting and homeschooling, both of which she came to before giving birth to her first son. She also shared about what happened when her older son went to school for a while and the effect of High Sensitivity in children and adults on learning and schooling.
You can connect with Steph here:
Apr 4, 2021
53 min

Aware Parenting and Homeschooling Conversation 3: with Chiara Rossetti, Aware Parenting Instructor by Marion Rose, Ph.D.
Apr 3, 2021
49 min

I LOVED this conversation with Leah Sin, the second in the Aware Parenting and Homeschooling series.
Leah is the mom of an 8 year old son and a 5 year old daughter.
She shares about her experience of coming to Aware Parenting and then Life Learning.
I felt so moved listening to the journey that her family has been on, and imagine you will too!
Mar 27, 2021
1 hr 15 min

Conversation with Joss Goulden, Aware Parenting Instructor
Joss is the mother of a 17 year old son and 15 year old daughter and she shares her journey of Aware Parenting and natural learning, and how she’s experienced the combination of the two.
I loved talking with Joss, and particularly enjoyed how she shared about Aletha Solter’s Aware Parenting Principles of Learning and how they can be met with natural learning. http://www.awareparenting.com/learning.htm
You can find Joss and can enquire about working with her at:
Mar 24, 2021
1 hr 3 min
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