Protecting Your Family’s Future Podcast Podcast

Protecting Your Family’s Future Podcast

Richard M. Chamberlain
This podcast is all about estate planning. We believe that the best estate plans start with a good understanding of the issues and options involved, and this podcast is helps you understand more about what goes into making the right estate plan for you and your loved ones. We talk about wills, revocable trusts, probate, irrevocable trusts, powers of attorney, health care directives, taxes, and all of the other issues you need to know for your estate plan.
Customizing your Estate Plan with Specific Distributions
In this episode we look at the different options you have for making specific distributions in your estate plan. If you want more information on what you can do with your tangible personal property in your estate plan, check out this article on our website:   If you'd like more information about estate planning or estate administration issues, we have a lot of additional information (articles and videos) on our website: To get our free Estate Planning Checklist: If you want to request a no-cost initial planning appointment with one of our attorneys, you can request one through this link:
Oct 20, 2022
6 min
Who Should be in Charge of your Estate?
In this episode, we discuss the important attributes required for a person to be in charge of your estate and who you might choose in that role. If you'd like more information about estate planning or estate administration issues, we have a lot of additional information (articles and videos) on our website: To get our free Estate Planning Checklist: If you want to request a no-cost initial planning appointment with one of our attorneys, you can request one through this link:
Oct 13, 2022
6 min
Planning for your Incapacity
This episode looks at how your estate plan should plan for the possibility of your incapacity. If you'd like more information, we have a lot of free resources on our website: If you want to request a no-cost initial planning appointment with one of our attorneys, you can request one through this link:
Oct 6, 2022
6 min
Protecting Beneficiaries with your Estate Plan
In this episode we talk about how estate plans can be used to protect beneficiaries. If you'd like more information, we have a lot of free resources on our website: If you want to request a no-cost initial planning appointment with one of our attorneys, you can request one through this link:
Sep 29, 2022
5 min
Using Beneficiary Designations to Avoid Probate
In this episode we look at how beneficiary designations can be used to avoid Probate and whether that is a good way to plan your estate. If you'd like more information, we have a lot of free resources on our website: If you want to request a no-cost initial planning appointment with one of our attorneys, you can request one through this link:
Sep 22, 2022
8 min
”Doesn’t a Will Keep my Estate out of Probate?”
In this episode we discuss whether having a Will is an effective way to keep your estate out of Probate. If you'd like more information, we have a lot of free resources on our website: If you want to request a no-cost initial planning appointment with one of our attorneys, you can request one through this link:
Sep 15, 2022
4 min
Avoiding Probate with a Living Trust
In this episode of our podcast we look at how a Living Trust is used to avoid Probate.  If you'd like more information, we have a lot of free resources on our website: If you want to request a no-cost initial planning appointment with one of our attorneys, you can request one through this link:
Sep 8, 2022
5 min
How Ownership Impacts your Estate Plan
In this episode of our podcast we discuss how the ownership of assets impacts the effectiveness of an estate plan. If you'd like more information, we have a lot of free resources on our website: If you want to request a no-cost initial planning appointment with one of our attorneys, you can request one through this link:
Sep 1, 2022
6 min
What are Living Trusts and Why Do People Use Them?
This week's episode covers what living trusts are and why people use them as the foundation of their estate plan. If you'd like more information, we have a lot of free resources on our website: If you want to request a no-cost initial planning appointment with one of our attorneys, you can request one through this link:
Aug 25, 2022
5 min
Why Should You Avoid Probate?
This week we look at the issues that come with Probate and why people plan their estates so that Probate is avoided. If you'd like more information, we have a lot of free resources on our website: If you want to request a no-cost initial planning appointment with one of our attorneys, you can request one through this link:
Aug 18, 2022
5 min
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