"Prolific Oracle" Yayi Osuntoyin Podcast

"Prolific Oracle" Yayi Osuntoyin

Oracle Yayi Osuntoyin
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I want to share my Revelations of nergy shifts and collective movements, as a oracle. I will elaborate inner-standing of ancestor veneration, spirituality, dieties in earth based traditions, readings and more. Tune in to tune up! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hoodritualz/support
Clash of The Planets- 2021 Ends
Peace, generally im briefly speaking on the once in a 45 year clash between Uranus and Saturn. I will scan over a few details of how it is affecting us. You will have to have some independent thinking to grasp that Saturn is playing out through the government and its influence over society vs Uranus representing society and their need to no longer function as herds or sheep- but conscious individuals who make up a collective. This is a re-emergence of independence... a Genesis if you will, of the next era. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hoodritualz/support
Dec 31, 2021
16 min
(INTRO) Sharing A Little of Myself
Its Yayi, I recorded this as a VERY brief description that I (immediately after 😫) realized doesn't scratch the surface. But, I'm someone to know so why not put it out there 🤷🏾‍♀️ A few things I didn't add was that I also have a GORGEOUS mineral cosmetic line, natural jewelry and ohhhh so much more! I would appreciate your support! Peace✌🏾 --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hoodritualz/support
Dec 30, 2021
4 min
"Prolific Oracle" Yayi Osuntoyin (Trailer)
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hoodritualz/support
Jan 30, 2020
45 sec