Project Instinct Podcast

Project Instinct

Project Instinct
Support podcast
My podcast gives the opportunity for listeners to widen their gaze on humanity and life. If you are easily offended by the fact that one person has a different set of opinions and beliefs than you, than this podcast is not for you. However, if you are one who loves to learn, communicate and share, then this platform will allow all of us to grow and talk freely under the first amendment. May the Force be with you.
Values and Perceptions| Ep 2
In today's podcast episode we will be taking a journey through our values and what they mean to us. What is the difference between our lived and spoken values? How are our values related to our dreams? We all grow up learning the traits and values we have today and they will always change overtime. Let's dive in to what values mean to all of us. And as always, may the force be with you.Support the show (
Jun 25, 2021
12 min
Project Instinct | Ep 1 Pilot
Welcome to Project Instinct! This podcast platform is made for people who are learning the ropes about... well life! So that's basically everyone. Warning: If you are easily offended by one's opinions and beliefs and are not mature enough to have adult conversations to open your perspective and widen your gaze, then this podcast is sadly not for you, but at least give it a try. If you want to continue the support supporting this page, my patreon link is attached at the bottom. May the force be with you. the show (
Jun 24, 2021
20 min