Principal Conversation Podcast

Principal Conversation

AAF Fox River Ad Club
A podcast that explores creativity in its many forms with people who inspire it in many different ways. Here to cheerlead professionals in the advertising industry and encourage our creative selves to pursue what we love.
Beau Thomas - Mural Artist
The street art we love owes its origins to the skateboard culture. Carol talks with artist and designer Beau Thomas about his graffiti beginnings and how his arrest at a tender age was the reckoning that redirected his energies into becoming a well-respected mural artist. New this season, please welcome Carol Cassell, AAF Fox River member and season-two host of Principal Conversation. Carol is a highly creative, business-savvy marketing and communications professional with more than 30 years of experience in both corporate and agency. Her areas of expertise include brainstorming big ideas, crafting on-target communications, and steering exceptional advertising campaigns.  #aaf #aafdistrict8 #aaffoxriver #tracksidedesign #beonbroadway #definitelydepere #greenbay
Oct 6, 2021
19 min
Principal Conversation - Jesse Mitchell
Shaun and Amy interview longtime friend and contributor to AAF Fox River Ad Club Jesse Mitchell.  We talk about his origin story in the Fox River Valley and how his career has progressed over the years to working on some major brands and collaboration with some high power agencies across the US.  You might need a beer to listen to this one!
Apr 29, 2021
38 min
Principal Conversation - Sara Porritt
Amy and Shaun interview Sara Porritt - Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer for Omincon Media Group in New York and host of the podcast “Hear us Roar"
Apr 7, 2021
24 min
Principal Conversation - Carol Cassell
Amy and Shaun have a nice chat with Carol Cassell from WORDplay....all the Carols (we think). She talks about her career as a copywriter and the importance of copywriting in our current state of having to produce soooo much digital content.  
Mar 19, 2021
30 min
Principal Conversation - AAF Fox River Addys Winners
Amy and Shaun interview the winners of the Judge's Choice awards along with the Best of Show winner.  We get to hear the stories behind the creative projects.  This year the awards show was virtual so it was a great opportunity to hear what the winners had to say about their projects!
Mar 4, 2021
53 min
Principal Conversation - Mental Health in the Workplace
Amy and Shaun chat with Mike Caguin CCO of Colle McVoy, a creative agency in the Twin Cities. Mike provides interesting statistics and insight regarding mental health in the workplace. Amy enlightens us to her radio DJ background, and Shaun learns how to be more in touch with his feelings.
Jan 4, 2021
32 min
Principal Conversation Trailer
Principal Conversation is a podcast from AAF Fox River Ad Club located in northeastern Wisconsin. Amy Soquet, AAF-District 8 Board of Governors, and Shaun Pitts, owner of Studio 44, interview guest speakers and club member Principals who lead local businesses that provide advertising, marketing, PR, design, fulfillment, and print services. Topics include life stories, industry perspectives, cultural leadership and the work.
Dec 4, 2020
3 min