Primal Potential
Primal Potential
Primal Potential with Elizabeth Benton
399: Answers To Common Fat Loss Questions
19 minutes Posted Oct 10, 2017 at 12:00 am.
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A couple years ago I regularly did "random episodes" answering listener questions & sharing my own personal hacks & strategies.

In today's episode, I'm doing both. I'm sharing a personal detoxification strategy and answering a bunch of listener questions including:

Does eating this particular food take me out of fat burning mode? What's the best thing I should eat to make sure I stay in fat burning mode? Does exercising after eating sugar prevent fat storage? I also answer some mindset related questions from listeners who are frustrated that they aren't taking action to reach their goals. They want to lose weight, they want to eat better & they know what it matters so much, but they're still failing to take action & make it happen.

I hope you enjoy the episode & if you have questions you'd like me to answer in an upcoming episode, leave them in the comments below!


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