Prepared for Takeoff Podcast

Prepared for Takeoff

KushanGaming & SSN754
Prepared for Takeoff is a bi-weekly flight sim, aviation enthusiast, and gaming podcast.
Prepared for Takeoff #19 - The Great MSFS Rant
Kushan has reinstalled P3D v5 but he's also been flying the CRJ in MSFS. SSN got some new scenery and the new Carenado. Not much news. Kushan goes on a long rant about Asobos development process.
May 14, 2021
32 min
Prepared for Takeoff #18 - The Rambling Duo Returns Part Duex!
Lots of news this week! The Aerosoft CRJ is finally out, and to Kushans surprise, its pretty good. Working Title partner with Asobo, Navigraph buys Simbrief, the FlyByWire A32X is now a standalone aircraft, and the latest updates to MSFS 2020. Note from Kushan: Yes I know my audio is bad. I tried fixing it during editing but eventually threw up my hands in frustration. Am working on possible fixes for it in future episodes.
Apr 23, 2021
51 min
Prepared for Takeoff #17 - The Rambling Duo Returns!
The rambling duo returns, for real this time. Kushan gives his Honeycomb Bravo impressions. Spolier: He loves it! Then the guys talk about some new addons, including OrbX The Skypark for MSFS, which Kushan bought literally right after the podcast ended. There's also a bit of for shadowing but we'll get to that in Februrary's episode...
Feb 12, 2021
33 min
Prepared for Takeoff #16 - Taking Flight Again!
The guys are back! We recorded a number of episodes since are last one but Kushan didn't edit them. Both have been flying a lot in MSFS, with very different experiences. SSN has had a smooth experience while Kushan has experienced every issue imaginable.
Oct 9, 2020
34 min
Prepared for Takeoff #15 - MSFS First Impressions
MSFS is upon us! This week SSN and Kushan talk about their first week in the new sim and give there first impressions of it. Hint: They've both been playing a lot of it.
Aug 31, 2020
34 min
Prepared for Takeoff #14 - MSFS Media Blitz
MSFS NDA has been lifted. This week the guys talk about the prelaunch media blitz as well as 3rd party add-on announcements.
Aug 7, 2020
43 min
Prepared for Takeoff #13 - MSFS Ramble Hour
What happens when Kushan doesn't do show notes? We start off talking about MSFS and the recently announced release date. Then we move on to talk about PC building, back MSFS, briefly mention some other games Kushan is looking forward to in August, then finally back to MSFS. Yes, we rambled a lot.
Jul 28, 2020
45 min
Prepared for Takeoff #12 - Northern Fury: H-Hour Interview
This week SSN754 and Kushan are joined by Bart Gauvin & Joel Radunzel to talk about the one year anniversary of their book NORTHERN FURY: H-HOUR, the first book in their Fury series, as well as the audio book release!
May 8, 2020
50 min
Prepared for Takeoff #11 - EDC Stream and Prepar3d v5!
Kushan is recovering from stream his Operation El Dorado Canyon Command - Modern Operations scenario in real time for 11 1/2 hours! Actual flight sim discussion this week! Kushan finally bought the Honeycomb Yoke and a few addon's and SSN bought Prepar3d v5!
Apr 20, 2020
44 min
Prepared for Takeoff #10 - World War 3 1987 Blog
This week the guys are joined by their first guest, Mike author of the World War 3 1987 Blog! We touch on the origins of the blog but spend most of the time talking about Mikes experiences wargaming the conflict of the blog in various games.
Mar 20, 2020
58 min
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