Sharing our faith in Christ with unbelievers does not come easy for most of us. How can the gospel go from being something we can't get out to being something we can't keep in? The Apostle Paul shows us how we can grow in this area in the opening verses of his letter to the Philippians.
Scriptures Referenced: Phil 1:1-2, 12-13, 2:5-11, 3:1, 8, 20-21
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Mar 25, 2024
24 min

Is Christianity's vision of heaven less satisfying than Mormonism's? Because Jesus taught that marriage in this life doesn't carry over to the next? In this special March Madness episode, Mike and Matthew respond with a resounding NO! Tune in to hear other questions considered, including whether there'll be Marmite or pets in heaven! More importantly, we discover that no matter our marital status in this life, all our relational longings will be satisfied forever in the new creation.
Scriptures Referenced: Luke 20:27-40; 1Thess 2:19, 4:14-18
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Mar 11, 2024
29 min

"I want to be married, but the Lord hasn't provided me a spouse. Am I missing out?" This is a common sentiment for many, and an important follow up to our recent discussions on dating and whom we should marry. Tune in as Mike & Matthew help us develop a Biblical perspective on singleness and provide some healthy counsel for all of us, singles and married people alike.
Scriptures Referenced: 1Cor 7
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Mar 4, 2024
24 min

Are you weary of life's burdens at times? Join Mike & Matthew as they direct us to Christ, to find rest for our souls. And in this episode, not only do we get Mike & Matthew, but J.C. Ryle and Charles Spurgeon as well! (Musical Credits: "Give Me Jesus", Ken & Nancy Biddington, arr. Jeremy Camp)
Scriptures Referenced: Mat 11:27-30; Mat 23:4
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Feb 26, 2024
25 min

The way our culture prizes freedom gives us a huge opportunity to tell others of the freedom available in Jesus Christ. Unlike modern concepts of freedom, the freedom Jesus offers is not just freedom from, but freedom for. Only in the Lord Jesus can we enjoy both halves of freedom. As John Stott says in this week's reading, "I have found Jesus Christ to be the key to freedom."
Scriptures Referenced: Luke 4:18-19; Exo; John 8:31-36; Mark 5:1-20, 8:34
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Feb 19, 2024
22 min

One of the ways to keep our appreciation of Christ's death fresh is to learn more about the cross. In this episode we learn that one of the reasons Christ died on the cross was to be our Christus Victor. When we view the story of the Bible from this lens, the incarnation becomes an invasion, Golgotha a battlefield, and the cross becomes the Snake Crusher's mighty death blow to the head of the serpent. At the cross, Christ not only died for us, but also fought for us. And conquered by dying!
Scriptures Referenced:Gen 3:15; Acts 10:36-38; Mar 3:27; Col 2:13-15; 1Thess 1:9-10; Col 1:13-14; Rev 20-22
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Feb 12, 2024
25 min

Do you know one of the greatest things about being a Christian? It means you are a follower of Christ! And there is no one like the Lord Jesus Christ. Refresh your appreciation of his uniqueness, and how the Christian faith is really all about Christ, in this first installment of our February reading challenge with John Stott's Why I Am a Christian.
Scriptures Referenced:Mat 11:28; Php 1:21; John 5:39; Heb 1:1-2
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Feb 5, 2024
19 min

Attention: the 2024 Practicology Reading Challenge begins now! This February we are reading through John Stott's brief but compelling case for the Christian faith, "Why I Am a Christian" - a short book of wisdom for believers, seekers, and skeptics. Tune in to hear more or less everything you need to know to join in. There will be a prize draw for those who finish the challenge, with AT LEAST 10 Prints of Peace sweatshirts to be given away. See the Practicology website for a reading schedule!
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Jan 26, 2024
8 min

Sometimes just getting out of bed in the morning can be a challenge, especially when our desire for God has gone as cold as winter. Perhaps it would help if we could wake up to the Lord Jesus calling us in the morning? Especially if his words revealed the wonderful truth, that even when our longing for him cools, his longings for us remain as strong and fervent as ever!
Scriptures Referenced: Song 2:8-14; Eph 5:22-33
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Jan 22, 2024
15 min

In his book on How to Read Proverbs, Tremper Longman III says that one of that book's themes is Loving the Right Woman. He adds “Proverbs understands that a good wife [or husband!] is one of the most important things in life." While acknowledging that marriage isn't for everyone, Matthew & Mike discuss the goodness of marriage and some principles from Scripture for how to identify someone with whom we should be happy to pursue a relationship.
Scriptures Referenced:Gen 24; Prov 12:4; Prov 18:22; Prov 31:10; Prov 31:30
Visit PracticologyPodcast.com for more episodes.Follow the Practicology Podcast on Twitter and Facebook
Jan 15, 2024
36 min
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