Postflop Poker Podcast
Postflop Poker Podcast
Postflop Poker
Postflop Poker Podcast - Episode 91 - ICM and Push/Fold
1 hour 5 minutes Posted Sep 28, 2019 at 10:45 pm.
Ben returns from his trip to Western Australia and his meeting with Captain Quayle, but is definitely a bit rusty when asked to explain ICM. Thankfully Merv is on hand to rescue him. Both hosts struggle without their trusty runsheet, which was deleted by Mike "The Eraser". There's a strat-chat hand
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Ben returns from his trip to Western Australia and his meeting with Captain Quayle, but is definitely a bit rusty when asked to explain ICM. Thankfully Merv is on hand to rescue him. Both hosts struggle without their trusty runsheet, which was deleted by Mike "The Eraser". There's a strat-chat hand (38:21) from long-term patron Grant Thomas, who focuses on survival in an ICM intense spot, when he'd have been better off showing more aggression.