This message brings to conclusion our sermon series in 1 Timothy. It discusses the following three points in relation to spiritual gifts: (1) All Christians are called to ministry; (2) There is a wide variety of ministries; (3) Through spiritual gifts the church is equipped for its mission in the world.
The post Using Gifts Faithfully appeared first on Word International Ministries UK.
Dec 6, 2015

Too many 'Christians' have stopped attending church worship and activities due to one reason or another. They find it really difficult to go back more so to recover their enthusiasm for God. Let us look at the book of Zechariah and learn how the Lord persuades the people of Israel to return to him and restore their dedication to him.
The post Getting Back on Track appeared first on Word International Ministries UK.
Jun 21, 2015

This week Pastor Stefan looks at the Lord's Supper and what it means for us today. The all age sermon covers Luke 22:7-20.
The post Remember Me appeared first on Word International Ministries UK.
Jun 14, 2015

The prophet Micah reminds us worship is about bringing delight to the Lord and not the other way around. Our blessing is to bless the Lord!
The post What Does God Require? appeared first on Word International Ministries UK.
Jun 7, 2015

The third sermon in the series 'Minor Prophets - Major Themes' comes from the book of Hosea. It discusses how the prophet's marriage to Gomer serves as a metaphor of Israel's unfaithfulness and God's loving response.
The post The Relentless Love of God appeared first on Word International Ministries UK.
May 17, 2015

This week's Sermon sermon will try to help us better understand what it means to follow Jesus, to grow as disciples and be watchful in the way we live today. The scripture comes from Mark 14:32-42.
The post Keep Watch: Asleep in Gethsemane (Mark 14) appeared first on Word International Ministries UK.
Apr 19, 2015

This week's podcast is from Pastor Rene's Easter Sermon where he recounts the 'unbelievable' story of the Messiah's resurrection.
"Don’t be alarmed," he said. "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.'" (Mark 16:6-7)
The post Easter Message appeared first on Word International Ministries UK.
Apr 5, 2015

This Sunday we look at the title 'Son of Man' which is used only by Jesus and always with reference to himself. The Scripture is based on Mark 8:14-33. We learn to answer questions like 'How does this title help us know Jesus better?' 'Will it be useful in curing our own blurred vision of Him?' 'And what does it mean to follow a suffering Messiah?'
The post The Son of Man Must Suffer (Mark 8) appeared first on Word International Ministries UK.
Mar 15, 2015

One of the most important titles of Jesus in Mark is 'Son of God'. When we hear it, we often think of Jesus' authority over nature, evil, sickness and even death.
The post Jesus – The Son of God (Mark 12) appeared first on Word International Ministries UK.
Mar 9, 2015

The first episode of the new series 'Who is this Jesus?' tackles the scripture according to Mark of who this man is that we call Jesus.
The post The Good News of Jesus Christ (Mark) appeared first on Word International Ministries UK.
Mar 1, 2015