Your Dream Business Podcast

Your Dream Business

Teresa Heath-Wareing
Hi! I’m Teresa if you are a business owner who is striving to build a business and life you dream of on your own terms and doing something you love then this is the podcast for you! Each week I will share with you business, marketing and mindset tools and strategies that I used to start and grow my own dream business. I also bring you the world's experts and best in the industry to share their knowledge and give you the latest tools and tactics to ensure you are marketing and growing your business! My guests have included. Amy Porterfield, Pat Flynn, Rick Mulready, Brian Fanzo, Tyler J McCall, Andrew & Pete, James Wedmore & Jasmine Star!
Unlock the Secrets to Scaling Your Business: Ryan Deiss Shares his Expert Advice
Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Ryan Deiss, where we are talking all about how to scale your business for true freedom and growth. Ryan kindly shares his very honest stories of scaling his own businesses to achieve huge success, how he had to get out of his own way, and the conflicts he experienced between building a business and sacrificing family time. Ryan Deiss is a serial entrepreneur, author, and investor, and according to Shark Tank star Daymond John, “His companies practically own the internet.” He is the Founder and CEO of The Scalable Company (,, and a Founding Partner at Scalable Equity, LLC, an equity accelerator that builds, acquires, and invests inB2B media, services, and software brands. Ryan is also the founder and host of the Traffic & Conversion Summit, the largest digital marketing conference in North America. He also quite literally wrote the book on modern marketing, Digital Marketing For Dummies (Wiley), which is now in its second edition.   KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST The evolution of online marketing and adapting to changing times The key differences between growing your business and scaling your business How to define your target audience for effective marketing If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to iTunes and give me a review, I would be so very grateful. LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Buy Ryan's Book, 'Get Scalable: The Operating System Your Business Needs To Run and Scale Without You' Connect with Ryan on Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn Connect with through their website, Instagram or Facebook Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook
Feb 26, 2024
45 min
Why 2023 was a bad year for my business, and why I’m ok with it!
Today’s episode of the podcast is a personal account of the honest and sometimes uncomfortable struggles that I faced last year, that resulted in 2023 being a complete flop for my business.   KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST What happened to me in 2023 and the transformation that followed The one goal I am so proud to have achieved last year Why I am starting a new podcast, that launches today I would like to thank you in advance for listening to this podcast, and for your continued kindness.   LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Listen to my new podcast, 'Losing Part Of Me', right now Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook   Transcript Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the Your Dream Business Podcast. Okay. I feel very nervous today about what I'm going to talk about. I feel like I've ridiculously teased it and built it up, maybe for you guys, but a lot in my own head. But I, and I've written no script. I've written, not that I script my podcast, because you know, I can't read things in public. But I normally have a few notes about what I'm going to talk about, whereas today I have nothing. So I really hope to goodness, this is not the first episode you're finding from me because otherwise it's going to be quite an unusual one. I have started a new podcast and the reason I've started a new podcast is because last year my business and my life did not go how I expected. In fact, it was probably financially one of the worst years in my business, but I'm not at all concerned or bothered by that because I did something so ginormous that nothing else could have been dealt with in my world apart from me dealing with this one thing. So basically, Last year in 2023, I spent the year getting sober and I have decided that I want to start a podcast, which is only going to be one season at this point. I don't know whether it will be more ever or not, but it's one season of a podcast and the podcast is called losing part of me. Because getting sober wasn't just a nice thing for me to do and it wasn't just a I would feel so much better if I didn't drink scenario. I had an addiction to alcohol. I choose not to use the term alcoholic. I don't like it and I don't find it helpful for me. I'm sure there's people out there who find it helpful for them, but not for me. But the truth is I had an addiction to alcohol. And I have decided to share this with the world, which now I'm regretting slightly, but I have decided to share this with the world for a couple of reasons. The first reason is From a business point of view and from a you listening to this podcast point of view, I pride myself on being authentic, on being vulnerable, being honest. And that is one area of my life that I've not been, not even to myself. And it's really hard for me to go through something so massive in my world and not share it with you lot and not share it with the people who are in my world, which is you listening to this podcast. I know that obviously. I do share lots. I do share lots about me. And I said before many times that my aim is to share the scar and not the wound. So when I was in it last year, literally...
Feb 19, 2024
17 min
Turning Dreams into Reality: Building a Successful Online Business
Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Becci Hollis, where we are talking all about how she stopped trading her time for money and created an online business that has meant she now has the freedom to be able to work from anywhere in the world. In this episode, Becci shares her story so far, what was necessary to have in place to create the online business she has today, as well as some invaluable insights and tips for people who want to work more passively. Becci is a nail technician, beauty educator and the owner of Blossom Academy. She started in the beauty industry just over 9 years ago and built her business from doing clients in between and after university lectures, to being fully booked and completely self employed. She became an educator so that she could pass on her knowledge and passion to help others to create their own successful beauty business. KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST The importance of passion, hard work and being willing to invest, if you want to succeed The lessons Becci has learned and the key behind being able to scale an online business The marketing strategy behind Becci's success If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to iTunes and give me a review, I would be so very grateful. LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Connect with Becci on Instagram Find out more about Blossom Academy Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook
Feb 12, 2024
44 min
Social Media Made Simple: How To Market Your Business Without The Overwhelm
Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Becci McEvoy, where we are talking all about her Boss Your Socials Framework, that was designed to help you simplify your content, show up and be heard on your socials. In this episode, Becci shares lots of simple, actionable tips and advice, that you can go away and implement straight away to help you create consistent and engaging content. Becci is an award winning Social Media Marketer who specialises in Content Strategy and Organic Growth. Her mission is to cut through the noise of 'experts' to make social media marketing accessible and easy to understand for businesses that can't afford to outsource, or who don't have the teams required to implement most of the advice given to them. KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST How Becci's journey of self discovery has helped her to grow the business she has today How to know which boundaries you need for your business to thrive on social media How to optimise your social media content to encourage more engagement If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to iTunes and give me a review, I would be so very grateful. LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Connect with Becci on Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook Check out the Boss Your Socials Club Read Becci's blog on 'The Mindset Shift You Need For Instagram Success' Sign up to receive Becci's emails Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook
Feb 5, 2024
58 min
From Self Doubt to Success: 5 Ways You Self Silence And How To Overcome It
Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Fifi Mason, where we are talking all about what self-silencing is and how it can impact you in business In this episode, Fifi shares some amazing insights into the reasons you might be self-silencing, as well as her top tips to move past self-silencing, so that you can show up for those you want to serve. Fifi Mason is a Personal Brand and Visibility Coach, her mission and purpose is to help individuals with quieter voices show up authentically, amplify their impact and create the change they wish to see in the world. KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST Reasons you might be self silencing and the impact it has on your business Practical ways to overcome self silencing The mindset shift that takes you from self doubt to serving your audience If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to iTunes and give me a review, I would be so very grateful. LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Buy Fifi's mini book 'Stop Self Silencing' Connect with Fifi Mason Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook
Jan 29, 2024
46 min
Awakened Living: A Story of Healing, Self-Discovery, and Pivoting in Business
Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Roseanna Croft, where she talks openly about her forced spiritual awakening, by way of cancer diagnosis, and her journey through to remission. Roseanna is a Jungian Life Coach and meditation master who helps women create a life they truly love living, in alignment with their truth. Her passion for spirituality and self-discovery helped her completely turn her life around and she now helps many others do the same. Roseanna is also an author, speaker and YouTuber on the topics of spiritual growth and personal development. KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST Roseanna's journey from cancer diagnosis to being cancer free The importance of getting aligned with your version of success The alignment between your goals and your likelihood of achieving them Disclaimer: neither Teresa or Roseanna are experts in cancer or treatment for disease and illness and this episode is not intended to advise anyone on how to treat their own cancer or diagnose an illness. This is purely an account of Roseanna's personal experience including some spiritual and some scientific backed practices that she used throughout her journey. If you are facing your own cancer journey then please do speak to medical professionals and conduct your own thorough research, and choose what is right for you. LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Connect with Roseanna on Instagram Find Roseanna on YouTube Listen to Teresa's episode on Roseanna's podcast, The Mandala Effect Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook
Jan 22, 2024
43 min
Your Best Year Yet: Goal Setting for 2024 + Free Workbook for Your Success
Today’s episode of the podcast is all about making sure you are in a position to set your goals for 2024; so if you haven't set yours yet, or you need to add detail to the ones you have, then this is the episode for you! I delve into how you can ensure that the goals you set are based on what YOU want, what YOUR business is, and what season of life YOU are in. And the best bit? This episode comes with a free goal setting workbook, that you can fill in whilst you listen or at a later date! If you loved this episode, then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to iTunes and give me a review. I would be so very grateful. KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST The questions you need to ask yourself before you set your goals The questions to ask yourself during the process of setting your goals How to break your goals down into actionable steps and avoid self-sabotage LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Download the Goal Setting workbook Secure your spot at my Insider Experience Sign up to Teresa's email list Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook
Jan 15, 2024
22 min
Purposeful Steps: Aligning Your Thoughts and Actions for Success
Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Aneta Ardelian Kuzma, where we are talking all about how can we align our daily choices in order to help us achieve our goals. Aneta is a holistic life coach, executive coach, wellness expert, and yoga, meditation, and breathwork teacher. She is the host of the podcast Live the Width of Your Life. On her show, she explores what it means to live life more fully, with intention, gratitude, and joy. She also recently published her first book, titled Live the Width of Your Life: 365 Daily Meditations on living with purpose, passion, and peace. Her passion is helping others to create lives of purpose, passion, and peace. KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST Productivity habits and rituals to help you be more successful Setting boundaries and protecting your energy as a busy business owner How to know when you're being kind to yourself and when you're self sabotaging LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Check out Aneta's website Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook
Jan 8, 2024
49 min
Embrace the No: How Seeking Rejection Can Amplify Your Brand
Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Liz Mosley, where we are talking all about the challenge she set herself to receive 100 rejections in her business, what she learned and why embracing rejection is important for your brand! Liz Mosley is a graphic designer with over 15 years experience and now specialises in creating creative branding and animated GIFS for small business owners. She also hosts a podcast called Building Your Brand and teaches courses showing people how to create their own branding and GIFS if they don’t have the budget to outsource it.   KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST Overcoming embarrassment and shame in personal and professional growth The concept of "failing forward" and how it can help you learn from your mistakes and move forward quickly Practical tips on how to pitch to be a guest on a podcast and what you need to consider   LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Connect with Liz on Instagram Download Liz's Rejection Challenge Trello Template Listen to Liz's podcast 'Building Your Brand' Check out Liz's website Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook   Transcript Teresa: Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the Your Dream Business Podcast. How are you doing? So we are back with another interview. I don't know if I'm going to like bring back some solo ones. I will at some point. I just go with the flow and see how I feel. But at the moment, I'm really enjoying the interviews and I'm loving having some of these people on, which is awesome. So today I have the very lovely Liz Mosley, who is a graphic designer with 15 years experience, and she now specializes in creating creative brands and animated GIFs for small business owners. She's also the host of a podcast called Building Your Brand and teaches courses, showing people how to create their own branding and GIFs. It's a, there's an interesting story cause I was on her podcast, but we'll get to that later. Liz, welcome to the podcast. Liz: Thanks for having me. It's nice to be here. Teresa: My pleasure. So let's just start with the, I was on your podcast and you asked me to do something very unique on your podcast. Didn't you? Liz: I know I really loved it and it was such a popular, popular episode, but yeah, I asked you to basically come on my podcast and coach me, which I think we were both a bit scared about cause you were scared that you would. You would coach me and everyone would be like, what's she even doing? And then I was scared that I, I have like a tendency to overshare. So I was scared that I treated like a therapy session...
Jan 1, 2024
53 min
Merry Christmas
Today’s episode of the podcast is a short and sweet Christmas message from me to you! Have a really beautiful Christmas and I hope you have a very happy new year ❤️ LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED IN TODAY’S EPISODE Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook
Dec 25, 2023
1 min
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