Podcasts and articles dedicated to inspiration, entrepreneurship and self-motivation Podcast

Podcasts and articles dedicated to inspiration, entrepreneurship and self-motivation

Podcasts dedicated to inspiration, entrepreneurship and self-motivation
#7 - AxelleTessandier - Je refuse que la peur dicte mes choix
Le 23 Décembre dernier j’ai eu la chance de passer 2h à interviewer Axelle Tessandier. Personnage clé de la campagne présidentielle d’Emmanuel Macron. Elle a 36 ans, est également fondatrice d’Axl Agency, une agence de réflexion et d’action sur la transition numérique qu’elle a créée à San Francisco en 2013. Après 5 années passées en Californie (2010–2016), c’est le 1 er Janvier 2016 qu’elle décide de revenir vivre à Paris pour s'engager pour son pays.
Feb 4, 2018
1 hr 33 min
#6 - Stephanie Crespin - Sky is the limit
Stephanie Crespin is CEO at Style Tribute, she co-founded Style Tribute with Denis Arendt, a Singapore-based start-up that aims at revolutionising the luxury second-hand industry, offering online marketplaces where individuals can buy & sell authenticated goods in a trusted and premium-looking environment.. Her career is pretty impressive Enjoy :)
Nov 19, 2017
34 min
#5 - Agnes Hugot - Financial crisis in Greece was a complete misunderstanding
Agnes Hugot is Co-founder at Cités Gestion, a digital trade platform run on Distributed Ledger Technology to automatize cross border commerce between SMEs in ASEAN and digitalize trade finance/insurance business models. Before her Asian adventure, Agnes was pretty involved on the post sub-primes crisis in Greece. This part of the economic story is quite unknown and really interesting. Her career is pretty impressive Enjoy :)
Nov 12, 2017
28 min
#4 - Dave Kwong - Don't think too much and try
Dave Kwong is Associate at Incubate fund, the largest early stage VC fund based in Japan which also have offices in India and in Singapore. Dave started working in Corporate Finance, especially in M&A. Then he had the chance to start as a VC. His main role is to source interesting deals and opportunities outside Japan, mainly in Singapore and Indonesia. He is also advisor in terms of strategy, fundraising, marketing and operations for some ventures of the portfolio. His beginning of his career is pretty impressive Enjoy :)
Nov 5, 2017
18 min