Podcast Pontifications Podcast
Podcast Pontifications
Evo Terra
Podcast Pontifications
Evo Terra
THIS SHOW IS CURRENTLY ON HIATUS - PLEASE ENJOY THE ARCHIVE OF CONTENT FOCUSED ON MAKING PODCASTING BETTER. Where plenty of podcasts about podcasting (PAPs) tell you what to do, Podcast Pontifications gives you what to think about in podcasting. These insightful forward-looking episodes have one central tenet: Podcasting needs to be made better, not just easier. Designed for the working podcaster, these short-form episodes get you thinking about the future of podcasting and how you can better prepare yourself -- and your shows -- for the future. The goal is simple: help you develop critical thinking skills needed to make the best future-proofed podcast you can with the tools of today. Plus a few sneak previews of what might be coming tomorrow. Hosted by Podcast Hall of Fame Class of 2022 inductee Evo Terra. This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy Podsights - https://podsights.com/privacy
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Available episodes
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Latest episode
2 years ago
February 15, 2023
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