Podcast Experts | Radio That Doesn't Suck Inc.
Podcast Experts | Radio That Doesn't Suck Inc.
Podcast Experts | Radio That Doesn't Suck Inc.
#MOTM Vol 58 GAIL KIRSCHENBAUM Parent #Abuse Apr 29 2015
57 minutes Posted May 1, 2015 at 1:23 pm.
pm ROM Theater
pm Empress Walk 6
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Gayle asks, "Did you ever feel like you were born into the wrong family?" Perhaps you aren't quite like your siblings, or there are different rules for you than them. You wonder if you are adopted, as there is constant criticism about your entire being. Or your mother tells you, when you're a girl, that you were supposed to be a boy. Gary, not Gayle. Do you have childhood scars? This is the subject matter of "Look at us NOW Mother!", an amazing new film chronicling the early years right up to present day of Gayle Kirschenbaum's difficult relationship with her mother, and the process that she goes through to understand her mother's upbringing, and how it impacted her parenting style, and ultimately Gayle's well being.
Her journey to filmmaking began with a short film called "My Nose" that was created when her mother continued to badger her to get a nose job, and she agreed to attend a consult, as long as she could document the appointment on film. She did the appointment, but the resulting short was discovered and caused quite a stir, and critics were unanimous:
“Dazzling self-confidence.” - Washington Post
“Hilarious romp” - Jewish Week
“A big little movie” - Thrive
Gayle says:
"Audiences wanted to know how I handled my highly critical mother. After screenings audience members shared their stories. Unexpectedly, I found myself teaching people how I did it by using my “Seven Healing Tools” on how to transform abusive relationships. I soon realized, as a filmmaker who has a huge archive of footage and funny and smart mother who was agreeable, that it was my mission to tell my whole story. That’s why I made this deeply personal feature documentary, LOOK AT US NOW, MOTHER! "
Gayle is candid about some of the things you'll see in the movie, as well as the ongoing relationship with her mother, and also discovering more about her abusive father and her father's 'henchman', her brothers. Not only did she survive this childhood trauma, she is now thriving to tell her story, after telling others' stories as a filmmaker, but endeavouring to help others now. Gayle adds:
"As I launch this film into the world, my mission is to help others. And together with an incredible team, we will build a movement to do that and welcome your support and participation."
To find out more about Gayle or the movie, please visit: http://www.lookatusnowmother.com
visit Gayle on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kplookatusnowmother?fref=ts
Gayle will be in Toronto from May 6-8, where the movie will be screened as part of the Toronto Jewish Film Festival, here are the details:
Friday, May 8th at
Sunday, May 10th (Mother's Day) at
Hear Gayle on "Matters Of The Mind" with Dr. Peter Sacco at 8p EST on Wednesday by clicking the Listen Live button at the top right of the page, but if you miss it, it will be on demand Thursday, right here, or find us on iTunes podcast at https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/rtds-listen-up-talk/id910538503?mt=2
#movie, #mentalhealth, #GayleKirschenbaum, #documentary, #memoir, #psychology, #psyche, #depression, #anxiety, #anxious, #nervous, #motherhood, #toxic, #relationship, #podcast, #sacco, #motm, #MyNose, #abuse, #trauma, #childhood,