There's MORE in STORE in 2024!! GET INSPIRED by our first episode of the new year with New York Times bestselling author and global communications expert, David Murray. The head of the Professional Speechwriters Association talks to Pivotal Moment about making sense of today's issues and how to communicate effectively in our response to them. Murray, author of "An Effort to Understand: Hearing One Another (and Ourselves) in a Nation Cracked in Half" shares insight for speechwriters, communicators, industry leaders, and professionals at every stage looking for greater impact and influence in 2024.
Books by David Murray:
An Effort to Understand: Hearing One Another (and Ourselves) in a Nation Cracked in Half
Raised by Mad Men
Tell My Sons: A Father's Last Letters (co-authored with Lt. Col Mark M. Weber)
Subscribe to Writing Boots
Professional Speechwriters Association - Prorhetoric.com
New book "Soccer Dad" coming up!
Jan 8, 2024
52 min

“Burning out is not a badge of honor,” Judy West told Pivotal Moment. “Find an environment where your gifts can flourish.” West is the head of Women Executive Pastors, an international group of more than 160 women executive pastors from around the world. In this episode, she shares her insight on unlocking your spiritual gifts, walking in your God-given purpose, and finding your “rhythm” in life, rather than balance alone.
West is an executive pastor at The Crossing Church in St. Louis where her focus is on coaching, counseling and consulting. For West, leading WXP is an extension of her desire to serve and her gift to lead. If you're a woman in leadership or looking for inspiration and guidance, listen to this episode of Pivotal Moment for the lessons that help women unlock their greatness:
Find an environment where your gifts can flourish.
Use the gifts that were given to you.
It’s not about the balance of life. It’s about rhythm.
Acknowledge that you don’t know everything.
Recognize that you don’t need to prove yourself.
Figure out what your strengths are.
Be You. Find a place to use your talent and gifts
For this and so much more, tune into this episode of Pivotal Moment with Nikitta Foston.
The Crossing Churchhttps://thecrossing.church/
Women Executive Pastorshttps://wxpastors.com/
Sep 6, 2023
53 min

Two years ago, Eventnoire beat more than 200 startups to clinch the #1 spot in Mountain Dew’s Real Change Challenge. Earning the win, and a part of the $1M pool, positioned the company as a leading voice in digital solutions and a national brand in the event marketplace. Eventnoire Co-Founder Jeff Osuji talks about his vision for the company as a premier gateway for experiences that celebrate and embrace Black culture - opportunities that improve the quality of life for marginalized and underserved groups.
In this episode, Osuji discusses his journey as an entrepreneur, brand architect and growth driver. Watch to learn more about:
Eventnoire’s selection as the official ticketing platform for TechChicago Week
The role of crowdfunding in investing and wealth generation
What to consider before starting your business and biggest mistakes people make
Keys to maintaining and growing your company
How to position your business for investors
For more information on Eventnoire, visit eventnoire.com.
May 2, 2023
37 min

“Sit up. Speak up. Stand up.” For Retired Rear Admiral Annie B. Andrews, this is more than a slogan - it’s a lifestyle. Now, after 32 years in the United States Navy, the third African-American woman in the U.S. to hold the post of rear admiral - is starting a new chapter.“Admiral Annie,” is the founder of a new leadership training enterprise, specifically for women over 40. In this episode, she talks about cultivating the professional, emotional and spiritual needs of women, while harnessing their ability to lead with power and purpose.She also opens up about:
Her former role as the assistant administrator for Human Resource Management at the Federal Aviation Administration
Enhancing diversity recruitment in the U.S. Navy and initiatives to promote and support women
Her motto at the FAA: People first. Mission always. You matter.
Three keys to effective leadership: authenticity, approachability and accountability
Listen to the full episode for the pivotal moment that made the biggest impact on her journey. Learn the three keys to maximize your leadership skills every day.
If you’d like to be a part of the next cohort, visit: andrewsconsultingenterprise.com
Apr 21, 2023
47 min

"That's what I love to do.” Tolu Samuels talks to Pivotal Moment about his incredible growth spurt, from 5-foot-11 to 6-foot-7...in one season. Just outside of Chicago, Hillcrest’s star player and college-bound senior talks about dominating on the court, including epic wins at key tournaments. Now, he’s looking ahead to the future, to the program and players that fuel his energy - and his faith.
What you’ll learn about Tolu in this episode:
The comeback performance that turned the tide
How his growth spurt changed the game
Staying humble in the face of media attention
Becoming a defensive powerhouse
The key to staying agile and preventing injuries
Follow Tolu on IG @12k.tolu
Listen to Pivotal Momoent here and everywhere you find your podcasts, including Spotify, Amazon Music, Pandora, iHeartRadio, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube.
Apr 6, 2023
11 min

“I don’t let fear paralyze me from making moves,” Rockland Page told Pivotal Moment. “Fear is normal in entrepreneurship, but when you see the fruit of your labor, it propels you beyond them. That’s living the dream.”
Combining style, culture and storytelling, the founder and CEO of ROCKaBLCOK lifestyle brand is making a worldwide impact in the fashion industry. From his humble beginnings making T-shirts in his basement, to fielding TV interviews and design awards, the Chicago native recognizes the opportunity of the moment and the power of his platform.
Page’s app-enabled clothing is a reflection of his truth. One of his most popular pieces is the Freedom Fighters T-shirt, representing heroic figures who led historic battles in the fight for freedom.
“I wanted to create a platform for people to have discussions about what these heroes fought for,” he said. “About race, history, equity and how we fought so hard to have a voice. With a simple T-shirt, we can do that.” But T-shirts are only a part of his growing empire. ROCKaBLOCK sells a variety of merchandise including home goods, tote bags, art prints and sporting goods like skateboards.
Page talks to Pivotal Moment about seeing his name on billboards, the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship, and the famous entertainer he’d most like to work with in the future. Check out the full episode to find out who!
For the latest collections and hottest styles, browse ROCKaBLOCK!!
ROCKaBLOCK - Website
ROCKaBLOCK - Facebook
ROCKaBLOCK - Instagram
ROCKaBLOCK - Pinterest
[email protected]
219-472-848381 W. 7th AvenueMerrillville, Indiana 46410
Mar 13, 2023
32 min

“You help people achieve their goals. That’s leadership,” Dr. Kelly Elmore told Pivotal Moment. “When you realize the impact you can have on people, you show up.”
As chief wellness officer, Dr. Elmore travels the world, leading people to healthier lives - spiritually, physically, financially, mentally and emotionally, or “SPF ME,” part of her VivaLife global health and empowerment movement.
“VivaLife is designed to educate, encourage and inspire men, women and youth to live their best lives,” Dr. Elmore said.
As a certified OB-GYN, Dr. Elmore is especially focused on quality care for women. “The most pressing issue today for women is access to high-quality, safe, equitable, evidence-based and inclusive care.”
Dr. Elmore said she’s committed her life’s work to the delivery of care. VivaLife is the global extension of her mission and an accelerator for her message.
As we prepare for Women’s History Month in March, we celebrate women leaders who are making history today.
#WomensHistoryMonth #BlackHistoryMonth #physicianleaders #VivaLife #leadership #wellness #health
Feb 23, 2023
36 min

"History is made by the people who have power," Dana Rubin told Pivotal Moment. "So much of our story is told by men and through men's voices."
But Rubin's book, “Speaking While Female: 75 Extraordinary Speeches by American Women," debunks the myth that men were the only powerful speakers in our country's history.
"Women in America have been speaking out for nearly four centuries," Rubin said. "And their speeches have contributed to the formation of the nation, even if they’ve been written out of the history books.”
According to Rubin, the anthology "charts the story of America as it unfolded through decades, showing that at every critical juncture, women were speaking. It's a long-needed corrective to the story we have always told ourselves about whose ideas and voices shaped the nation - a search for long-buried truths, a celebration and an inspiration."
But the historic collection is also a galvanizing tool, empowering women today to move beyond their fears of speaking to the power behind their voices.
"You don't have to be a speaker to use speaking skills in your daily life. Rather than run away from those opportunities, take advantage of them, find them and use them," Rubin said. "To use your voice is to lead. If we're not all contributing, how can we be heard?"
To learn how to use your voice to lead, watch the full episode here.
Follow/Contact Dana Rubin:
✉ [email protected]
Feb 17, 2023
51 min

Dr. Constance Shabazz, CEO of Salaam Community Wellness Center of Chicago, has devoted her professional life to health care and social justice. As COVID-19 swept through the city, she witnessed the devastating impact on communities of color. Long-standing health inequities in marginalized populations were exacerbated. People with underlying health conditions were at greater risk. Those who contracted the virus were separated and isolated. Many died alone.
Shabazz had an answer: culturally competent care that recognizes and responds to the social determinants of health. She also had a vision: the Salaam Community Wellness Center of Chicago. “This is more than a center,” Shabazz said. “This is a movement.” In this episode of Pivotal Moment, Shabazz reveals the four key modalities included in her integrative approach to wellness for vulnerable populations.
Shabazz is the former CMO at Aunt Martha’s Youth Services in the south suburbs of Chicago. She received two master's degrees from St. Xavier University and a Master of Public Administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. For more than 17 years, Shabazz has provided technical assistance and program development to the federal government’s Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA), helping 300+ health centers across the U.S.
For more info, visit: salaamcwc.org, [email protected], (773) 435-9493
Oct 25, 2022
30 min

IF YOU BUILD IT, THEY WILL COME! Too many of us wait for the right time to start or expand our business. We wait to be motivated or inspired to take our vision to the next level. But TODAY is a new day! Todd Unger, Chief Experience Officer and SVP, Marketing & Member Experience at the American Medical Association says, "It's not about you, it's about the value your brand will bring to others." In this episode of Pivotal Moment, learn how to define your audience, pick your platforms, build your brand - and find more joy in the process. #brandbuilding #pivotalmoment
Oct 7, 2022
27 min
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