The Unconstrained Podcast Podcast
The Unconstrained Podcast
[email protected] (Myles Wakeham)
EP224 - How early retirees are penalized in society (Part 1 of 2) - episode of The Unconstrained Podcast podcast

EP224 - How early retirees are penalized in society (Part 1 of 2)

44 minutes Posted Dec 31, 2023 at 7:05 am.
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Everyone who slaves over a 50 hour a week job, sacrificing time from the family, the stress of meeting other people’s expectations, living paycheck to paycheck, dreams of exiting the rat race.  The hope of early retirement drives them to save more, work harder now, and one day they can tell their boss, “Take this job & shove it”.   But few understand the reality of what it looks & feels like after that event, and how it is easy to become a non-person in early retirement.