That's a wrap on season 2! The interns all perform monologues for Richard while Denny tragically passes on from a heart complication, Meredith and Derek contaminate one of the hospital rooms with sexy prom sex, and George convinces Callie not to give up on him by professing that he does not love her. All in a days work at Seattle Grace!
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Aug 25, 2022
1 hr 36 min

Step away from the patient! Bailey and Olivia step in to help Denny when they find Izzy standing over him, panting heavily and sweating profusely, Christina is triggered and fully shuts down when asked to be involved in Burke's medical care, and after a pointed conversation with Callie, George has a change of heart and finally offers amends to Meredith over their barely-sexual encounter.
Don't forget to follow us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, and follow @choosemepodcast on Spotify and Twitter for a list of official rules!
Aug 18, 2022
1 hr 23 min

NOOO! Izzy pushes our patience to the brink after cutting our wet-eyed Denny's LVAD wire, Addison gets wise about Derek's feelings for Meredith and tells him off in ways most pleasing, Doc gots cancer, and we have our first meet cute with Burke's long time rival Erica Hahn when he intercepts her donor heart.
Don't forget to follow us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, and follow @choosemepodcast on Instagram and Twitter for a list of official rules!
Aug 11, 2022
1 hr 17 min

You don't GET to call me a whore! After a full day of passive-aggressive interactions Meredith hands Derek his ass in the ultimate stairwell fight, Callie is the object of ridicule after neglecting to wash her hands in front of a jury of her bathroom peers, and Christina has some explaining to do after falling asleep during sex with Daddy Burke.
Don't forget to follow us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, and follow @choosemepodcast on Instagram and Twitter for a list of official rules!
Aug 4, 2022
1 hr 24 min

Hold your horses! "Mare"-edith helps her McVet with a horse birth on their first date as Derek tries to "rein" in his jealousy after seeing them together. George and Izzy "pony up" personal information after fighting like fools in front of a seizure patient, and Karev shows he's not just a "one trick pony" when he IS A TOTAL ASSHOLE TO ADDISON AND VIOLATES HIPPA.
Don't forget to follow us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, and follow @choosemepodcast on Instagram and Twitter for a list of official rules!
Jul 28, 2022
1 hr 22 min

Mama Mia! Bailey's being mommy tracked and it ain't right, Izzie is awful, passive-aggressive, nosy, and rude toward Callie, and while Alex won't stop runn-ING his mouth, a run-IN with Thatcher's daughter and wife confuses everything Meredith thought she knew about her father.
Don't forget to follow us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, and follow @choosemepodcast on Instagram and Twitter for a list of official rules!
Jul 21, 2022
1 hr 18 min

No whammies! Izzy feeds into superstition and goes full-thug on Christina's ass when she believes Burke requires his fancy hat to perform surgery on Denny. Addison spreads juju around the hospital whilst reigniting her chemistry with Derek, and Meredith has THE best hair we have yet seen on this show...we also learn that Richard is an alcoholic.
Don't forget to follow us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, and follow @choosemepodcast on Instagram and Twitter for a list of official rules.
Jul 14, 2022
1 hr 18 min

Annie are you OK?! A patient with a fork in her neck makes Derek hum a different tune, Karev is confused when a call to the on-call room is not a booty call, and Izzy begins her journey to ghost sex when Denny starts crashing.
Don't forget to follow us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, and follow @choosemepodcast on Instagram and Twitter for a list of official rules!
Jul 7, 2022
1 hr 17 min

Hold on to your butts! Callie has arrived, and George's tumble down a flight of stairs has Callie asking if it was, in fact, a fall from heaven....because he looks like an angel? OK, it wasn't exactly like that, but Callie is here!! Meredith and Derek are engaging in sneaky squirrel business, and a romp through the wilderness leaves Addison with a burning sensation deep down in her....heart?
Don't forget to follow us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, and follow @choosemepodcast on Instagram and Twitter for a list of official rules!
Jun 23, 2022
1 hr 24 min

It's a Smize off!! Mark Sloan shows up and it's a total knockout, Burke finds out Christina has a dirty little secret...apartment, and George unknowingly puts Meredith, Kari, Leslie and Caitlin in a super awkward situation. You're going to want to see this! Or look away?
Don't forget to follow us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, and follow @choosemepodcast on Instagram and Twitter for a list of official rules!
Jun 16, 2022
1 hr 24 min
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