An audio tour of the eye, visual signal transduction, and information processing
Dec 15, 2023
1 hr 12 min

In this episode I describe the origination of the different Tissues in our bodies and go into detail describing the appearance, functions and locations of the basic tissue categories and epithelial Tissues. It got a little long so this will be part 1 of 2.
Oct 5, 2023
48 min

In this episode I give you a general overview of the nervous system, including its structural and functional divisions, and we discuss various topics like fighter flight responses how the brain is a wet computer (don't @ me on that) and a bunch of other fun thing. There's also a short motivational speech about how if you think you are dumb you probably aren't and how intelligence is teachable. Enjoy!
May 13, 2022
31 min

In this episode I explain why calcium in our blood plasma is such an important ion what kinds of things it does when we have adequate plasma calcium and what tends to happen when our plasma calcium is disregulated. I also discuss how calcium levels in the plasma are managed by the endocrine system and the cells that build and dissolve bone in our skeletal system.
Apr 26, 2022
16 min

In this episode I discuss the way cells and their membranes set up electrochemical gradients and how those gradients can be used to do work and depolarize the cell according to the laws and principles of thermodynamics. This describes the electrical activity of both neurons and skeletal muscle cells.
Apr 26, 2022
45 min

In this episode I describe the various kinds of joints and joints classifications, and discuss joint accessories and diseases affecting joints. This episode corresponds to chapter 9 in the martini textbook we use for Biol&241
Apr 26, 2022
40 min

In this episode suggested by a former student of mine, we discuss the role of the renin angiotensin aldosterone system in heart failure, which heart failure drugs target the RAAS, and basics of how some of them work. Digressions include why you should ask questions and how to submit topics you'd like me to cover on the podcast.
Mar 1, 2022
1 hr 21 min

I talk through the coronary circulation and how coronary artery disease affects that and EKG traces in the event of myocardial infarction. Then, we pivot to factors affecting circulation and venous return, and finish with a bit of comparative physiology and a giraffe fact. 🦒
Feb 9, 2022
1 hr 15 min

In this episode I describe the weird history of Blood Transfusion, talk about whole blood and its components, and discuss how to make sense of antigens, antibodies and transfusion reactions.
Oct 4, 2021
47 min

In this episode I describe how human sex determination works during embryonic development and give a detailed audio tour of the typical internal and external anatomy of xy individuals
Oct 2, 2021
34 min
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