Pertaining to People Podcast Podcast
Pertaining to People Podcast
Pertaining to People Podcast
Season 2! Episode 1: Brrr! A Brief History and Archaeology of the Arctic - episode of Pertaining to People Podcast podcast

Season 2! Episode 1: Brrr! A Brief History and Archaeology of the Arctic

1 hour 1 minutes Posted Jun 30, 2021 at 11:58 pm.
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Show notes
We're back, baby! Gill, Lulu and Kelsey took some time off to finish up the school year, but we are back with a second season for all our lovely People! Since Kelsey is currently in the Yukon, and Gill also focuses on Arctic Archaeology, we thought our first episode back after our hiatus would be about the history of the resourceful, resilient people that inhabit the Circumpolar North, as well as how Arctic archaeology is conducted and some of the pros and cons of working up North (spoiler alert: one of the cons is polar bears).
With the heatwave we are currently in, we are also constantly reminded of climate disaster that we are experiencing globally. We briefly discuss the insights we can glean from the Arctic, and how it is affected.
Cool off with this *chill* episode during these hot summer months!
**Note: Kelsey had to record outside, surrounded by a bunch of people, so there are some background noises that we couldn't edit out.
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Intro/Outro Music
The Spaghetti Western Set by Brett Van Donsel Music -
Appelt, M., Damkjar, E., & Friesen, M. (2016). “Late Dorset”. In The Oxford Handbook of the Prehistoric Arctic. Max Friesen and Owen Mason, eds. Oxford University Press.
Friesen, T. M. (2020). Radiocarbon Evidence for Fourteenth-Century Dorset Occupation in the Eastern North American Arctic. American Antiquity, 85(2), 222-240.
Hollesen, J., Callanan, M., Dawson, T., Fenger-Nielsen, R., Friesen, T. M., Jensen, A. M., Markham, A., Martens, V. V., Pitulko, V. V., & Rockman, M. (2018). Climate change and the deteriorating archaeological and environmental archives of the Arctic. Antiquity, 92(363), 573-586.
Jeppesen, E., Appelt, M., Hastrup, K., Grønnow, B., Mosbech, A., Smol, J. P., & Davidson, T. A. (2018). Living in an oasis: Rapid transformations, resilience, and resistance in the North Water Area societies and ecosystems. Ambio, 47(s2), 296–309.
Other Resources
National Film Board of Canada - Netsilik Inuit Videos -
@shinanova (throat singing) on Instagram and Tik Tok