Show notes
Our sincerest apologies for the looooong unintended hiatus before the release of this episode. This semester really got the best of us (mostly Gillian) and I dropped the ball on this episode. Very sorry about that! “Peas” forgive us. Hope you still enjoy :)Yes, we took a break, but we’re “bok” now. In this episode (recorded way back in October… and supposed to be released then), Kelsey, Lulu and Gill talk about all things agricultural. We wanted to do a fall-themed episode, and so “lettuce” tell you about different types of agricultural practices that one doesn’t always hear about. When you hear “harvest” do you only think of cornucopias overflowing and square patches of land? If so, come learn about some other practices that were used for millenia! And learn a fun fact about potatoes to tell your friends. There is also a mini interview included with the lovely Chelsea Klinke. This episode can’t be “beet.”Intro/Outro Music The Spaghetti Western Set by Brett Van Donsel Music - ReferencesCabanis, M.; Deberge, Y.; Bouby, L.; & Marià Hajnalovà & Philippe Marinval & Christine Mennesssier-Jouannet & Christine Vermeulen & Gérard Vernet. (2015). Changes in crop cultivation during the last five centuries before the Roman conquest: Archaeobotanical investigation in the Clermont-Ferrand basin, Massif Central, France.Lightfoot, D. (1996). The Nature, History, and Distribution of Lithic Mulch Agriculture: An Ancient Technique of Dryland Agriculture. The Agricultural History Review, 44(2), 206-222. Retrieved January 3, 2021, from, Jane. (2016) "Food Yields and Nutrient Analyses of the Three Sisters: A Haudenosaunee Cropping System." Ethnobiology Letters 7, no. 1: 87-98.Chelsea Klinke: YYC Growers: Verge Permaculture: Calgary Guild: Foodscape Calgary: Calgary Harvest: Dirt Boys Urban Farming: Leaf and Lyre Urban Farms: